diy solar

diy solar

Maybe I should build a still?

Personally, I use a lot of excess energy for food preservation. Not that I have to, but because I can: dehydrating/freeze-drying, canning, making broth/stock, etc. Of course, wood processing is a big one. Generating wood chips as well...

I'll be looking into an electric sawmill at some point, and maybe a kiln...
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Already done, went heat pump water heater first week of March.

Already have Luyuan box here bringing total bank size to 74 Kwh.

Don't need a generator, we used less than 3% of the yearly Kwh this past year from grid. Less than $5.

No EV here, just not quite the answer in Timbuktu, Iowa. It is some distance to anywhere with civilization and it gets to -30°F here in the winter.

I'd build a still before buying an EV at this point. I can "sample" the product. That would keep me warm when it is -30°F. :)

We added another 18K btu mini split this last month but too nice here in Iowa to get much use right now. Come June, it will be running full bore when the humidity kicks in.

Sounds like you're all over it :)

diy solar

diy solar