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diy solar

New Lux Power LXP-LB-US 12k / GSL-H-12KLV-US with 200A AC Passthrough Current (US Market)

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Good to know that the new hybrid inverter must have solar panels that I can't simply AC couple with batteries to make the existing GT inverters work. I understood to AC couple that you needed batteries to cycle the AC couple inverters with the batteries state of charge but didn't know that the solar panels were also required to be connected to the hybrid inverter in order to make a mini-grid.

I erroneously assumed that the batteries with the hybrid inverter would discharge a pure sine wave for the AC couple GT inverters without needing solar panels connected to the MPPT on the hybrid inverter. I never AC couple, so I just now learning.

Maybe future inverters can simply AC couple only with batteries, but not the current GSL-H-12KLV-US hybrid inverter.
I don't think that's what fromport is trying to convey. The LT should be able to generate a mini-grid solely with batteries, at least my MPP-hybrid does and capable of turning on Enphase M215/250 micros. My interpretation for having one set of PV driving the LT is to have production right at outage while waiting (5-minute) for the other 2x GTs to wake up from AC-coupling... but I can be incorrect. The AC-load at the instant of outage would be provided by the one-set of PV + batteries.
Good to know that the new hybrid inverter must have solar panels that I can't simply AC couple with batteries to make the existing GT inverters work. I understood to AC couple that you needed batteries to cycle the AC couple inverters with the batteries state of charge but didn't know that the solar panels were also required to be connected to the hybrid inverter in order to make a mini-grid.

I erroneously assumed that the batteries with the hybrid inverter would discharge a pure sine wave for the AC couple GT inverters without needing solar panels connected to the MPPT on the hybrid inverter. I never AC couple, so I just now learning.

Maybe future inverters can simply AC couple only with batteries, but not the current GSL-H-12KLV-US hybrid inverter.
I don't think that's what fromport is trying to convey. The LT should be able to generate a mini-grid solely with batteries, at least my MPP-hybrid does and capable of turning on Enphase M215/250 micros. My interpretation for having one set of PV driving the LT is to have production right at outage while waiting (5-minute) for the other 2x GTs to wake up from AC-coupling... but I can be incorrect. The AC-load at the instant of outage would be provided by the one-set of PV + batteries.
Thank you . That is exactly what I was trying to say!
The PV (if/when available) connected to the LP would help directly with the load. With only batteries it will work (should also work when there is no sun) but it would drain the batteries for 5 minutes before the old GT units would kick in again. At that point PV will offset the load and if enough available would start to charge the batteries again. That also works with AC coupling with the existing GT inverters, only with 5 minutes delay.
I don't think that's what fromport is trying to convey. The LT should be able to generate a mini-grid solely with batteries, at least my MPP-hybrid does and capable of turning on Enphase M215/250 micros. My interpretation for having one set of PV driving the LT is to have production right at outage while waiting (5-minute) for the other 2x GTs to wake up from AC-coupling... but I can be incorrect. The AC-load at the instant of outage would be provided by the one-set of PV + batteries.
Thank you, I think that I finally understand and it is logical.
Thank you . That is exactly what I was trying to say!
The PV (if/when available) connected to the LP would help directly with the load. With only batteries it will work (should also work when there is no sun) but it would drain the batteries for 5 minutes before the old GT units would kick in again. At that point PV will offset the load and if enough available would start to charge the batteries again. That also works with AC coupling with the existing GT inverters, only with 5 minutes delay.
Fromport, I'm sorry for being so dense as not to understand a very detail explanation. It is definitely not your communication skills, I was just having a very hard time understanding the AC couple concept. I just didn't know AC couple limitations and applications in order to be able to apply it to my situation.

I have learned a lot from you about hybrid inverters, batteries, AC couple, etc. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I agree with sollap and have included p7 & p18, so you can verify for yourself:
View attachment 116043
View attachment 116042
The above diagram is labeled for AC coupled solar system and is shown with a backup panel connected to the eps and the main panel connected to the grid. It also shows the hybrid inverter connected to breakers in the main panel. Based on p7, it does states that you can connect the main house panel to the eps for a whole house backup. For me the diagram is confusing and it would be helpful, if GSL provided a whole house backup diagram. GSL also need to update their specification sheet to show whole house backup system.
GSL did not create that manual. they never create manuals. It was created either by LuxPowerTek or the actual manufacturer. Just an FYI.
I suspect this is so that they can find resellers around the world to establish a sales channel, once done they will shut this avenue down.
As a reseller it will be YOU doing the customer support and sorting out all the shipping issues and broken bits. You will need a box of spare parts or a couple extra units to rob spares from.
So yeah you can front $35k to get 10 units shipped, branded and maybe a few spare parts or $300,000 to get 100 of them and become SS mk2 !!!
Good luck.

Actually it would be wicked cool if Will resold these branded as "DIY solar forum" units lol
When I bought my system (inverter and 4 powerwall batteries) in January of this year from GSL, they knew up front it was a one time deal and I was an end user. They have given me outstanding customer support for their piece of junk megarevo 8kw inverter. I have pretty much the whole company on a perpetual Whatsapp chat. They do have two dealers in the US. One in Houston and one back east somewhere (I think NJ). At one point they thought they were going to have to replace my inverter. They would have shipped it air from China and then had me package up the broken one and they would have sent a courier to pick it up and send it to one of their dealers for further instructions. They have shown me excellent customer service. Your Laison to the company is your sales rep. They coordinate everything.
When I bought my system (inverter and 4 powerwall batteries) in January of this year from GSL, they knew up front it was a one time deal and I was an end user. They have given me outstanding customer support for their piece of junk megarevo 8kw inverter. I have pretty much the whole company on a perpetual Whatsapp chat. They do have two dealers in the US. One in Houston and one back east somewhere (I think NJ). At one point they thought they were going to have to replace my inverter. They would have shipped it air from China and then had me package up the broken one and they would have sent a courier to pick it up and send it to one of their dealers for further instructions. They have shown me excellent customer service. Your Laison to the company is your sales rep. They coordinate everything.
Any discussions about Will Prowse doing a full review YouTube video on the GSL-12KLV-US? Any discussions of a YouTube video comparing the differences between the GSL and the SA hybrid inverters with 200A bypass?
Does anyone actually have the GSL-H-12KLV-US installed and can share their experience?

I'm considering (2) GSL-H-12KLV-US with 15 KW on each hybrid inverter or 30 KW total connected to the grid. Right now I have 15 KW GT inverters and 18.8 KW solar panels and want to upgrade to (2) 12 KW hybrid inverters at 24 KW with 30 KW solar panels.

Right or wrong, I feel this will be more beneficial to me than a single 12 KW GSL hybrid inverter with batteries. In my situation batteries are not going to save me money, but solar panels will save me money. If there is an extended power outage, I would still have some power during the day and accomplish my main objective.
I have some of the same questions about doing an install of this inverter as Not Aerosmith has. Currently, I have the megarevo inverter installed with PV and batteries. I did not grid tie the system because the installer didn't come prepared to find the ports in the megarevo grossly too small for the large cable that is coming from my grid power. My questions are:
Do I have to have a backup load panel if I intend to backup the whole house with the 200amp grid passthrough? I had intended to take the two phase load cables and hook to L1 and L2 (and of course the PE and the negative) and then take the grid cables and hook them directly to the inverter grid ports. Will that work?
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I think has one already. He share pictures earlier in this thread.
True, I saw the post and gave him a LIKE. At that moment, he was very pleased with the new inverter. Things can change and others may have the same or different experiences with the new inverter. I would hate to buy two next week and find out too late.
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I have some of the same questions about doing an install of this inverter as Not Aerosmith has. Currently, I have the megarevo inverter installed with PV and batteries. I did not grid tie the system because the installer didn't come prepared to find the ports in the megarevo grossly too small for the large cable that is coming from my grid power.

My questions are:
Do I have to have a backup load panel if I intend to backup the whole house with the 200amp grid passthrough?. I had intended to take the two phase load cables and hook to L1 and L2 (and of course the PE and the negative) and then take the grid cables and hook them directly to the inverter grid ports. Will that work?

If you are installing the inverter inline between your grid connection or main breaker and your mains panel, your mains panel in now your ‘critical loads’ panel and no additional panel is needed.

The only small risk with this configuration is that in backup made, load can easily exceed hybrid inverter max output (where a distinct Critical Loads panel can allow you to determine what is actually critical such as fridges and lights).
I do not have any knowledge about the GSL but my Outback Skybox has 60 Amp breakers on the AC input and AC output and that is how I calculated how much pass through it had. I have not read this thread but where did you see someone claiming it had 200 A pass through? Even if it did it would be useless with a 50 Amp limitation on output.
50A is the rating of the inverter output not the passthrough rating. No passthrough rating equals the inverter's output capacity. Otherwise the Sol-Arks would have to be 50kW inverters! Do you think the Sol-Arks are 50kW inverters? All information is on the first page of this thread. Please read the manual.
50A is the rating of the inverter output not the passthrough rating. No passthrough rating equals the inverter's output capacity. Otherwise the Sol-Arks would have to be 50kW inverters!
50 Amps is 12,000 kW. My inverter has 60 Amp breakers on AC In and AC out so that is 14,400 kW passthrough. My inverter output is 5 kW.
Not sure how you went from 50Amp to 50 kW and not sure what your point is but I don't need to read the manual to understand the math of Amps and Watts. If I was interested in a SolArk I would have to read the manual because the name does not necessarily the inverter capacity. I am not interested in the inverter which is the subject of this thread.
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50 Amps is 12,000 kW. My inverter has 60 Amp breakers on AC In and AC out so that is 14,400 kW passthrough. My inverter output is 5 kW.
Not sure what your point is but I don't need to read the manual to understand the math of Amps and Watts. If I was interested in a SolArk I would have to read the manual because the name does not necessarily the inverter capacity. I am not interested in the inverter which is the subject of this thread.
Really you don't understand my point? That's really funny. You stated that if the GSL inverter is limited to 50A on output that the passthrough would be a limitation anyway. I was simply clarifying that the 200A passthrough has nothing to do with the 50A inverter output rating, just like you just did above. So yea your inverter is only 5kW and it has nothing to do with the passthrough rating of 63A. So why then would you suggest that the GSL 200A passthrough would be limited by its 50A inverter rating?

I am the one who claimed it had a 200A passthrough after GSL did, and after reading the GSL users manual and all of their marketing information, and after talking with Jim their CEO, and after talking with LuxPower and reading their user's manual. Why was it so hard for you to believe that the GSL inverter could have a 200A passthrough? Here's the reason: "I have not read this thread but where did you see someone claiming it had 200 A pass through? Even if it did it would be useless with a 50 Amp limitation on output." So next time read the thread. Again, all information is available on the first page of this thread.
So why then would you suggest that the GSL 200A passthrough would be limited by its 50A inverter rating?
I was not suggesting that. I was offering a hypothesis based on what was asked about in this quote:.
I can only find 50a@240V AC output while grid tied.

They must have meant Inverter AC out. It is clear, after looking at the title to the thread that it says 200 Amp passthrough for the GSL.
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I gave you a LIKE, because you shared. However, I really don't LIKE the MOQ requirements in the message from Jim that you shared.

My only hope is that GRV0423 or derekja or Hrschk can educate us about the fine art of negotiations.

It seems that you sent a letter or an email. From the DIY successful buyers' posts, it sounded like they may had called??? I hope there is a simple solution where GSL Energy will extend the same price to all members of the DIY Solar Forum. HELP!!!

I can give you my sales person's contact info. This may be an old request. I'm just now going back and reading the whole thread to find nuances of info that I missed previously. If you contact her, please let her know I referred you. I need brownie points :) I went through their website for sales, not through Alibaba

Wendy Wu
Shenzhen GSL Tech.Co.Ltd.
: 0086 19924565757
Also GSL has several sales contacts. There is no one NA representative. They have several representatives portraits on their website, and I have worked with two representatives that aren't even listed on their website. Their US/European names are just aliases, and who knows if they are even the same person each time you talk to them.
Exactly! Although, I do believe my contact is the same one each time. But, they use generic email addresses so that they can assign new people to the emails easily. has changed to 3 different people in the couple of years that I've been conversing with them. However, the whatsapp phone numbers seem to go with individual people, not with the generic email addresses. Just my observations. They do have turnover frequently in the sales arena at least.
Also, when I filed a complaint through Alibaba (I paid through them, eventhough I ordered directly and not through Alibab), the same person who actually sold me the items also responded to my complaint, along with Jim, of course. So, I do believe there are unique sales people who converse with their own clients. But, obviously, they have adopted aliased, English names and don't go by their real names. But, I have had video conversations with my sales person and some support people on more than one occasion and it was the same sales person each time.
It would never had occurred to me to use Alibaba. I had only one experience with them where I asked a question, which put me on Made in China mailing list with no answer to the question. I definitely need to reconsider them based on your experience. Thanks again for sharing.
You do have to be careful buying on alibaba because there are so many people/companies who sell stuff on there that they profess to be authentic and are just junk. Alibaba has a very good buyer insurance policy. I would search and find what you want on alibaba, then google the company and go directly to them (in this case GSL-Energy) and contact them outside of Alibaba. They will then send you an invoice that you can pay through Alibab, which gives you their protection (as well as your CC or Paypal protections) in the case something goes wrong. I have had to use Alibaba protection policy and I can tell you it is good and it works and they stand behind it.
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