diy solar

diy solar

My Dometic RV fridge is sucking my batteries dry and I can't determine why?!

Can confirm that the absorption fridges are WAY less efficient. They are designed to fill a need. They work well when there is an abundant heat source that is cheap (propane). They get by if you HAVE to run on electricity, but their co-efficient of performance (COP) is always less than 1. Meanwhile any compressor based fridge/freezer combo in good working order has a COP of around 2.5 or higher.

This really comes down to the inherent efficiencies of the compression refrigeration cycle compared to the absorption cycle.

Absorption chiller do get used in very large applications (hundreds of tons of cooling) when there is abundant waste heat. Historically used in hospitals that use high grade steam for their laundry and sanitizing, then have low grade steam left over after that process. That heat got used to operate lithium bromide absorption chillers that work on the same principle as the 3 way RV fridges

diy solar

diy solar