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diy solar

Obvious question from complete newbie


New Member
May 11, 2024
Ascot, Berkshire
Good evening all, I am new to solar and this group. Is there a part of the forum that deals with questions on customising a system to suit one's needs. I would like to set up my Solis inverter to keep my battery charged before exporting to grid. I'd like to start the evening with 100% charge if possible. I'm sure this question must have been asked before. Thanks very much in advance.
Start by showing us what you got? If you already have an installed system download drawio and make a diagram. Watch a 10 minute video on youtube and it is super easy to figure out.

If you have nothing you may want to start with two things - an energy evaluation to see how much power you use verse how much you need. Actually this can just be the electric bill if it shows weekly/monthly average. The figure out how much battery you need to make it through the night and then how many panels you need.

We can help with all of these things of course.

And, don't foget to look through the resources tabs - there are a lot of things there that answer the questions you will have.
Thanks robbob2112.

I have a new system in place - 3kw roof mounted panels with a Solis inverter and a Pylontech US5000 battery although I'd like another battery when finances permit.

I have started to look through the resources tabs as you suggested and I think that most of the answers I'm currently looking for are there, although I will reach out and ask if I need further help. I didn't know that there was so much I didn't know!

Thanks again 😊
You have a similar system to me. 3kWp, Solis S5-EH1P3K-L and Pylontech US2000C x 2. I'm planning to add a US5000 if/when finances.

The default Self-use settings on Solis prioritise PV generation as : Load, then Charge, then Grid last. There are tricks to prevent it using battery until a certain time, such as setting a Charge from grid time slot with a current of 0A. The battery won't charge, but it won't discharge either.

For example, if my battery is 100% full and I want to keep that from now (08:15) to the start of the peak time (16:00) I would set a charge current of 0A, start time 08:15 and end time 16:00. During that time load will be met by PV with any extra from grid as needed.

I can't think of an easy way to set it to allow the battery to charge from PV, but not use the charge until a set time.
You have a similar system to me. 3kWp, Solis S5-EH1P3K-L and Pylontech US2000C x 2. I'm planning to add a US5000 if/when finances.

The default Self-use settings on Solis prioritise PV generation as : Load, then Charge, then Grid last. There are tricks to prevent it using battery until a certain time, such as setting a Charge from grid time slot with a current of 0A. The battery won't charge, but it won't discharge either.

For example, if my battery is 100% full and I want to keep that from now (08:15) to the start of the peak time (16:00) I would set a charge current of 0A, start time 08:15 and end time 16:00. During that time load will be met by PV with any extra from grid as needed.

I can't think of an easy way to set it to allow the battery to charge from PV, but not use the charge until a set time.
That's the sort of insight that I was looking for, thanks rpdom.😁
I didn't know that there was so much I didn't know!
Welcome!.. the more we know, we know that there is more to know ;)

You got the answer from the Solis+Pylontech expert on here, but do shout if you have any other Solis-related queries - there are a few of us regulars on here who have Solis inverters.

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diy solar