diy solar

diy solar

Sol-Ark Lion drain limit?


New Member
Jul 14, 2023
Planet X
Having trouble understanding the setup on a Sol-Arc 12 with SOK Lion battery.

Under (battery setup)-->(charge), the charge start was set set to 50% for grid charge. Under (Limiter), Limited power to load was checked and Time of use also checked. All 7 days were checked. Under (Limiter)-->(other), load first priority was checked. Under TOU the power out and battery endpoint were filled in (4000 watts to 50% was entered). I'm guessing (Limiter) has priority over (battery setup).

The system output power until the battery pack reached 50% and then it switched to the grid to feed the load. All good so far.

Decided to drain the battery pack to 20% before switching to grid to power the load. Under (battery setup)-->(charge), the charge start was set set to 20% for grid charge. Under (Limiter), Limited Power to Load was checked and Time of Use also checked. All 7 days were checked. Under (Limiter)-->(other), Load First priority was checked. Under TOU the power out was left as is (4000 watts) but trying to fill in battery endpoint, it would not let me go below 35%. Is this a hard endpoint or is this able to be changed?

Have I done something wrong?