diy solar

diy solar

I'm interested in a hiked-in wilderness water collection setup using solar energy

Cistern with a rainwater collector?
Old-time cisterns are typically underground concrete-lined holes and have a sand/filtration system above them (Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park has one, rain-water is filter through sand from the top of the fort's walls). I don't know enough about modern ones and should probably look into it. Biggest problem here (other than digging) might be salt-water flooding. The same thing for a well, there is a fresh-water bubble floating over the salt-layer underground, but it's so thin it's hard to use.

Rain barrels seemed like a no-go due to Mosquitoes, algae, parasites (got to love the tropics). Heck, a rat was so thirsty that he bit through the windshield washer reservoir tubes of both cars and chewed through the dehumidifier hose (ref).
I've read about dew harvesting netting material used to collect water. But you need enough humidity in the air to begin with

sorry for mentioning the silly concept of running the air through the hot side before condensing water, that’s nonsense.. need coffee.. if the ambient air is very high temperature and high relative humidity, then now we are talking.

*sheepishly accepts guilt for giving poor engineering advice*
i tested 3x TEC1-12715 peltier stacked with 12.5W/m•K thermal pads between the successive hot and cold faces. used a CPU heatsink with copper heat pipes.

test ran 6V through the 3 series (2V/module roughly) and observed 1.7 Ampere flow, heatsink T=31.0°C cold side T=-1.9°C dT=32.9°C with 10W of input power. 5CFM airflow to heatsink but not cold side.

pointed the 5CFM fan at cold face, removing airflow from heatsink. water began visibly forming after 2 minutes, by 10 minutes it was sweaty, and 14 minutes first droplet dripped off. over the 33 minute test six droplets fell and it used ~10-12W for the entire time.


i calculated that the test used about 5.5 Wh to draw 6 droplets out of the air in half an hour in 27°C ~37%RH condition.
 0:00 power applied 6V 1.7A
 1:34 shimmer of condensation begins
 2:00 visible layer of condensation forming
 5:00 droplets start to combine and become larger
10:00 droplet size peaks and dripping cascade begins
12:00 water has begun to accumulate along bottom edge
13:45  first droplet falls off peltier
17:21 second droplet falls
20:16  third droplet falls
24:18 fourth droplet falls
28:30  fifth droplet falls
32:29  sixth droplet falls
33:00 concluded test

three tec1-12715 stacked.png
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The principle of the process is as follows: hygroscopic brine – saline solution which absorbs moisture – runs down a tower-shaped unit and absorbs water from the air. It is then sucked into a tank a few meters off the ground in which a vacuum prevails. Energy from solar collectors heats up the brine, which is diluted by the water it has absorbed.

Because of the vacuum, the boiling point of the liquid is lower than it would be under normal atmospheric pressure. This effect is known from the mountains: as the atmospheric pressure there is lower than in the valley, water boils at temperatures distinctly below 100 degrees Celsius. The evaporated, non-saline water is condensed and runs down through a completely filled tube in a controlled manner. The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed. The reconcentrated brine runs down the tower surface again to absorb moisture from the air.
Regarding the topic of preparing the air to have less mechanical contaminants..

Most Atmospheric Water Generation designs seem to be “Straight Through” systems.
Atmosphere supplied air goes through a filter, hits the cold surface, and is expelled to atmosphere.

The input process air cleanliness thing is so paramount to me, that I’m seriously considering a different recirculating design architecture to achieve cleaner air.

A sealed volume of air inside the device would be repeatedly recirculated through the air filter (stainless steel mesh,MERV 8, HEPA, HyperHEPA etc..).

At least two fans total. One for recirculating filtration. One for introducing new air into the sealed volume. Maybe a flap to open while pushing in new air, since it’s supposed to be sealed except for intake and exhaust.

Ok. The device is turned on. Internal air volume: empty. Internal water reservoir: empty.

Open up exhaust flap. Power on new air intake fan. Run until internal and external humidity/temp within target threshold.

Close exhaust flap. Power off new air intake fan. Power on recirculating fan. Power on cooling plate.

The recirculating motion of the air moves it across the cold plate. Water condenses onto it.

diy solar

diy solar