diy solar

diy solar

Solved: Epever 4210AN not connecting to laptop

Go to epever web site find the software download pg chose the correct option for you and down load you will need the right cable for your controller
I have had the software for a couple years now, as noted above. Got it going with help from folks here with the older 3210AN and 4210AN, and a prior 6415AN.
The new Triron xtra 4215AN is the issue as noted above. Software won’t talk to it - “timed out” error repeatedly including after deleting and reinstalling and checking baud settings etc.
I would get hold of the guys from epever through there website and ask them to remotely configre your laptop so you can then set the paramiters from your laptop get the paramiters( battery settings) from the people you got batterys off
I’ve considered that - However, with the normal delay in response I’ll have the Bluetooth device in hand first.

Just annoying that their software is…annoying.
So So this
So this is the issue I am running into. It appears a few months ago Windows updated the driver in the background apparently. Not sure if that is the issue or not. I am getting OCD frustrated and have tried deleting and reinstalling driver, deleting in epever software and adding back in, and restarting computer several times. Just pulled another RJ45>USB cable out - new one- and tried that (epever supplied) but this is where I am at.

Once upon a time I knew my way around a computer a bit and could install networks when cards and drivers had to be installed manually 20+ years ago but I haven't done any of that in 20 years or more. So I am feeling a bit clueless but quite frustrated.
I just want this to work again. In the past that error was cured by rebooting, but now that is not doing the trick.

Any suggestions? (Bluetooth Module should be here saturday)

For anyone in the future having Epever Station Monitor connection issues:

The bluetooth RS485 dongle at $30 is a worthwhile purchase. It connected immediately and I was able to adjust the parameters and save them easily.

I have other issues with the 4215AN and have adjusted settings to try to work around but that is totally unrelated to the Bluetooth dongle - which I recommend.

The app doesn’t give you the historical graphing and monitoring that Station Monitor does. It does give a nice live data screen. However, in my case that is irrelevant as I have a number of CT-equipped meters that will serve my purposes. I may purchase additional 100A shunt + meters because the two existing (and likely a third to be added) 140Ah/100A output 12V LiFePo will exceed cumulative 100A intermittently AND they are individually cabled to a busbar thereby a single high-amp shunt wouldn’t work out anyways.

So if your Station Monitor software has stopped connecting or won’t connect for a new install I recommend the Bluetooth method. I have used the MT50 in the past but sometimes “save” would not write parameter changes without explanation and I lost patience with it. I still have one in a box somewhere but I won’t frustrate myself again:

The Bluetooth Module just works.​
Hi all,
I installed a 4210AN about a month ago without problems and it always worked fine, I had no problem to configure its parameters and to save the configuration file.
The monitoring and graphs from the program were fine too.
Having a long ethernet cable connecting my charge controller and a generic RS485-USB converter to my laptop, I decided to buy 2 RS485 transceiver cards but, because they work at 9600 b/s, I changed accordingly the speed in my charge controller and the pc's COM port and, after a while, I too had the same COM port time-out messages and I was unable to read and modify the configuration.
Useless were the attempts to restore the original speed (115200) and from time to time, only for a few seconds, I was able to read the controller's parameters but not to write the configuration in.
I tried to change the COM port and ethernet cable, installed the program in another pc, without success.
After a bunch of attempts, happened funny and crazy things, like different set speed between my laptop's COM port and charge controller and sometimes they were speaking one with the other (9600 with 115200!), no sense at all.
To make the long story short, I decided to factory reset the charge controller from the program: strangely enough, the program replied "accepted" and no time-out message appeared and all the problems faded away, the speed was set to default (115200) and I was able to import the previously saved configuration from the backup file.
The charge controller had no more COM port time-out issues but I still want to connect the RS485 transceivers at 9600 b/s, I'll let you know. To be continued...
program replied "accepted" and no time-out message appeared and all the problems faded away, the speed was set to default (115200) and I was able to import the previously saved configuration from the backup file
I gave up on ‘the program’ and bought the Bluetooth dongle. The ‘program’ had some nice features and while I’d enjoy them, really all I needed was to program the settings…
The original point of this thread was to document for future user troubles and I should not have added to it.
Current issues are documented here and it would be best to pick up the thread there if you wish to follow my challenges. Otherwise no matter; thank you for your helpful post.
Got it solved. Thanks. I did not change or check anything in the Device Manager. I just assigned the proper Port configuration in the Epever app. Solved
U should explain that more in detail, because that is the way to go. It is not a driver, but a Solar Monitor SW problem.

So here is my case 05/23:
Tracer AN6420,
CC-USB-RS485-150U communication cable (it says on grey cable marking: install CH343 driver),
Solar Monitor Version 1.95,
Tested with Win10 and Win11 works for both the same way.

(1) Connect your Battery to the Epever e.g. 48V (Solar and Load do not need to be connected), u should see some stats on the Epever screen

(2) Connect CC-USB-RS485-150U communication cable, the USB-enhanced SERIAL Ch343 driver should install automatically.

!! The correct driver is the: USB-enhanced SERIAL Ch343 driver !!
(And no need to set RS485 any check mark anymore! U will not even find it in the driver anymore)

!! Forget about Youtube videos with the old: Exar 21B1411 driver !!
!! No need to install this driver with the CC-USB-RS485-150U cable. !!

So once u see USB-enhanced SERIAL Ch343 with COM Port number installed in your device manager,
then u know the driver is correctly installed.

(3) Open up the Solar Monitor 1.95 Software. Forget about the add new station dialog, just close it.
If u see a COM Port at the Stationexplorer right click it and delete that COM Port (even it has the same number like in the device manager)

see pic:
Then go to Port Config -> and select the COM Port Number from USB-enhanced SERIAL Ch343 driver in the device manager.
Put Baud Rate to 115200, Parity None and -> hit add (it should show Update successful after that, then exit the Port config, u sucessfully added the COM Port)

see 2nd pic:
(4) Now hit the Solar Plus icon to add a new station in the Solar Monitor 1.95 Software. Make sure the COM port is correct. -> then hit add (u may enter other infos, but up to u,
u should see Num1 or whatever the name of ur station is now.)

(5) Test your station by going in the Solar Monitor 1.95 Software under Parameters->Device Parameters->Device ID Settings
make sure the Com Port is OK, and -> hit Read ID . It should show a 1 (at least in my case)

(6) U are ready to connect to the Epever, choose your station and -> click on Start Monitoring
it should connect and should see some values.

(7) For setting LFP settings go to Parameters->Control Parameter->Control Parameter(for LiBattery controller product)


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Solar Monitor SW problem.
Thank you for your elaborate post.
My iPhone no longer communicates with the Epever Bluetooth dongle and my research indicates that this is a lack of backwards compatibility for apple’s latest OS with the BLE device. Which smacks of Epever not manufacturing to apple’s developer specs.
So getting the ‘software’ functionality restored to my windows laptop now seems the only option aside from selling everything Epever. Which I’m 97% likely to do at this point

Thanks again.
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Thank you for your elaborate post.
My iPhone no longer communicates with the Epever Bluetooth dongle and my research indicates that this is a lack of backwards compatibility for apple’s latest OS with the BLE device. Which smacks of Epever not manufacturing to apple’s developer specs.
So getting the ‘software’ functionality restored to my windows laptop now seems the only option aside from selling everything Epever. Which I’m 97% likely to do at this point

Thanks again.
Have you tried the Solar Guardian app? I had the same problems as you and tried this app instead. Had to log in as new user, then quit the app and restart it. Then use offline mode and it found my Epever Tracer 7810 BP.
Have you tried the Solar Guardian app? I had the same problems as you and tried this app instead. Had to log in as new user, then quit the app and restart it. Then use offline mode and it found my Epever Tracer 7810 BP.
No I have not but I may do that now that I’m aware.
So lar Guardian lets you program the Epevers?
I think I have an mt50 somewhere, but i maybe gave it away. It would let me program it but several parameters- while appearing to change- kept reverting to default settings or something not what I wanted, but the epever app never did that- it kept the changes I saved every time.
So basically neither the bluetooth dongle nor the solar station app let me connect.

Epever never replied to inquiries regarding an update to the bluetooth dongle software to restore functionality.
Have only tried saving 2 different battery capacities, and that seemed to work. Seems functionally identical to Charge Controller V1.95, just a different layout.
Vyskúšali ste aplikáciu Solar Guardian? Mal som rovnaké problémy ako vy a namiesto toho som vyskúšal túto aplikáciu. Musel sa prihlásiť ako nový používateľ, potom aplikáciu ukončiť a reštartovať. Potom použite režim offline a našiel môj Epever Tracer 7810 BP.
Nainštaloval som novú aplikáciu Solar guardian. Nemôžem vložiť ID z mojej wifi. Skener nedokáže prečítať QR kód. Vždy zapíše neplatný QR kód. I have Inverter/charger Upower model UP3000-M6322


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ok, Im giving up on epever software, it is so bad. Trying to buy MT50.
I see this on ebay ad:

  • Applicable Models
  • Product series​
    Battery type​
    Interface type​
    LS-B, GM-N, VS-BN, Tracer-BN​
    Lead–acid battery​
    Lead–acid battery​
    Lead–acid battery​
    RS485 waterproof port​
    Tracer-AN (10A~40A), TRIRON, XTRA​
    Lead–acid battery, Lithium battery, User​
I have Tracer BP, and this list "lead acid", but i have lithium. Should I buy anyway and assume seller is wrong?
I just need to program the controller.
I will have to buy a cable to go from the mt50 rj45 to the controller RS485 as my cable is to a usb.

this is the ad
Looking thru this old thread....
Seems the Baud is being set, not mentioned: # of bits, stop bit, parity
COM Port settings must match the target device: 115200 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop, no parity
COM Port should be #1, but use 2,3,4 if they work.

Confirm by doing the quickest and simplest thing. Reading Parameters (P) -> Device ID.
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diy solar

diy solar