diy solar

diy solar

Should I believe another doom and gloom forecast for energy this summer?

I almost stopped reading after this, "A lot of solar came onto the system," Olson said. "And we've had more capacity stick around in some areas that were of concern in the past and that has helped to enable all areas to have resources for normal peak conditions as demand is growing."
Now I'm done.

Don't pay attention to fear mongering, conditioning, and desensitization of the msm. Live your life, enjoy it. Watch the news to get the sun forecast to determine how much power you can waste.
Hello DIYrich,

Personally I would look towards the national weather forecasting agencies, in the US that would be NOAA and you get the same information without the hype. You don't have to accept their prediction, but I would certainly take it into account if I could be affected by it. For example I delayed my spring planting one year because the long range (3 month) forecast predicted a late spring for my location. The nurseries made a fortune that year, but since I grow my own seedlings from seed and started them indoors later that year (and therefore planted them outside later as well), I was fine. For making a decision whether to install solar and how much I would need much longer range predictions, like a decade in advance.

To answer your question, remember it is just a prediction, you don't have to believe them, it won't change the weather. I do believe them enough to make plans around the predictions, as do loads of farmers here and they, like myself, are well aware of the limitations of those predictions.

I hope this helps.
It will really matter on just where you are if past years are anything to go by.

A great many people think that fall will be when everything is going to go to hell, we will need to wait and see. But being able to make and store enough electrical pixies to keep you going is not a bad idea, canned foods is also another good idea along with some other basic items. Have a stash now before you can't get toilet paper again.
Do you know why there was such a deficit of toilet paper during the scamdemic?

Because when one guy sneezed, 100 shit in their pants
I get the joke, but in serious manner it really does not matter the why, it did happen and it will happen again.

diy solar

diy solar