diy solar

diy solar

How do you hook up non 12 volt panels to 12 volt inverter?


New Member
Oct 1, 2019
my panels are 42 volts app....So how do you hook them to inverters...I have a 750watt 12volt inverter intended to be attached to a battery..I want to run a pond pump for free..I do not want a battery involved..Just a 250 watt panel an inverter and the pump...thanks
Usually a solar charge controller sits between the panels and the system and normalises the panel voltage to system voltage.
The trick with direct off solar, no battery, is to keep the inverter happy. If the pump draws a hit of current when it starts, and that causes the DC on the inverter's input to sag too far, because the solar charge controller will have some sort of response time, the inverter will likely go into low voltage shutdown.

A decent amount of additional capacitance on the inverter's input will usually hold things up well enough if that proves to be a problem but unless the pond pump is quite low power, IMO, a single 250 watt panel isn't going to cover being able to start the pump for a fair bit of the day, but once started it might do the job. It all boils down to the ratings on that pump.
but unless the pond pump is quite low power, IMO, a single 250 watt panel isn't going to cover being able to start the pump
I agree with gnubie.

But you mention an inverter a few times. Does your pump require AC power by chance? This would be an added level of complexity and inefficiency.

But if you could provide some info about your pump, that would allow someone to get a better idea how feasible your idea is.
If it is AC .58 amps (69 watts), at least its smallish.
But, i have not heard any success stories about feeding an inverter straight from a solar panel. And even then, a single 250w panel will not (from what i have seen) have the umph (look it up!) to start the pump let alone sustain powering it continuously.
Will prowse has a few videos feeding solar panels through a 12V regulated power supply to directly feed an inverter.