diy solar

diy solar

Hello From NW Ohio


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
Hello Everyone,

I'm a solar newbie from NW Ohio, looking to design and build my first solar system. I have a friend who has installed a decently sized system and I'm looking at doing something similar. I'm looking to build a grid tied / hybrid system. I want to try to lower my total energy bill (~$400/m - yikes) and prepare to do the best I can if there is a grid failure.

I've got a 22kW whole house propane generator but I'll only get 5-7 days with that so I'd like to look at extending as long as I can.

My house is recently remodeled and I went through and replaced a bunch of things with more energy efficient devices but I'm still way over what I think I should be when it comes to power usage. We did spoil ourselves with a few items like a nice cooktop, etc.

I'm leaning towards a Sol-Ark 15k, custom battery solution (~60kWh storage), and I haven't picked the panels yet. I'm going to try to max out the panel capacity of the Sol-Ark but I have to do roof mount where I'm located. (Lots of trees, house is the only space open.) I've just recently started looking at the panels. Once I get a decision there, I'll start putting a BoM together and have "the talk" with my wife to make sure it's worth it.

With the upcoming eclipse passing through your area, I am planning a trip to see it.
My brother is over in cleveland, and I will be staying with him for the event.
How close to Toledo is your place?
We're about an hour or so south of Toledo. From what I understand, the epicenter is supposed to be in Forest and I'm about 25 min from there. We've only heard a little about it but from what I've heard, people said it'll be a big deal.
We're about an hour or so south of Toledo. From what I understand, the epicenter is supposed to be in Forest and I'm about 25 min from there. We've only heard a little about it but from what I've heard, people said it'll be a big deal.
I went to see the one that went through western NC in 2017, and my little brother bought a place in cleveland last year, and i plan to visit during the april eclipse.
I LOVED the eclipse in17, amazing experience.
I of course had seen several partial eclipse events before, but a totality eclipse is completely different.
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I'm looking forward to it! My in-laws are coming out for the event and I took the day off work.

Up north by Lake Erie, we often have clouds this time of year with the cold lake water. I will be driving a bit west to get in the center line.

Schools closed, government offices closed, mayors are saying to stay home...BIG DEAL.
There should be 64, that's what I ordered! I haven't opened the 2nd crate yet. My work bench isn't big enough to fit everything.

The JK BMS came since the batteries so I've been working on some design ideas. I sent off to a metal fabricator to see if they could make a face plate that I can attach to my "battery cabinet" to get a nice finished look.

Note, I take no credit for the drawing, I found a print I liked from a 3d printer and modified it for what the vendor needed.

Which will be the face for this and the power switch.