diy solar

diy solar

I don't like adjustable racking

I can believe it, your winter optimal is closer to 60 degrees. I think the production curve really starts to drop at about 30 degrees from optimal. I'd bet you wouldn't notice that much difference between 40 and 60, but DUDE! C'mon go to Home depot and pick up a couple of 2x4's and build a simple braced lean-to / triangle. I mean I know you CAN use an old rotted fence post under each panel but sheesh! $50 of lumber I stretched a pair of these: with some angle iron. I did have to buy some longer hex drive bolts, to get the mounts to work. cheesy but funtional
Ha! I know, I know....that's maybe what I'm thinking just to get by til I determine where to go more permanently. ????
Panels are ususally 40-45" wide I considered using a dado to groove some 2x4's, either a 12' or 2 6's with a brace in the middle, create an upside down picture frame, just lay the panels three across in the groove. Two simple L supports in the back 1/2 cut the riser side long, drill a couple of holes to put a pin for height adjustment. Price of lumber came down a little, I might revisit this one myself. Just tack the panels down at the top with a screw. The other thought was a 2x4 and a 2x2 or 1x2 for the frame. Set the mess on a couple of leveled cinder block, call it temporarily permanent!

It's dry enough here it would last 20 years without even painting it. I think you are where I'm at. I know I want to put it up, but I'm trying to figure out where I can put it to maximize output. I the summer the sun rises in the Northeast and sets to the Northwest, in the Winter its Southeast ad Soutwest, plus I have a 6-8ft block fence around the property. I think getting everything up about 3ft off the ground will be pretty big, and then face maybe south-southwest 30 degrees, from the northeast edge of the property.

Once you sink posts and/or cement you commit!