diy solar

diy solar

New JBD BMS compatible Bluetooth App

Hey, iOS Developer of this app here

Thanks for your feedback. I have received many messages about this feature. I will soon start on version 2.0 of my app and this will be fixed by then!

If anyone else has feedback for my app or any other feature requests i can happily think about implementing those!
Cheers from Germany
I know this is resurecting an old thread, but I can't find any other contact info for the developer. Great App! It does almost everything that is needed. I ran into a situation today I needed to use the Xiaoxiang app for. After discharging my new battery for the first time the AH gauge needed to be zeroed. If there's a way to do it with SmartBMS Utility I couldn't figure out how. It would be nice to have the capabilty hidden in the setting tab so you have to go looking for it.

diy solar

diy solar