diy solar

diy solar

Heads-Up ! BUYING ALERT ! USA may ban Alibaba and more SOONISH !

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I have my own political views which may or may not be similar to yours, but I didn't come to this forum to discuss politics or read other peoples political views.
Maybe time for the admins to close this thread.
Why enter the thread and read it then?
I POSTED THIS "NEWS" because it HAS an Impact on what WE HERE ARE DOING - Buying Batteries Plus.
Not to start political dumphookery - The politicians are good enough doing that to themselves, leave it to them.

Religion, Politics Gender Equality, Race and such things are FORUM TOXINS to be avoided at ALL COSTS to keep a forum healthy & productive.
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Steve, I was the first responder to your post. I ignored the loaded titles of the links you provided, which could be considered political in nature.

Getting back to the topic, sort of, the claims that Tik Tok is bad and is spying on us seem to get downplayed by people demanding to see the proof. As a geek, I wouldn't mind seeing the proof, but from a security standpoint if the counter espionage folks have raised the red flag on Tik Tok, if proof is shown then the Chinese will just work around that. Plus, they'll know how we figured it out. If spying was put in once, they'll put it in again.
From where I am standing espionage has been a fact of life throughout history. It has become easier and more robust with modern technology. Previously I only thought I needed a VPN when traveling in China to access my Gmail. Today I am seriously considering one permanently.
I have my own political views which may or may not be similar to yours, but I didn't come to this forum to discuss politics or read other peoples political views.
Maybe time for the admins to close this thread.
My politics run counter to a lot of people but when I come here and to other forums I like that politics are not debated. Political post just turn into flame wars with ad hominem attacks to surely follow. Mods should lock down all political threads without prejudice
Steve, I was the first responder to your post. I ignored the loaded titles of the links you provided, which could be considered political in nature.
I am NOT the journalist who wrote or titled the articles. That is Modern Journalism and it's Click Bait titles = Tabloidisms...
Shoot not the messenger trying to save your wallet from abuse...
I am NOT the journalist who wrote or titled the articles. That is Modern Journalism and it's Click Bait titles = Tabloidisms...
Shoot not the messenger trying to save your wallet from abuse...

So, based on that line of thinking, anyone can share any political nonsense that they didn't write themselves? Good job on contributing to the forum's downfall. Why don't you go find an appropriate outlet for your political angst?
So, based on that line of thinking, anyone can share any political nonsense that they didn't write themselves? Good job on contributing to the forum's downfall. Why don't you go find an appropriate outlet for your political angst?

Lighten up, please. Steve seems like the kind of guy that doesn't need anyone to stick up for him, but I was giving Steve a hard time.
Why? This is the chit chat section. If you don't like political talk, then don't participate.

Personally I don't want or need to see any political talk in any section anywhere on this forum.

I do appreciate Steve_S's warning. But that doesn't mean anyone needs to start, or continue a political debate about it.

So, based on that line of thinking, anyone can share any political nonsense that they didn't write themselves? Good job on contributing to the forum's downfall. Why don't you go find an appropriate outlet for your political angst?

Ummmm...ok. So how would you suggest this be done? I mean after all it does concern many of us. The warning was posted with links to several sources. I appreciate it and had it not been posted I might have not known.

Mods should lock down all political threads without prejudice

I totally agree.
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actually, this is a political discussion.
If Trump decide to cut Alibaba, it is a political decision.
if USA enforce an embargo against a country it is a political decision.
If Foreign countries avoid US citizen to open bank account in their bank (fearing that it opens a door to USA to mess with their business),
it is a political decision.
Even not allowing political discussion on a forum is a political decision.
The actual question is not about political discussion, it is about knowing if this rumour is true or not.
if proven true, then we can say it is political and choose to discuss it or not on that forum.

So if somebody can provide real information about the subject , it would be great.
Actually I thought political discussions were against the forum rules. But I was wrong.

I understand your point of view. All of it. My point of view is the country is badly divided. I think everyone can agree on that. I would hate to see the same happen on this forum due to political discussions. However after thinking about it, political decisions can be discussed without bring politics into it...if you know what I mean.

Ok so.................

This is a quote of what Trump said about Alibaba and other Chinese companies:
After banning TikTok, US President Donald Trump said he could exert pressure on more Chinese companies such as technology giant Alibaba. On being asked whether he was considering a ban on Alibaba, Trump replied, “Well, we’re looking at other things, yes.”

This was reported by many news outlets, enough to believe it's true. Let's assume it is true. What Trump said can be read many different ways. So now the question is, what did he mean by that statement?
Why? This is the chit chat section. If you don't like political talk, then don't participate.
Are hot argumentative topics and should NOT be discussed on this forum.
ILL will and fighting ALWAYS result.
Chit chat is for non solar, but interesting topics... not a place to create arguments...


I consider them trolling posts looking to goad members into making insulting posts.
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diy solar

diy solar