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diy solar

i need help connecting growatt batteries


New Member
Oct 9, 2022
soo i have problem that the battery isnt recognized be inverter the inverter is growatt MOD 10KTL3-XH the last image is schema of the comunication port for EU , second is the connector that i cliped becous i need just connect 4 wires in to the connector bat + and - , then the RS485 port so i connected the RS485 pin 8-7,7-8 and bat+- 1-10,2-9 but it doesnt work the invertor will show error code and battery will stay glowing red led i think if i need diferent cable or i dont know the BMS is the right one for the invertor but its just dont want to work or if i have connected it wrong i dont really know acording the battery manual its ok and the cable show it wrong i disconnected it for now till i know what to do :( i am starting loosing me self IMG20221025205127.jpgIMG20221025205115.jpgIMG20221025205136.jpg
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this is the cable that i need i think but i just cant find it anywhere to buy it if i did know the pins of the bms then i could make the cable allone but i dont know the pins to the bms soo i dont know how to make the cable and i cannot find any schematic to the growatt bms 95045-A1 i dont know if the terminal serial numbers describe the port or not if it is true then i can make the cable but i need confirmation be someone who understand it better then me
well tried make the cable if i connect it acording this schematic i got i get warn code 217 and the battery will turn glowing red from blue i cannot find any code 217 on internet on me inverter the code just doesnt exist and the inverter is showing the error code
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found this it is the 217 code but dont know what bdc running status meen i hope that the bms isnt damaged i buyed it and it didnt worked from first time i connected it to the inverter if soo i need send it back and wait months to get new one working :\
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Have you got the BDC Battery management system or HVC Battery management system? You will need BDC.
Just buy a RJ45 cable (Ethernet cable) and connect pins 1 2 7 8 from BMS(in this case BDC INV port) to pins 10 9 8 7 of Inverter (Inverter SYS COM port), then it should work I guess.
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I have the same problem, Error Code 217. Have you found a solution for this in the meantime? Thanks
Just got my installation and immediately get the 217 error with a fever hour in-between. Has anyone solved this situation? I figured out that it has something to do with the connection between my converter and the battery. It worked fine until my battery reached 100% but after that I get the warning 217 BDC Abnormal. Do I need to call the installation guys? Perhaps I should say also that we have put my Plant not to send out anything to the grid yet since my Power Supplier Company hasn’t registered me yet, so we are running “off-grid” as of now just covering my own consumption and charging the battery.
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Just got my installation and immediately get the 217 error with a fever hour in-between. Has anyone solved this situation? I figured out that it has something to do with the connection between my converter and the battery. It worked fine until my battery reached 100% but after that I get the warning 217 BDC Abnormal. Do I need to call the installation guys? Perhaps I should say also that we have put my Plant not to send out anything to the grid yet since my Power Supplier Company hasn’t registered me yet, so we are running “off-grid” as of now just covering my own consumption and charging the battery.
I have the same problem as you. Have you solved the problem yet?
Not yet. My electrician has troubleshooted a lot and we have changed the Datalogger, all the cabling and gone thru the entire wiring again and replaced the battery control unit but noting has helped so far. We have noticed a secondary error message that is only showing on the inverter display (not in the Shine app or on the server) – error code 501. To be continued...
I have 217(02) with my MIN 11400TL-XH-US and my LG RESU10H Prime. Very much stuck here.
Had a very productive call with Growatt Tech support today. They figured out that the RJ45 pinout Enable+ and Enable- are swapped in the manual pdf I found online vs the physical copy that came with the device.

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Hi , Did u fix it ? because i have same problem Warn code 217 and battery glowing red , Inverter Growatt MOD 10KTL3-XH , and Growatt - ARK 7.6XH Batterisystem
if someone now how to fix it please help :)
try swapping enable + and enable -. I also suspect the "DC switch" on the inverter needs to be closed
Not yet. My electrician has troubleshooted a lot and we have changed the Datalogger, all the cabling and gone thru the entire wiring again and replaced the battery control unit but noting has helped so far. We have noticed a secondary error message that is only showing on the inverter display (not in the Shine app or on the server) – error code 501. To be continued...
hello the error code 501 its that the frecuency its out of range check the parameter in the inverter and also in the historical data of the power supply..the inverter record all the data.

the error 217 i found in the usa version means that its false contact in the conections of the cable between inverter and battery.
I have the same problem, error code 217 on the inverter display, after installing a new battery

Inverter: Growatt MOD4KTL3-XH
Battery: Growatt - ARK 5.1-XH

Battery is new, 30% Startvolume; no red lights, all blue. only green flashing sheet with warning code 217 on the inverter

PC Online Error Log: EventSN - 217(00)
Error Description - BDC abnormal
Solution – 1: Check the operational status of the BDC. 2: If the error message persists, contact the manufacturer.

swapping enable + and enable - was unsuccessful

has someone already solved the problem?
Ich habe den Fehler 217, sobald ich die Batterie abklemmen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass eine Batterie nur eine Spannung von 25V hat, die andern 3 Lagen zwischen 40-45V. Habe jetzt die 25V Batterie rausgenommen, die Batterie blinkt jetzt grün und eine blaue Lampe leuchtet. Die wird aber nicht aufgeladen, und der Fehler 217 taucht immer wieder auf.
Kann mir jemand helfen?
Von Growatt leider keine Rückmeldung und anrufen kann man die auch nicht.
I have the same problem, error code 217 on the inverter display, after installing a new battery

Inverter: Growatt MOD4KTL3-XH
Battery: Growatt - ARK 5.1-XH

Battery is new, 30% Startvolume; no red lights, all blue. only green flashing sheet with warning code 217 on the inverter

PC Online Error Log: EventSN - 217(00)
Error Description - BDC abnormal
Solution – 1: Check the operational status of the BDC. 2: If the error message persists, contact the manufacturer.

swapping enable + and enable - was unsuccessful

has someone already solved the problem?
I got the same problem, with almost the same system configuration like you. All parts are new with 29% battery load
How did you fix it?

Just bought and installed a MOD-10KTL3-XH and an APX BMS and 2 batteries.

I am getting the exact same code "Warncode 217(01)"

I have doublechecked everything and even remade the cable from scratch to rule out a break in the first one but still the error persists.

This is how i connected the wires (5-6 is smartmeter 3-4 is RS485 for a seperate Solar Assistant box) (See image at bottom)

I am getting battery SOT in the app and i am getting power consumption of the house so i guess the RS-485 part of the battery must be working, otherwise why would it be able to show SOT.

The strange thing is...When i first started it up, the system was set to 15% minumum SOT, but the batteries were delivered with 40 so it immideately started matching the load like normal, until it reached 15% and then it stopped exporting.

Perfectly normal so i was happy it worked so well, but then came the problems.

Over time (a week or so) the battery SOT would degrade down to about 9% and it would absolutely not charge it from the grid to keep 15%

I tried restarting the whole setup a few times and then suddenly, the thing started up, and charged the battery back up to 15%

But after that...Same deal, will give me warncode and will not charge...Now my battery is again down to 8% and i can not for the life of me get it to start charging.

Is there any risk of damage if i try and swap the "Wake + and wake -"

One thing i should note is...My battery does not seem to be on (No light in the display, not even if "knocking" on the display) I tried the "Start" button but the battery just clicks but shows nothing.

Is it correct that the procedure for startup is

1. Turn on battery switch on the battery pack
2. Turn on grid power
3. Turn the DC switch on the inverter

I'm struggeling with this error for some time. At first the error came up many times in de log but it seemed the batteries always resumed normal operation after that. Since the start of december strange things happened. Batteries started charging from the grid with about 1kW, even though grid charging was explicitly turned off and charge was no where near stop SOC. Contacted growatt support and they updated the software. No change in behaviour. Checked the the COM port wiring, nothing wrong there. I have been asking if there is a way the inverter could always be ON instead going into standby in the morning and started only after the solarpanels giving enough power. If you have a battery system this is not what you want. With the last tech looking to this it looks like this is the case now since 2 days. Happy about that. Sadly I had the dreaded 217 again yesterday morning around 10 AM, out of the blue. The only way to get the batteries running is to open the breaker on the BDC and close it again after 20 seconds or so. You can see the inverter Green Leaf go from flashing to solid. I also wiggled the DC connectors on the BDC and inverter for the first time since the issue. It's now after 11 AM and still going strong. So maybe it's a good idea to check and clean your DC connectors if you are having this 217. I think I will take the connectors off and clean them with contact cleaner that dissolves any oxidant or dirt. It is possible the unit does self checks on continuity and resistance. Just my 2cts. I will post again if I have more info.
I'm struggeling with this error for some time. At first the error came up many times in de log but it seemed the batteries always resumed normal operation after that. Since the start of december strange things happened. Batteries started charging from the grid with about 1kW, even though grid charging was explicitly turned off and charge was no where near stop SOC. Contacted growatt support and they updated the software. No change in behaviour. Checked the the COM port wiring, nothing wrong there. I have been asking if there is a way the inverter could always be ON instead going into standby in the morning and started only after the solarpanels giving enough power. If you have a battery system this is not what you want. With the last tech looking to this it looks like this is the case now since 2 days. Happy about that. Sadly I had the dreaded 217 again yesterday morning around 10 AM, out of the blue. The only way to get the batteries running is to open the breaker on the BDC and close it again after 20 seconds or so. You can see the inverter Green Leaf go from flashing to solid. I also wiggled the DC connectors on the BDC and inverter for the first time since the issue. It's now after 11 AM and still going strong. So maybe it's a good idea to check and clean your DC connectors if you are having this 217. I think I will take the connectors off and clean them with contact cleaner that dissolves any oxidant or dirt. It is possible the unit does self checks on continuity and resistance. Just my 2cts. I will post again if I have more info.

I have tried to recommended cleaning procedure, taking the plugs off and so on, but sadly this made no difference here.

My problem is a bit different though, my setup never worked from new, when i power on the whole setup the battery turns on for a short while but then clicks and the display goes black. The error 217(01) is there every morning about the time, the inverter starts producing from the solar power.

Soon i will have to just "RMA" the inverter and BMS, but i feel this is really silly if this is something that is fixed with a firmware update. Sadly it seems Growatt is really really slow to respond to requests for firmware updates.
Update for future people that find this thread..

It ended up being the BMS for my APX battery that needed changing.

Growatt had a recall for the batch of BMS, mine came from and i got a new unit free of charge and gave my other BMS back.

Since then, everything has worked as expected.
Update for future people that find this thread..

It ended up being the BMS for my APX battery that needed changing.

Growatt had a recall for the batch of BMS, mine came from and i got a new unit free of charge and gave my other BMS back.

Since then, everything has worked as expected.
When you say you replaced the BMS, are you referring to the Growatt BDC?

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