diy solar

diy solar

How to go from 12V to 24V system in RV

Well, let me put it this way. I initially though 12V/20A would be ok, and got a small buck converter which runs from my 24V bank, but one heavy solar charge day and the voltage literally melted the innards and allowed the full 24V to go through it... fortunately not much was active on the 12V side BUT it damned near fried my RV furnace (which uses 12V) Now 20A amp may also seem like a lot but in 12V world it really isn't. A Better & more powerful stepdown is wise to provide good reliable power with enough kick behind it. As well EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, the better units can take in up to 30-VDC and some a little higher with failure. One must account for the voltages these will see when batteries are being charged.
Not necessarily related to electrical, but I would like to see the floor plan. I've never seen open in an RV before.

Now that the weather has started to warm up, I am getting out & gutting the RV more often.

If you are intetested in seeing the open floor remodel, I have started to make regular videos. Here is the first one.
