New Member
PS I wrote Euro prices here instead of Dollar prices. But just for conviniance I would say that Dollar is equal to Euro.
Hey Everyone,
Just a wee hello. Been browsing this forum recently, also the youtube videos. I'm in the market for a small PV system for my house. Somewhere in the, more or less, 3000w max range (8 x 460w panels for example). Been researching for a month or so. Did some reading before last years, but only now I am ready to buy. Also because it is dirt cheap.
Where I live for example there are AEG 375W Mono panels for sale, for €44,- These would pair nicely with IQ8+ (sale for €75,50). And like Enpahse recommends, these would have a ratio of about 1.20 (more PV capacity than the inverter can handle, though the idea is that 99% of the time the panel doesn't perform at its max capacity).
So for 119,50, excluding wiring (expensive!!), you would have an panel AND an inverter. Times 6 or 8, and it would make a small, but decent system I guess.
The IQ8+ would be able to output 290W max, and clips when above.
Though like I said, the Enpase cabling is expensive! Even much so, that it has holding me off to buy yet.
Other thing that was holding me off, was that I liked the look of the AIKO-460-MAH54Db panels, the Neostar 2s+ to be exact. An iteration of their panel, that just this month came available for sale. And if I am to believe them, it does perform just a little better. This panel comes in a few power versions, the 460W version, I reckon the most expensive would have the best wafers, just like CPU's in computers? Anyway, the 460W version would cost €114,50 at this moment.
Using Enphase these would pair nicely with the IQ8AC (ratio of 1.26) or the more expensive HC version (ratio of 1.20).
Since at the moment the HC sales for €125,- and the AC for €115,-, I opt for the HC. So total with the panel it would be 114,50+115=€239,50.
If I'm not mistaken the HC outputs 365W or 385W max before clipping.
Since I only have that much space. And also want to buy 6 or 8 panels initially, to put on the roof of my shed, I am more drawn to the newer, more capacity, though more expensive panel. Though side by side, in an Excel sheet, it becomes clear that for the same amount of money (8x 239,50 euros a AIKO/IQ8HC set = €1916,-), I could also buy 15 (!) sets AEG/IC8+ (€1792,50).
Though like I already mentioned above, the Enpase cabling makes the whole thing incredibly more expensive! Which is also what has hold me of buying yet. Because in both above cases, just the cabling and the metering - but no mounting stuff included yet!, it would add another roughly €1000,- euro's to make the panels complete.
Ofcourse panels need cabling and such, I don't want to sound silly, so it isn't an suprise that it would cost an extra €1000,- euros or so. But I do have a hard time choosing between above.
And than also, upon browsing the internets, I came across an review that wasn't so Enpase friendly, in that sense that he would say that they don't have an metal encasing, and the HF from the inverter jams the enviroment.
Now I am no radio guy, or even an electronics guy. I do have a lifelong fascination and love tech and tinkering. So jamming the enviroment doesn't bother me I guess.. Also, my neighbour has Enpases, so for that matter the enviroment is already trashed
But as just an sidenote; I do think that we (I) don't know everything about radiosignals, and jamming the enviroment, and who knows, maybe birds and bee's are affected. I base myself on my old Fiat Panda car manual, that said to be careful when calling mobile in your car, because of your car being an faraday construction, and you would be mircowaving yourself. Maybe that is old news. Though for example WiFi routers also have different options for output, depending on country's restrictions. So my chain of thought is that there's probably smoke, but money is to be made. But i'm afraid that I did make myself sound silly now
Anyway, that being that, I do call mobile in my car, and I do have WiFi all through my house. And I still got some birds living on the roof as well, so..
Also, from what I read, Enpase has a lot of fans and an equal lot of nay-sayers. From what I understand, a lot of the nay-sayers also say nay because of the price Enpase has. But right now, where I live, Enpase is far from the most expensive option. SolarEdge is often placed against Enphase and is more expensive (does seem like a nice system though).
And also, I do think Enpase is nice, not an bad choise, quality wise. Especially with these prices? I do believe you would be set more or less for 20 plus years. With the warranty and the low failure rate they boost.
Though an good against would be that a string inverter would be able to get more power from your panels, if I'm not mistaken. Given that they have the same orientation of course.
The thing is more I guess, that an comment like the guy made about the Enpases, made me look around what the competition has. And funny though, but if I'm not wrong, a lot of the competition is also in plastic encasings. And long story short, I found Victron.
I like Victron. I'm Dutch. Can't help it.
Even before PV I known about Victron, since my dad had an RV. Though never had or used one.
In my search for where to spend my money on PV wise, I also came across battery's. Again with Enpase, I came across an sale for the smallest battery (3,5kW or so), for €1600,-. That made me look in that direction.
I would be installing myself by the way. Also an licenced electrician would be checking and/or aproving and commissioning(?)(turn on) the system after I installed the stuff.
Installing myself makes that an battery would not be that bad an option these days in my country, I reckon a bit anyway. Though the opinion so to say, is that it's not vailable yet right now. Since cost would not beat your returns. Though those opinions often use battery prices 2 or 3 times what I wrote (€1600,-), plus installation by an electician.
So anyway, Victron. As you can read by now I am most fixated on Enphase. While there are a ton of other good options I have not researched at all. The SolarEdge for example. But also the Chinese brands, GroWatt and Solis something (..), you know them better than me. Also SunnyBoy SMA or APS systems are established names. I don't mind Chinese stuff btw. By now I think there are a lot more tradesman there than in the West so, don't think of that as an issue.
But Victron comes back as an option that gives room for.. options.
Not being stuck with an brand battery mostly.
Though I am a little torn in the way things would go from there. What type of Victron left aside (multiplus, easysolar, etc.), there is often 2 outputs for when for exampe an power outage. Where one would be cut, and the other would be fed from battery. This is easy to see in an RV mobile, or ship for example, but I have more trouble envisioning it in an grid-tied home.
Idea for here, an grid-tied home, with seldom power outages, would be to have a battery, to use at night what you PVed by day. So in that case I am kind off researching if Victron would actually be the most handy option.
Though right now, I am a little torn with the mentioned Enpases, still. (it would be possible to couple this as well on a Victron, as you probably know. Though AC fed ofcourse). And or the SmartSolar MPPT RS 450|100 (€950,- - €1200,-) that the guy Will from this forum is a fan of. And or an loose MPPT (about €400,- to €600,- 48V)) and later on an MultiPlus II (€715,-) for example. Though there is also an MultiSolar RS (€1550,-), Inverter RS (also €1550,-) and what not. Though that one jumps a bit in price. And than I haven't mentioned the EasySolar and more SmartSolars I believe....
So I am lost in choice for weeks now.
Anyway, I came across this forum before. And yesterday on Youtube I watched the review of the SmartSolar MPPT RS by chance. And found that Will is also behind this forum. So I guess that is why I came to say hello. Wasn't planning for it to be this elaborate. But maybe someone does have a thought about above.
System I initially plan is 6 to 8 panels, (there will be an extention made from the roof of my shed, which would add room for 2 of the 8 panels). Upon finding that the prices are so low as they are, here, at the moment, makes that I do think of using the roof of the house as well. Though that would be in a later stadium for sure anyway. So I do plan to put some on the shed first. They all can and will be sound orientated, so there would be no need for Enpases for that matter, the panels would not have different orientation (it is an option though, east-west orientation).
Anyway, everyone, have a real nice day. Maybe just maybe, I would copy/paste my thread to an more apropiate place on the forum. Because while I came to say hello, I noticed that I had a lot to say and by that I mean ask.
Take care,
PS I know I am on an USA forum, and I used Euro prices. Just for conviniance I would say that Euro-Dollar is 1:1. I don't know it at this time, but I believe Euro is worth a bit less or so than the dollar, at this time. But.. I better should have written $ where I wrote € I think now.
Hey Everyone,
Just a wee hello. Been browsing this forum recently, also the youtube videos. I'm in the market for a small PV system for my house. Somewhere in the, more or less, 3000w max range (8 x 460w panels for example). Been researching for a month or so. Did some reading before last years, but only now I am ready to buy. Also because it is dirt cheap.
Where I live for example there are AEG 375W Mono panels for sale, for €44,- These would pair nicely with IQ8+ (sale for €75,50). And like Enpahse recommends, these would have a ratio of about 1.20 (more PV capacity than the inverter can handle, though the idea is that 99% of the time the panel doesn't perform at its max capacity).
So for 119,50, excluding wiring (expensive!!), you would have an panel AND an inverter. Times 6 or 8, and it would make a small, but decent system I guess.
The IQ8+ would be able to output 290W max, and clips when above.
Though like I said, the Enpase cabling is expensive! Even much so, that it has holding me off to buy yet.
Other thing that was holding me off, was that I liked the look of the AIKO-460-MAH54Db panels, the Neostar 2s+ to be exact. An iteration of their panel, that just this month came available for sale. And if I am to believe them, it does perform just a little better. This panel comes in a few power versions, the 460W version, I reckon the most expensive would have the best wafers, just like CPU's in computers? Anyway, the 460W version would cost €114,50 at this moment.
Using Enphase these would pair nicely with the IQ8AC (ratio of 1.26) or the more expensive HC version (ratio of 1.20).
Since at the moment the HC sales for €125,- and the AC for €115,-, I opt for the HC. So total with the panel it would be 114,50+115=€239,50.
If I'm not mistaken the HC outputs 365W or 385W max before clipping.
Since I only have that much space. And also want to buy 6 or 8 panels initially, to put on the roof of my shed, I am more drawn to the newer, more capacity, though more expensive panel. Though side by side, in an Excel sheet, it becomes clear that for the same amount of money (8x 239,50 euros a AIKO/IQ8HC set = €1916,-), I could also buy 15 (!) sets AEG/IC8+ (€1792,50).
Though like I already mentioned above, the Enpase cabling makes the whole thing incredibly more expensive! Which is also what has hold me of buying yet. Because in both above cases, just the cabling and the metering - but no mounting stuff included yet!, it would add another roughly €1000,- euro's to make the panels complete.
Ofcourse panels need cabling and such, I don't want to sound silly, so it isn't an suprise that it would cost an extra €1000,- euros or so. But I do have a hard time choosing between above.
And than also, upon browsing the internets, I came across an review that wasn't so Enpase friendly, in that sense that he would say that they don't have an metal encasing, and the HF from the inverter jams the enviroment.
Now I am no radio guy, or even an electronics guy. I do have a lifelong fascination and love tech and tinkering. So jamming the enviroment doesn't bother me I guess.. Also, my neighbour has Enpases, so for that matter the enviroment is already trashed

Anyway, that being that, I do call mobile in my car, and I do have WiFi all through my house. And I still got some birds living on the roof as well, so..
Also, from what I read, Enpase has a lot of fans and an equal lot of nay-sayers. From what I understand, a lot of the nay-sayers also say nay because of the price Enpase has. But right now, where I live, Enpase is far from the most expensive option. SolarEdge is often placed against Enphase and is more expensive (does seem like a nice system though).
And also, I do think Enpase is nice, not an bad choise, quality wise. Especially with these prices? I do believe you would be set more or less for 20 plus years. With the warranty and the low failure rate they boost.
Though an good against would be that a string inverter would be able to get more power from your panels, if I'm not mistaken. Given that they have the same orientation of course.
The thing is more I guess, that an comment like the guy made about the Enpases, made me look around what the competition has. And funny though, but if I'm not wrong, a lot of the competition is also in plastic encasings. And long story short, I found Victron.
I like Victron. I'm Dutch. Can't help it.
Even before PV I known about Victron, since my dad had an RV. Though never had or used one.
In my search for where to spend my money on PV wise, I also came across battery's. Again with Enpase, I came across an sale for the smallest battery (3,5kW or so), for €1600,-. That made me look in that direction.
I would be installing myself by the way. Also an licenced electrician would be checking and/or aproving and commissioning(?)(turn on) the system after I installed the stuff.
Installing myself makes that an battery would not be that bad an option these days in my country, I reckon a bit anyway. Though the opinion so to say, is that it's not vailable yet right now. Since cost would not beat your returns. Though those opinions often use battery prices 2 or 3 times what I wrote (€1600,-), plus installation by an electician.
So anyway, Victron. As you can read by now I am most fixated on Enphase. While there are a ton of other good options I have not researched at all. The SolarEdge for example. But also the Chinese brands, GroWatt and Solis something (..), you know them better than me. Also SunnyBoy SMA or APS systems are established names. I don't mind Chinese stuff btw. By now I think there are a lot more tradesman there than in the West so, don't think of that as an issue.
But Victron comes back as an option that gives room for.. options.

Though I am a little torn in the way things would go from there. What type of Victron left aside (multiplus, easysolar, etc.), there is often 2 outputs for when for exampe an power outage. Where one would be cut, and the other would be fed from battery. This is easy to see in an RV mobile, or ship for example, but I have more trouble envisioning it in an grid-tied home.
Idea for here, an grid-tied home, with seldom power outages, would be to have a battery, to use at night what you PVed by day. So in that case I am kind off researching if Victron would actually be the most handy option.
Though right now, I am a little torn with the mentioned Enpases, still. (it would be possible to couple this as well on a Victron, as you probably know. Though AC fed ofcourse). And or the SmartSolar MPPT RS 450|100 (€950,- - €1200,-) that the guy Will from this forum is a fan of. And or an loose MPPT (about €400,- to €600,- 48V)) and later on an MultiPlus II (€715,-) for example. Though there is also an MultiSolar RS (€1550,-), Inverter RS (also €1550,-) and what not. Though that one jumps a bit in price. And than I haven't mentioned the EasySolar and more SmartSolars I believe....
So I am lost in choice for weeks now.
Anyway, I came across this forum before. And yesterday on Youtube I watched the review of the SmartSolar MPPT RS by chance. And found that Will is also behind this forum. So I guess that is why I came to say hello. Wasn't planning for it to be this elaborate. But maybe someone does have a thought about above.
System I initially plan is 6 to 8 panels, (there will be an extention made from the roof of my shed, which would add room for 2 of the 8 panels). Upon finding that the prices are so low as they are, here, at the moment, makes that I do think of using the roof of the house as well. Though that would be in a later stadium for sure anyway. So I do plan to put some on the shed first. They all can and will be sound orientated, so there would be no need for Enpases for that matter, the panels would not have different orientation (it is an option though, east-west orientation).
Anyway, everyone, have a real nice day. Maybe just maybe, I would copy/paste my thread to an more apropiate place on the forum. Because while I came to say hello, I noticed that I had a lot to say and by that I mean ask.

Take care,
PS I know I am on an USA forum, and I used Euro prices. Just for conviniance I would say that Euro-Dollar is 1:1. I don't know it at this time, but I believe Euro is worth a bit less or so than the dollar, at this time. But.. I better should have written $ where I wrote € I think now.