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diy solar

diy solar

Solar assistant and SmartESS


New Member
Feb 29, 2024
Hi, I'm new here and have a quick question about my solar system monitoring software.
I recently built my system using the eco-worthy AIO 24V 3k (HF2430U60-100) and am monitoring it with the upcoming WiFi adapter and SmartESS App.
The app updates the device information every few minutes, which is sufficient for my needs. However, I've noticed that the app doesn't seem to have a function to change the output source priority and charging priority.
To address this limitation, I've connected a USB to a Raspberry Pi 4B and installed Solar Assistant to assist me with these tasks.
However, I've encountered an issue where SmartEES and Solar Assistant seem to conflict. Whenever I run Solar Assistant, it causes SmartEES to stop working. Additionally, after running Solar Assistant for a while, it loses connection to the device.
Is this a normal occurrence, or does anyone have any suggestions for resolving this issue?
Thank you in advance for your help!
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I can confirm this. Started with the wifi adapter and ESS App. Connection ok and seeing results in the app.
After this I connected a rpi with SolarAssistant to the SRNE Inverter and after the ESS app didn't show anything anymore.
I tried to reconnect but even this didn't work. So I will use only SolarAssistant - and will try to solve this riddle the next time I stay near my installation (far away)

diy solar

diy solar