diy solar

diy solar

HI error on dc inverter


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
I recently built my first solar system, a simple small solar generator I can bring with me camping and such, but I plan to leave it running constantly and empty the battery into my EV. My components are LiFePO4 12V 100ah, victron 75/15, 1200W pure sine wave inverter, 250W used panel x2. I’m just using the battery’s in built BMS. The problem I’m having is that when my battery is full the voltage is 14.3V and when I plug my EV in I get a HI error from the dc inverter, which I believe means the voltage is above it’s operating limits. After a few minutes of the inverter running and restarting the charge a few times it works, but it’s an inconvenience.

I know very little about the working of the MPPT; however I see that I can reduce the bulk charging maximum voltage (which is currently at 14.3). I’m thinking if I reduce this to 14.2 I will eliminate the issue with overvolting the inverter and have negligible effect on the max battery charge. I’m hesitant to alter MPPT settings though since I’m so novice. Is this a reasonable idea?
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diy solar

diy solar