diy solar

diy solar

System underperforming?


New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Puerto Rico
I have 20 450w Helios Plus EGE-450W-144M (M6) panels, that's supposed to be a 9kw system but even on sunny no cloud days I get a max of 4.8-5kw at a time, if there is a bit of clouds it goes down to 1-2kw. Is this normal?
A couple of questions.

How are the panels oriented and with what tilt? What is your latitude?

Do you notice any shading throughout the day?
I take it this is a grid tied system.

I'd recommend getting a good answer by running your panels angle, and azimuth along with your geo location in a solar calculator like PV Watts or the one in my signature block.

My gut tells me that this is not enough, but shading and a little clouds can really effect output.
Currently panels are aiming southwest, not sure the tilt but can check later with my phone.

When clouds come it drops to the 1-2kw, when sunny no clouds its when it goes up to 4-5kw. Let me see if I can attach pics

Edit: this is hybrid system, tied to the grid to use extra power if batteries and solar arent enough but no exporting of power


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Tilt will be important. From the pics the tilt looks pretty flat, even for your location. That being said, I don't think the tilt is a significant factor, right now anyway, since we're at the solstice. It probably will be in the winter though.

What type of charge controller do you have (mppt or not)?
Tilt will be important. From the pics the tilt looks pretty flat, even for your location. That being said, I don't think the tilt is a significant factor, right now anyway, since we're at the solstice. It probably will be in the winter though.

What type of charge controller do you have (mppt or not)?
Its integrated with the inverter. Its a victor max 10.2kw, here are the specs in a pic. I think max voltage was 500VDC and 1MPPT for a max of 27Amps


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That would be odd for an inverter of that size to only have one MPPT but I see that it's rated at 27 amps so I can believe it.

How many strings do you have? It's could that one of your strings is having a problem. Are you able to isolate the strings and check voltage with a DVM?
OK, I would start troubleshooting with the panels. Any set of panels wired in series will see a performance hit if any one panel is shaded or if one panel has degraded performance through defect or damage.

You can measure the array current(s) and voltagagesaround local solar noon and compare those readings to the maximum power voltage and current specs on the panels. This will help in determining if the charge controller is not working correctly or if an individual panel is underperforming.

All this assumes the system needs to extract power from the panels in the first place. If the batteries are fully charged and the inverter is not serving a load, the panel output will be lower than the nameplate capacity.
What are your AIO's settings for PV charge current and max charge current?
I will talk to the installer to check then, I think we have 2 series (each of 10 panels) and then connected both series in parallel so VDC is around 490ish and amps is 26-27.8

Currently my load is around 5-6kw and solar max output doesn't go past 5kw

Edit: with or without load I never seen it past 5kw when charging battery or house load exceeding 5-6kw.
Currently my load is around 5-6kw and solar max output doesn't go past 5kw

Edit: with or without load I never seen it past 5kw when charging battery or house load exceeding 5-6kw.
Hmnn... Could be a setting on your inverter to limit the export? I did some off grid work in Puerto Rico after Maria but no grid tie so I'm not familiar with thier grid interconnection rules.
Your panels strings could be too close together. There's a calculator out there on the web that allows you to calculate the distance between the strings to avoid shade. If you're getting shade in the string on the right I could see poor performance.
I am attaching all options available in the unit and manual. I use 16 on OSO and 1 on SBU and 2 on 100A


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100a at 56 volts = 5.6kw
In this case if I up the setting to 120A or even 160A (max setting)

I would be generating 7-8k and not peak at 5kw in solar? This would be dependent on the battery also no? Max Amp battery can hold is 100A I think

Edit: so if my home usage goes up to 5-6kw the panels would try and do the load and the remaning power be used to charge the battery