diy solar

diy solar

Shore Power Inlet Recommendations?

My recommendation is to use the Smart Plug. Basically everything we install now on boats are Smart Plugs.

The only down side is they don't make a 50a single leg version, but that isn't a common need anyway.

If you need 30a single leg service, then get the 30a plug, plus a 30a to 15a 4' adapter so you can plug in to a normal outlet to keep small loads like fridges, lights, trickle chargers, etc on without the need for 30a service.
I'd agree but if you lose or break yours you're SOL. At least with a normal 30/50a you can buy one at a campsite or any store. Or at least get a 50 to 30 to 15 amp adapters and use an extension cord for $15 instead of spending the $150 for a new 50amp cable.... like I did last night.

In my experience you're a lot less likely to lose stuff on a boat than on an RV. Boats have tons of small compartments where you can dedicate spots for things, RVs have few large ones where things get tossed together.
Everywhere around me sells the Smartplug, so I don't know what your issue is with obtaining one. Also, why don't you just stop losing shit? I have been in the business for many years and almost always, I see the original cables and adapters on RVs and Boats. Very rarely do we ever sell replacements. When we do, it is because one was damaged from the owner being a dumbass and running it over, or dropping it off the boat.