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diy solar

Locating SCC in my travel trailer


New Member
May 26, 2023
Washington State
My trailer has the refrigerator at the back, with the power center in the space underneath it. There's room to the right of the power center, so that's where I plan to put my SCC, a MakeSkyBlue 60 amp V119 w/WiFi. This will conveniently allow me to run the solar panel wires down through the refrigerator vent. The power center is rated at 55 amps, and with 600 watts total solar power the most I can get out of the SCC is 50 amps, so I've concluded that I can piggy back on the existing wires from the power center to the batteries. All this leads to my question: I was initially going to mount the SCC on the front of the cabinet next to the power center, but now I want to add a Blue Sea m-series switch to disconnect the solar panels when doing anything to the system, and the front of that cabinet is the logical place. That got me thinking; the SCC has WiFi and a phone app and I'm adding a battery monitor to track amps, volts, and battery charge, so once everything is set up I really don't need access to the SCC controls or display. So would it be reasonable to mount the SCC inside the cabinet and mount the disconnect switch on the face of the cabinet? The space beside the power center is about 10 inches wide, 12 inches high, and 24 inches deep, so I don't think cooling will be an issue. Any thoughts?
My trailer has the refrigerator at the back, with the power center in the space underneath it. There's room to the right of the power center, so that's where I plan to put my SCC, a MakeSkyBlue 60 amp V119 w/WiFi. This will conveniently allow me to run the solar panel wires down through the refrigerator vent. The power center is rated at 55 amps, and with 600 watts total solar power the most I can get out of the SCC is 50 amps, so I've concluded that I can piggy back on the existing wires from the power center to the batteries. All this leads to my question: I was initially going to mount the SCC on the front of the cabinet next to the power center, but now I want to add a Blue Sea m-series switch to disconnect the solar panels when doing anything to the system, and the front of that cabinet is the logical place. That got me thinking; the SCC has WiFi and a phone app and I'm adding a battery monitor to track amps, volts, and battery charge, so once everything is set up I really don't need access to the SCC controls or display. So would it be reasonable to mount the SCC inside the cabinet and mount the disconnect switch on the face of the cabinet? The space beside the power center is about 10 inches wide, 12 inches high, and 24 inches deep, so I don't think cooling will be an issue. Any thoughts?

If that cabinet gets hot it's not a great place to mount your MPPT , other than that it doesnt really matter how you do it long as it's done safely , suitable cables with correct fuses
The power center is rated at 55 amps

Is that AC or DC rated amps?

My Victron 100/50 solar charge controller can put out some heat when it's cranking hard. I added 12 volt vent fans to that compartment to ensure that it doesn't get too hot in there.

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