diy solar

diy solar

Solar assistant and Grafana


New Member
May 24, 2022
Does anyone know if there is a way to include my SA data into a grafana dashboard without using HA? I know little to nothing about Grafana but would like to setup my own dashboard that looks different than the standard SA.
Does anyone know if there is a way to include my SA data into a grafana dashboard without using HA? I know little to nothing about Grafana but would like to setup my own dashboard that looks different than the standard SA.
I don't, but you could take a look at some of @peufeu's python code...

IIRC he integrated from MQTT to grafana - see...
I used Grafana to begin with, but found it cumbersome and hard to configure. So I switched to bokeh.

Grafana doesn't require you to code, so it's easy, but it's pretty dumb. It's a magnificent illustration of Greenspun's Tenth Rule. ie, you don't have to code with your fingers, but you have to code with your mouse instead. So a thing that would take half a page of python, like merging realtime MQTT data and stored data from a database, or mip-mapped materialized views... instead requires reading thick mysterious tomes of documentation about DataTransformations. I don't even know if it's possible. I gave up after a few hours.

Bokeh requires you to code, so it needs a little bit more effort at first, but it is much more customizable.

OK, I looked at SolarAssistant website. Apparently they use influxdb as database to store the data, and grafana for the dashboard. So in this case you can probably copypaste the default grafana dashboard and modify it so it does what you want. Grafana has an editor mode where you can modify everything, you just have to turn it on.
OK, I looked at SolarAssistant website. Apparently they use influxdb as database to store the data, and grafana for the dashboard. So in this case you can probably copypaste the default grafana dashboard and modify it so it does what you want. Grafana has an editor mode where you can modify everything, you just have to turn it on.
I'm pretty dumb to all of this so bare with me. Where do I copy the default dashboard from and then where do I paste it?
Apparently they use influxdb as database
I was a database and sql/sybase expert 30 years ago. Influxdb is a nightmare of hipster terms (buckets and secrets? Wtf) with hideous documentation and tools (user interfaces by drunk interns I suspect).

I have been messing with what would be 2 hours of work to 40 hours of frustration. Still trying tho, sadly.

</rant> //sorry you had to see that

diy solar

diy solar