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diy solar

Help me choose ev charger that can work with my Deye 12kw hybrid solar inverter


New Member
May 12, 2024
bosnia and herzegovina
hello guys i have deye 12kw hybrid solar inverter 48v battery model. is there any ev charger that can communicate with deye inverter or how do i make sure that if i am charging ev at 5kw for example that leaves house only 7kw for the load to be used. i am trying to find solution when house consumption goes higher i want ev charger to go down with charging speed , and also when house consumption is low to charge faster. i have 10kw of solar pv array connected to my inverter and i have 10kwh battery with 200a max charge and discharge. anyway i only charge car on fully sunny days.


  • WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 23.55.51 (3).jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 23.55.51 (3).jpeg
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Sounds like a job for a Raspberry Pi and an L2 EVSE that has an adjustable output. Have the Pi monitor the inverter output and the house load, and adjust the Pilot signal in the EVSE to tell the EV to only pull a specific amount of power, depending on those outputs. Some EVSE have an output current adjustment via DIP switches or some such. It would be easy for a Pi to change such a thing.

This is a project that I've got WAY down on my priority list, but it sounds like it would be a fun one.
Emporia might be an option. I think they have a way using their energy monitoring with the EV charger to adjust the charge rate. Doesn't integrate with the inverter but might work
Emporia might be an option. I think they have a way using their energy monitoring with the EV charger to adjust the charge rate. Doesn't integrate with the inverter but might work
i mean it dont need to integrate with inverter , having ev charger to monitor l1 , l2 , and l3 power would be good as well but somewhere i would need to enter max power of the system for example 12kw. i found schneider ev charger this model that can work with schneider some module that monitors house power but it is still unclear to me where can i enter max power allowed for the house : this is the one
. it is very unclear how will this thing know i have only 12kw limit .
The easy way would be not to plug in your EV until house batteries are floating.

Access the weather, pick an EV charging rate that leaves sufficient solar to power your house loads.

Of course there are going to be times when EV battery is going to have a higher priority than house batteries, you have to just do what works for you on any given day :)
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It may be "low-tech" but I use a smart plug to power the control side of a relay that powers up the EV charger plug.
When the EV is plugged in, SOC and solar are 'good' and the loads on the rest of the system moderate - I just click on the smart plug with my phone.
There is also a 'schedule' option for the smart plug, so if I just want the EV to charge a few hours and then disconnect, I can click the schedule settings I want, and walk away. Works for me.
The easy way would be not to plug in your EV until house batteries are floating.

Access the weather, pick an EV charging rate that leaves sufficient solar to power your house loads.

Of course there are going to be times when EV battery is going to have a higher priority than house batteries, you have to just do what works for you on any given day :)
even if i put 4kw to charge car sometimes house can consume 8.5kw which is problem

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