diy solar

diy solar

Search not working...


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
... or is it just my end?

Today, I get the dreaded 'oops, we ran into some problems' pop up when I search - everything else is working OK
Yep, I was just about to post a thread saying that; turns out you all found it first!
yup, cane to make the same complaint no search on ff desktop or ff android mobile
Well there was a fiber cut last night and it took out the net connection for my primary email server, master dns server and also where I put the search for this site.

The backup fiber connection hadn't been used is 15 years. It seems it wasn't configured correctly when it was provisioned 15 years ago and did not "flawlessly" roll over as intended.

I created a new search to handle the job. It looked like it was working fine after I got it going but it wasn't listening on the same address as the old one so while it was working it wasn't answering at the address the site was set to. Changed the address it listens on and its now "fixed" :)
Well there was a fiber cut last night and it took out the net connection for my primary email server, master dns server and also where I put the search for this site.

The backup fiber connection hadn't been used is 15 years. It seems it wasn't configured correctly when it was provisioned 15 years ago and did not "flawlessly" roll over as intended.

I created a new search to handle the job. It looked like it was working fine after I got it going but it wasn't listening on the same address as the old one so while it was working it wasn't answering at the address the site was set to. Changed the address it listens on and its now "fixed" :)
Dude, you gotta call 811 before you dig, remember?
Well there was a fiber cut last night and it took out the net connection for my primary email server, master dns server and also where I put the search for this site.
I noticed this just after midnight EDT early this morning.
I posted a picture, and then poof! disappeared. Checked with

Great job getting it back up and running 10-15 minutes later, thank you.
From what I can gather it was anchor on boat that got this one. Not my department :)
Sigh. Darned boats! Guess I can let you off the hook this time.

OK but in all seriousness, thanks for keeping things working (y)
Sorry for the downtime. Good news is the site itself never went down. But the dns wasn't pointing people here. There is a failsafe now to prevent it from ever happening again.
Installing a few updates on the search thing while I'm at it so it may show an error from time to time for a bit.
It has sort by date when using the "advanced search" thing. Is that what your referring to?

diy solar

diy solar