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diy solar

No issue. I did it. 20k phantom load and lost all settings and lost AC Couple on 18kpv


Solar Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2023
Update Update:

Somehow I did this. After researching, it was confirmed the change came from my phone and IP.

SO no hacking, no issues with security, etc. All my fault.

Someone logged into my account and reset all factory defaults. There is a minor chance that my phone in my pocket ended up logged in and clicked all the right buttons, but that is not realistic. More likely some A hole got hold of my account info and decided to have fun.

Leaving original thread below.

OK, this is a weird one.

My 18 has been wonderful so far.

Today, out of nowhere, a 20k load appeared and continued for 2 hours. 20k would be everything in the house running at the same time, which wasn't the case.

Trying to figure it out, I started turning off breakers, with no change. I finally turned off main breaker to the house. No change. Still showing a 20k load, pulling from PV, battery and grid.

Turned off the battery breakers and the rapid shutdown on the 18.

Waited a few, turned 18 back on, battery on, turned main breaker back on, turned everything else back on.

9k load, which makes sense, but I lost all my settings on the 18. Like every one.

Went in, turned everything back to what I remember the settings being, but now AC couple isn't working. I have zero volts on the Gen port.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I will call in tomorrow, but this was a weird one.
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That's interesting. Following this one. Where would all that power have gone for so long?
That's interesting. Following this one. Where would all that power have gone for so long?
It had to be internal to the 18, or it was being misreported.

Before I turned everything off, I put a clamp meter on the load side of 18 and it was 15 amp total, so 1800 watts, ish, which makes sense at the time, since nothing was really running.


  • 1000000916.png
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Well, this is interesting.

My AC couple dropped to zero and the load spiked at the same time.1000000917.png
Something had a brain fart. Was it the inverter or the monitoring ?
Have all your settings changed back to factory ?
What firmware are you on and is there a SS battery hub involved ?
And the AC couple inverter reports lost AC power at the same time.

So it has to be an internal thing on the 18, combined with AC couple.
It would have to be misreported otherwise the 18kpv would have blown up.

Did CT connection come loose or something?
Nope, see my other posts, I made at the same time as you.

My guess is the relay for AC coupling, but total guess
Something had a brain fart. Was it the inverter or the monitoring ?
Have all your settings changed back to factory ?
What firmware are you on and is there a SS battery hub involved ?
Latest firmware, yes hub, but something went amiss on AC coupling. My AC Coupled inverter reported lost AC at the same time crazy load showed up
It would have to be misreported otherwise the 18kpv would have blown up.

Did CT connection come loose or something?
The load was being fed from grid, pass through, solar and battery were both running OK. If off grid, the 18 would have shut down, but on grid, it feeds more than the 12k it can invert.
The load was being fed from grid, pass through, solar and battery were both running OK. If off grid, the 18 would have shut down, but on grid, it feeds more than the 12k it can invert.
But you had turned off breakers so there was no real load, just reported.
If it was truly consuming 20k with no other loads, the room that it's in should be 160 degrees!

Since you lost all the settings, there must have been a hardware malfunction. A bad memory chip or IC must have made things go wild.
But you had turned off breakers so there was no real load, just reported.
I think, and this is a SWAG, the relay for the AC Coupling is 90 Amps. That relay is now not working. The AC coupling dropped at the same time as the spike, confirmed by the other inverter. I am thinking that relay was taking all that juice.

I didn't think to grab my temp gun, to see if anything was super hot. I did touch wires to see if any of those were hot, but they were not
I think, and this is a SWAG, the relay for the AC Coupling is 90 Amps. That relay is now not working. The AC coupling dropped at the same time as the spike, confirmed by the other inverter. I am thinking that relay was taking all that juice.

I didn't think to grab my temp gun, to see if anything was super hot. I did touch wires to see if any of those were hot, but they were not
It would only have been able to take that for a few seconds
If it was truly consuming 20k with no other loads, the room that it's in should be 160 degrees!

Since you lost all the settings, there must have been a hardware malfunction. A bad memory chip or IC must have made things go wild.
Yeah, something very weird. I am think the relay is bad. No voltage now
Yeah, something very weird. I am think the relay is bad. No voltage now
I just check your setting, Grid sell Back Power (kw) is 0kw it must set between 0.1-25.5 kw in order to turn on the Generator relay and provide power to the ac couple. I check your history setting and it was set to 20kw before. I will preset to 20kw to activate it. You can change it with your preference later.

I also noticed your setting for ac couple start and stop is 80% and 100%. the ac couple will be cut off by opening the generator relay at 100%(Ac Couple End Soc). When the battery reach or drop to 80%(ac couple start SOC) the generator will activate again and the generator relay will be turn on and provide power again.

I would prefer the ac couple start soc 95% and ac couple stop soc 100% which is 5% difference. To keep the battery soc high during power outage. Ac couple setting start and stop will only be activated during power outage or no grid input.
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Latest firmware, yes hub, but something went amiss on AC coupling. My AC Coupled inverter reported lost AC at the same time crazy load showed up
What exact version, 1A1A public ? And hub too, exact firmware version.
There may be a specific set of circumstances that are causing odd things to happen.
The apparent AC coupling failure might be a symptom rather than the cause.
I just check your setting, Grid sell Back Power (kw) is 0kw it must set between 0.1-25.5 kw in order to turn on the Generator relay and provide power to the ac couple. I check your history setting and it was set to 20kw before. I will preset to 20kw to activate it. You can change it with your preference later.

I also noticed your setting for ac couple start and stop is 80% and 100%. the ac couple will be cut off by opening the generator relay at 100%(Ac Couple End Soc). When the battery reach or drop to 80%(ac couple start SOC) the generator will activate again and the generator relay will be turn on and provide power again.

I would prefer the ac couple start soc 95% and ac couple stop soc 100% which is 5% difference. To keep the battery soc high during power outage. Ac couple setting start and stop will only be activated during power outage or no grid input.
Thanks for this, but these settings are from the reset. I lost all my previous settings, and not only that, when I tried to set the SOC for AC couple to 95 and 100, the highest it would let me set the bottom number to was 80%.

I'd really like to know what happened. Something very very odd went down, and I am frankly afraid. There was 20kW going somewhere. The batteries were draining at 250 amps, the grid was feeding, house breaker was turned off, If I hadn't checked randomly, who knows how long this would have gone on for, and what could have happened.
I just check your setting, Grid sell Back Power (kw) is 0kw it must set between 0.1-25.5 kw in order to turn on the Generator relay and provide power to the ac couple. I check your history setting and it was set to 20kw before. I will preset to 20kw to activate it. You can change it with your preference later.

I also noticed your setting for ac couple start and stop is 80% and 100%. the ac couple will be cut off by opening the generator relay at 100%(Ac Couple End Soc). When the battery reach or drop to 80%(ac couple start SOC) the generator will activate again and the generator relay will be turn on and provide power again.

I would prefer the ac couple start soc 95% and ac couple stop soc 100% which is 5% difference. To keep the battery soc high during power outage. Ac couple setting start and stop will only be activated during power outage or no grid input.
ac couple 5-20-24.png
There was 20kW going somewhere. The batteries were draining at 250 amps,
the battery was draining 250A? :oops:
do you have any screenshots of that.

btw, that still wouldnt be 20kw but thats concerning!
the battery was draining 250A? :oops:
do you have any screenshots of that.

btw, that still wouldnt be 20kw but thats concerning!
It shows on the graph, but confirmed on the comm hub.

As I said earlier, it was pulling from the battery, solar and grid to feed this phantom load.

5-19-24 incident 1.png
That graph is kind of what mine looked like when I had my external CTs wired wrong on my Sol-Ark 15k. I had line 1 going to the pins for line 2, and line 2 going to the pins for line one. Mine showed up because whenever I started drawing high watts, it would start using grid. Not saying that's your issue, just that it looks similar.
That graph is kind of what mine looked like when I had my external CTs wired wrong on my Sol-Ark 15k. I had line 1 going to the pins for line 2, and line 2 going to the pins for line one. Mine showed up because whenever I started drawing high watts, it would start using grid. Not saying that's your issue, just that it looks similar.
Thanks, but yeah, this has been in service like this since November, and over 5 MWh of power through it, and didn't change anything.

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