diy solar

diy solar

My 12 new bifacials took a 5 ft nosedive off the shipping truck


New Member
Jun 9, 2021
Humble, Texas
Today I received my whole solar setup of inverter, batteries and panels. First pallet came off without a problem, but unfortunately the 2nd pallet got away from the delivery guy and all 600 lbs rolled off the back of the 18 wheeler! The delivery guy took full responsibility, and got it back on the truck for return. Thankfully, where I bought the panels has me filling out an incident form and should replace them all.20230911_105627.jpg
Bummer! I assume there was some obvious damage? I’d have been interested to see how well they did.
I couldn't see any physical damage, but didn't want to risk it. Here is a picture after we got it stood back up. It did damage the pallet underneath 20230911_105827.jpg
It didn't start off lopsided like that did it? If it did, it's not surprising it got away from him.. goodness.
Be sure to have a hose ready to clean them off, during the daytime, so you can see what you're doing. :ROFLMAO:
Today I received my whole solar setup of inverter, batteries and panels. First pallet came off without a problem, but unfortunately the 2nd pallet got away from the delivery guy and all 600 lbs rolled off the back of the 18 wheeler! The delivery guy took full responsibility, and got it back on the truck for return. Thankfully, where I bought the panels has me filling out an incident form and should replace them all.View attachment 167170
These pallets are too big and heavy for most lift gates.
I have had to use my Forklift more than once to help get stuff off the truck because they are so wide and awkward.
My first two pallets of 50 panels total…one damaged. Helped them both down using my forklift and his lift gate. If you’re trying to do that with just a liftgate and it’s more than four panels to where two people can hold onto them on the way down, you’re risking either someone getting hurt or dropped panels. My next two full pallets, I just drove 2:45 one way and picked them up in my standard size van with 8’ forks to load. Unloaded by hand. 475W QCells are max for standard Chevy Express! No more damaged panels.
Rather narrow pallet to ship the panels on. Can't tell from the pictures though if any were broken. Panels can be remarkably resilient so long as they do not have a single point impact. Distributed load may have prevented any damage.
It was good that they just got loaded back up and returned, that would have been a lot of broken glass to deal with.

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diy solar