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diy solar

Solis not charging battery from solar


New Member
Sep 10, 2023
I’m having a problem with my Solis RAI battery inverter since we lost power for a week. The I have separate battery and solar panel inverters, the Solis is set to charge the battery at night off peak then discharge in the day. The solar inverter feeds to the house circuit, power meters are on the solar feed and mains feed and this was working to charge the battery daytime when there was excess solar.

During recent storm we lost power for a week and since then the battery isn’t receiving the excess solar it’s just going to the grid. I probably changed a setting while the power was out which is causing this but cannot figure out what.

Any ideas?
If you were using the battery during the power cut then the other possibility is the battery is depleted enough so the BMS has shut it down. So what is the status of the battery.
Do you see any alarms on your inverter front panel or the Solis Appp/Website?

The RAI is a bit different to my S5-EH1P or the RHI I had before, but I'd check that Charge from Grid is enabled and the Time of Use is set to Run or Enable.

Also look at the batteries to see what lights are on. What batteries do you have? It might be worth restarting them.
The battery is charging to 100% overnight. When there is surplus solar in the day the battery is usually about 70-80%. There’s no alarms or warnings and lights on the battery are green
So it does sound like a setting problem, no experience with Solis so can only suggest you download the manual, google for any installer password and check your settings.
The RAI has the batteries and your other inverter has the PV? It sounds like the RAI sin't detecting the export from the other inverter, otherwise it should be using that to charge the batteries. I don't know enough about that setup to make any useful suggestions for what to look at.
In addition to what others have suggested, are you 100% certain it was working correctly before the power outage?
Is the RAI discharging to power the house correctly?
What is the temperature of the battery - it may not charge at full rate if cold.
Is the battery charging at all from excess solar or none at all?
new here..i have recently had a second battery fitted and my solis app is not showing logger or inverter .. i have solarmann app for panels ...battery was not on there before, it was on solis app... battery now on solarmann app but not showing as working.... confused..i have just been up in attic where every thing is... batteries are working but it tried to link logger to solis app and i get a message saying "logger does not exist or don't have pemission" anyone got any ideas plz
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