diy solar

diy solar

Testing used panels.


New Member
Jul 17, 2024
So I just got 206 used FA-6450A panels from an auction. I don't have a charge controller or anything else just yet. I want to test each panel and see how many work before I spend any money on the rest of a setup.

What would be the best way to test them? Just a multimeter and test the VOC? Or do I need a charge controller and battery to put a load of sorts on it?
I like @Hedges write up on this:

Testing a used panel is a bit more than just VOC and ISC
So I just got 206 used FA-6450A panels from an auction. I don't have a charge controller or anything else just yet. I want to test each panel and see how many work before I spend any money on the rest of a setup.

What would be the best way to test them? Just a multimeter and test the VOC? Or do I need a charge controller and battery to put a load of sorts on it?

Get something like this:


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