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diy solar

diy solar

JK-BMS or Daly BMS?


Inventor of the Electron
Sep 29, 2021
Prior to the recent problems with the new JK-BMS, it seemed the consensus was that JK-BMS was better than Daly BMS.

Now it's less clear, at least in my mind. I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.

I have both the Daly 16S 48V 300A BMS and the JK-BMS 200A 2A model to choose from. Battery is EVE DIY 16S2P 48V.

Which is better? I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.
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Prior to the recent problems with the new JK-BMS, it seemed the consensus was that JK-BMS was better than Daly BMS.

Now it's less clear, at least in my mind. I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.

I have both the Daly 16S 48V 300A BMS and the JK-BMS 200A 2A model to choose from. Battery is EVE DIY 16S2P 48V.

Which is better? I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.
The new "problems" are with the inverter-bms or whatever it is. It isn't just a regular BMS
Prior to the recent problems with the new JK-BMS, it seemed the consensus was that JK-BMS was better than Daly BMS.

Now it's less clear, at least in my mind. I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.

I have both the Daly 16S 48V 300A BMS and the JK-BMS 200A 2A model to choose from. Battery is EVE DIY 16S2P 48V.

Which is better? I'm leaning toward the JK-BMS.
Daly would only balance while it was charging. At rest it would cease balance. Made it kinda useless to me. JK BMS SoC in older versions is impossible to set to 100% until one cell reaches the OVP setting, but recent firmware changes have solved this. JK every time.
To be honest im surprised that eveyrbody voted JK bms. I had/have both. Never had any issue with DALY. To be honest i dont see a SINGLE difference in both. Exept that JK bms's internals is exposed to air [i have gray one, not black], have no shell/case, while Daly is enclosed, so im feeling more safe to use daly in my shed where codnensation happens when nights are cold and days gets warm. Oh and my particular daly did not had active balancing. Only passive, but batteries always was balanced well. Had runners when charging, when one cell stoped whole charging process, but that's not critical. loosing few percents of charge tops.
Many people here said 0 arguments why they vote for JK bms. What they have against DALY, beside rumors or other x-files.
To be honest im surprised that eveyrbody voted JK bms. I had/have both. Never had any issue with DALY. To be honest i dont see a SINGLE difference in both. Exept that JK bms's internals is exposed to air [i have gray one, not black], have no shell/case, while Daly is enclosed, so im feeling more safe to use daly in my shed where codnensation happens when nights are cold and days gets warm. Oh and my particular daly did not had active balancing. Only passive, but batteries always was balanced well. Had runners when charging, when one cell stoped whole charging process, but that's not critical. loosing few percents of charge tops.
Many people here said 0 arguments why they vote for JK bms. What they have against DALY, beside rumors or other x-files.
It’s not a rumor if you have a Daly doorstop
have a total of four DALY's only issue is SOC measurements, and the low current passive balance. FWIW I have actually seen more JK horror stories lately than DALY.

wtih all the horro stories I almost went out and bought a JK to try one out. then started diving into various threads and after a little bit of research, came to the conclusion that its 6 of one 1/2 dozen f the other. this includes JBD as well. ant, electradaus,not so sure aoubt, but the Block Mon system (forgot company name) has issues with install and setup, not to mention cost out the whazoo

It boils down to what is popular so the average idiot can let the smoke out. if the DALY is more popular, more idiots letting the smoke out, if the JK is more popular then more idiots letting the smoke out of them.
My Daly 300 didn’t let any “smoke out”, it just started getting weird. Its current readings were greatly exaggerated from reality. It was working in 2P 16S configuration 300Ah cells with a Heltec balancer monitored controlled to balanced over 3.4.
It ran flawlessly for about 9 months when I realized that the bms was disconnecting because of over current. When I looked at the app I saw the huge artificial load swings. I realized that I had made a mistake because my system was dependent on one bms instead of multiples. I could update the Daly and possibly brick it/no improvement or just replace it with two bms’s that also have active balancers which is what I did( loose the 2P setup). In the meantime I moved up the current setting to just above false tripping until the JK’s showed up. Presently I’m up to 5 JK’s (not all in same system). The only problem I had early on with the JK’s was state of charge but that’s figured out and another thread. The only thing that I haven’t figured out, is what to do with the sick Daly.
JBD/overkill is what i went with. main downside, no active balancing (wastes a small amount of energy to keep cells balanced)

JK has active balancing which can both go faster than JBD and also save some energy.

the recent issues people have had with JK sent me back to the simplicity of JBD.

DALY had too many reports of erratic behavior and sometimes smoke release so it's banned for me. reliability is a big priority for me.

hope this helps somewhat. every project has different constraints and goals. good luck!
To be honest im surprised that eveyrbody voted JK bms. I had/have both. Never had any issue with DALY. To be honest i dont see a SINGLE difference in both. Exept that JK bms's internals is exposed to air [i have gray one, not black], have no shell/case, while Daly is enclosed, so im feeling more safe to use daly in my shed where codnensation happens when nights are cold and days gets warm. Oh and my particular daly did not had active balancing. Only passive, but batteries always was balanced well. Had runners when charging, when one cell stoped whole charging process, but that's not critical. loosing few percents of charge tops.
Many people here said 0 arguments why they vote for JK bms. What they have against DALY, beside rumors or other x-files.
Daly do fail. This happened to a friends Sterling battery. The passive bms is useless. With good cells you don't need to top balance if you use a JK bms. You just let the active balancer do it for you. Not possible with a Daly

diy solar

diy solar