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diy solar

Solar Panel Arrangement and shut off


New Member
Oct 19, 2023
Hi - I have 30 ground mounted Bluesun BSM460M-72HBD that will feed an EG4 18kpv inverter. Specs of panels are below. This will be inspected, but trying to do leg work for electrician- my time is cheaper than his.

I have two questions:

1) I plan to do 3 strings of 10 in serial. Do you see a better way to arrange these? I may add another 10 panels at some time and use the combiner in MPPT #1.

2) How should this be wired that the mounts? A non-fusible or fusible switch the the whole thing then breakers for each series? If you could point to specific products, it would be helpful.



Hi - I have 30 ground mounted Bluesun BSM460M-72HBD that will feed an EG4 18kpv inverter. Specs of panels are below. This will be inspected, but trying to do leg work for electrician- my time is cheaper than his.

I have two questions:

1) I plan to do 3 strings of 10 in serial. Do you see a better way to arrange these? I may add another 10 panels at some time and use the combiner in MPPT #1.

2) How should this be wired that the mounts? A non-fusible or fusible switch the the whole thing then breakers for each series? If you could point to specific products, it would be helpful.



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So you are planning on doing 10 panels in series per MPPT channel correct?

The 18KPV channels are different.

Chanel 1 is 25 amps and Channels 2-3 are 15 amps.
Yes, that’s is how I would do it. Save the second potential 10 panel string for the second input of mppt 1. Alternatively populate the first 3 inputs of mppt1 and 2 and leave mppt 3 open for the potential next 10 panels. That way they can be different panels. Mppt1 input 1 and 2 should have the same panels, same amount of panels and pointing in the same direction….
I don’t believe you need a fuse on the strings but it doesn’t hurt. I have disconnects on each of my strings at the ground mount and also at the 18kpv. Gives me the option of shutting a string down individually if I need to do something out at the ground mount.
Yes, that’s is how I would do it. Save the second potential 10 panel string for the second input of mppt 1. Alternatively populate the first 3 inputs of mppt1 and 2 and leave mppt 3 open for the potential next 10 panels. That way they can be different panels. Mppt1 input 1 and 2 should have the same panels, same amount of panels and pointing in the same direction….
I don’t believe you need a fuse on the strings but it doesn’t hurt. I have disconnects on each of my strings at the ground mount and also at the 18kpv. Gives me the option of shutting a string down individually if I need to do something out at the ground mount.
So now your talking about parallel 2 strings of 10 in MPPT 1 and a single string of 10 in MPPT 2 and leaving MTTP 3 empty.

You can do that also.

Depending on what wattage panels you get for the 3rd channel will determine how many in series.
10 panels may be pushing it.

Actually, the 18kpv has 3 MPPT's with 600VDC max input each
Correct, operating range is 500V but the input can stand 600V without magic smoke appearing...actually 630V is what the capacitor pairs are rated to.

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