diy solar

diy solar

Santan 🚨 Tariff Alert Aug 1st!

The tariff rate on solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024.

The tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries will increase from 7.5%% to 25% in 2024, while the tariff rate on lithium-ion non-EV batteries will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate on battery parts will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2024.

The tariff rate on semiconductors will increase from 25% to 50% by 2025.
I just got this text alert
The Sheisters are out, they cannot read the docs posted on WH & Revenue and are making hooey Frea Mongering statements. THAT is the RED FLAG to not do business with Chicken Littles clucking about something they do not grasp.
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The tariff rate on solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules) will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024.

The tariff rate on lithium-ion EV batteries will increase from 7.5%% to 25% in 2024, while the tariff rate on lithium-ion non-EV batteries will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2026. The tariff rate on battery parts will increase from 7.5% to 25% in 2024.

The tariff rate on semiconductors will increase from 25% to 50% by 2025.
With all those tariff % changes, I feel math challenged. What overall % increase does this mean to the end customer?
Prices double? They are math challenged.
No, just using "new" math (or maybe it's marketing math). The tariffs on PV cells is set to double, but they word it to imply that the price of panels will double.

Pretty misleading, if not outright sleazy.
The Sheisters are out, they cannot read the docs posted on WH & Revenue and are making hooey Frea Mongering statements. THAT is the RED FLAG to not do business with Chicken Littles clucking about something they do not grasp.

It's just marketing. Embellishments and exaggerations rule within that realm.

Truth rarely makes good ad copy.

Nothing new.
It seems like the Chinese are already moving manufacturing to the USA to get around the Tariffs.

To my understanding, tariffs are implemented to prevent competition from foreign companies.

Consumers win when there is competition, so I say good on the Chinese for avoiding these tax hikes, and bringing jobs and competition to the US
Yup checked my email and found this too.
Fear mongering eh


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Hmmm... The increased tariff will not apply to the portion of the panel cost that's the existing tariff.

If a $100 panel includes a 25% tariff, the cost of the panel is $100/1.25 = $80. A 50% tariff would mean an $80 panel would be $80 * 1.5 = $120.
Solar panel tax makes NO DAMN SENSE.

A: We have never had a real solar panel industry. The Chinese did.

B: We just now are starting to have a fledgling solar panel industry.

C: You start up making things because you can make a profit in the current market.

D: You do not start a business/industry if you can't make a profit NOW. You do not form a startup that requires tariffs to be made up for you to make a profit.

Apparently these new solar participants thought they could do just fine competing in this market. If they can't and its really a Chinese market to start with then tough luck.

All this is doing is making the product that was there to start with cost more because some people wanted a piece of the Chinese companies pie and I am so pissed off that someone thought this was a wonderful idea that no matter how much they raise the price of the Chinese panels I will continue to buy the Chinese panels over the American ones until the tariffs are removed.

After the tariffs are removed or at least put back where they were I will buy American if its a good product at a decent price.

That's my opinion and my wallet supporting my opinion :)
Sounds like a contradiction to me. What products are made cheaper here? How does the consumer win?

Tariffs are a tax on American consumers. Period.

They are designed to raise prices such that American companies can compete even if those manufacturers don't exist and have no interest in existing.
They are designed to raise prices such that American companies can compete.

But we can never really compete when workers here want minimum $15hr and 15 minute breaks every hour. We could probably put a 100% tariff on them, and panels will still be cheaper coming from China or wherever labor is cheap. Keep in mind the costs here for building the factories too.
But we can never really compete when workers here want $15 hr and 15 minute breaks every hour. We could probably put a 100% tariff on them and panels will still be cheaper coming from China or wherever labor is cheap. Keep in mind the costs here for building the factories too.

When have you seen logic and politics align?

This is anti-china, pro-'merca, "protecting 'mercan jerbs," which is what a large chunk of the country wants or can be talked into (mostly because they don't understand). There's also the benefit of getting more taxes from american consumers.

The politicians get to be perceived as doing something meaningful, while raising prices for consumers and generating tax revenue.

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diy solar