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diy solar

New Tariffs in the States

Big difference between "manufactured" in USA and Made in USA.
well if you refer to my post you'll see it says manufactured. Did you have a question or something?

Here's one of several (or more) companies that have factories here
There is deceptive statements from places that even claim they are "Made in USA" when they are just getting parts from China and assembling them in the USA with Chinese machinery and even sometimes with Chinese workers. The YT video that Engineer775 did of KB Solar who claims they are "Made in USA" (but in their web page description switches to "manufactured") is good example of this deception. He had to blur out some of the stuff in the video because they showed boxes from Chinese companies (and what appears to be Chinese workers) being used to "manufacture" the solar panels. "Made is USA" has a legal definition that the FTC can crack down on if used inappropriately but that requires complaints to be filed with them. "Made in USA" means that nearly all of the product is made from material or components from the USA which is not the case with some of these.
My point in bringing this up is that if you have a company that is truly making stuff in the USA they will be immune to any tariffs. But if you have some of these companies that are deceiving people into thinking they are made in USA you really not only hurt those that are truly making stuff in the USA but still benefitting China.
There is deceptive statements from places that even claim they are "Made in USA" when they are just getting parts from China and assembling them in the USA with Chinese machinery and even sometimes with Chinese workers. The YT video that Engineer775 did of KB Solar who claims they are "Made in USA" (but in their web page description switches to "manufactured") is good example of this deception. He had to blur out some of the stuff in the video because they showed boxes from Chinese companies (and what appears to be Chinese workers) being used to "manufacture" the solar panels. "Made is USA" has a legal definition that the FTC can crack down on if used inappropriately but that requires complaints to be filed with them. "Made in USA" means that nearly all of the product is made from material or components from the USA which is not the case with some of these.
A lot of the made in USA things are done by prison labor as well, my post wasn't talking about any of that so it's irrelevant. I'm talking about actual factories being located here and running.
There's a list here
none of them are anything drastic, the prices on EVs don't even matter since we can't even get chinese EVs in USA.

Some seem to get the wrong idea about tariffs, it's punishment for the USA based companies to stop making stuff in china and make it here instead.
Unfortunately it hurts us regular poor folk.
Tons of solar panels etc are already manufactured in USA, the CHIPS act has also pushed many huge fabs into creation.

It'll take many years to change but you definitely don't want to see the tariffs go to like 1000% and the prices at walmart a day later.. we'd all be homeless 🤣
Most of the stuff if not all the stuff I've bought from china is going to see a price increase that isn't even noticeable though, the tariffs are already barely anything.

Tariffs also hurt American manufacturers competing with China because we use parts that are made in China and nowhere else.

A lot of the made in USA things are done by prison labor as well, my post wasn't talking about any of that so it's irrelevant. I'm talking about actual factories being located here and running.

Yes, we have our factory in the US but use parts from all over the world, including China so we cannot put "Made in the USA" on the products anymore. A certain percentage of the product has to come from the US. That is pretty hard to do a significant part of the product with parts made in the US, if even possible. It would be way too expensive and nobody would buy the products. I thought that the requirement was around 70% American parts but don't quote me on that.

There were (and are ?) companies that would even take the Chinese made product apart and put it back together again just to say made in the USA. Certain grid-tie inverters for instance.

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Allegedly, China is subsidizing "dumping", the selling of products below cost.
The Chinese people are paying for bargains available in the US.

When the US government imposes tariffs "to level the playing field", that brings the price back up to market (more or less).
The American consumer pays the tariff, so they (may) end up paying a fair price.

Wish the money collected in tariffs would go to those harmed (domestic manufacturers), but even if it is a tax collected from the Chinese people (their subsidy of dumping) and used to fund the US government, that isn't all bad.

And now Biden is adding to it and never did help US manufacturers by changing the original Trump tariff lists. It's bipartisan now. It might have been a nice idea with good intent originally but was not thought through by either party. The presidents do not understand how American manufacturing works and just has their cronies write up the tariffs.

Did you know that right after the tariffs started, we manufacturers had to buy parts from China with 25% to 50% tariffs added BUT there were NO tariffs (just the usual 7% or so duties) on completed products from China ? Like inverters. So much for made in the USA.

We asked our Chinese connection guy about that and he said it was because of lobbyists. I could believe that.
Looks like tariffs were ~30% (+ 10% from a different thing) on panels in 2018, and slowly dropped down to 15%(+ 10% from a different thing) last year. So now they're 25%
Congress tried to raise them back to where they were, biden vetoed it.
They rewrote more of the paperwork or whatever, and now are bringing it to 50%
Well it'll raise panel price a bit but it's not gonna be anything crazy.

Yes, we have our factory in the US but use parts from all over the world, including China so we cannot put "Made in the USA" on the products anymore. A certain percentage of the product has to come from the US. That is pretty hard to do a significant part of the product with parts made in the US, if even possible. It would be way too expensive and nobody would buy the products. I thought that the requirement was around 70% American parts but don't quote me on that.

There were (and are ?) companies that would even take the Chinese made product apart and put it back together again just to say made in the USA. Certain grid-tie inverters for instance.

shouldn't have exported 51% of global steel production to china lool
got like 2 places that do it here still

We asked our Chinese connection guy about that and he said it was because of lobbyists. I could believe that.
because he wanted a quick extra buck*
Looks like tariffs were ~30% (+ 10% from a different thing) on panels in 2018, and slowly dropped down to 15%(+ 10% from a different thing) last year. So now they're 25%
Congress tried to raise them back to where they were, biden vetoed it.
They rewrote more of the paperwork or whatever, and now are bringing it to 50%
Well it'll raise panel price a bit but it's not gonna be anything crazy.

shouldn't have exported 51% of global steel production to china lool
got like 2 places that do it here still

because he wanted a quick extra buck*

Yep ! He wasn't going to stop a good thing for him. Especially as he wanted to spend more money anyway.

I sure wish that politicians understood (or cared ?) more about how this stuff works.

Oh well. They get paid the big bucks.


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diy solar