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diy solar

Setup video, EG4 18kPv with battery, outdoor installation, house, no solar


New Member
Sep 23, 2019
A local family would like to install the following, under these conditions and restrictions:

1. EG4 18kPv hybrid inverter on outside wall, next to main service panel and disconnect.
2. No solar, the inverter & battery is intended for automatic backup.
3. They have 200amp utility service and they can not install solar panels on yard or roof so that is out-of-scope (perhaps in 12+ months).
4. Currently a Honda EU7000ISNAN generator with a manual transfer powers whole house and has been used for outages lasting 10+ days.
5. All critical systems are 240volt, DC motors, ie. Mitsubishi heatpumps, irrigation, pool, all inverters, water heat is a non-issue in tropical climate.

Typical daily power use instant peak is 2,490 watts with outdoor temp 95-98 F, during the hottest part of the day.
Monthly (31 days) max is 1,570 kwh during highest power use month(s), historically.
Even when "everything is running", they never exceed 3,500 watts peak power
They have no large rush AC devices and don't run appliances during power outage(s).

Their goal is to have battery (type and capacity TBD) to switch automatically from grid to the 18kPv.
At some point, the Honda would have to be connected to recharge batteries but system should be able to run a few hours [4-6] unattended.

Entire system would be installed next to their current outdoor service panel which has multiple open slots (GE panel).

Is there a setup video anywhere for this ? They have watched Will's videos but it's too much at eagle eye level, need more granular nitty-gritty.
Anyone with a video showing an example of outdoor installation from unboxing to powering a house?

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diy solar