diy solar

diy solar

PV String DC Voltage Limiter

Need a way to limit PV string DC voltage to that allowed by a hybrid inverter.

Unique scenario. Imagine a situation where you are unable to change your panels or the string size of the panels (permits, zoning, etc) and you need to limit the DC voltage to a lower value than the string can theoretically produce. If your existing inverter strings theoretically can produce up 550V DC on a cold sunny day, and the . . . . . . Is there a way to limit the DC voltage of a PV string to protect the inverter on those few days it might be a problem?

I found your question while looking for the same thing myself. I'm sure I will find a way to construct something of the kind even if just as a protection device.
I am paranoid about the possibility of a very cold day with a strong sun irradiance risking the life of my two 250/100 Victron MPPTs

diy solar

diy solar