diy solar

diy solar

Thanks to all the Helpful People on Here


New Member
Sep 19, 2020
I'm very grateful for this forum and for all the smart people on here who have helped me along the way. I'm happy with the way that my solar system turned out, and this website was a huge resource for me when learning enought to pull of the installation myself. Another recent example is with my household plumbing pump. It started acting up recently, so I came on here to see if anyone knew anything about the kind of system I have. Sure enough, people not only knew what kind of system I have, but they also chimed in with some great suggestions as to how I might go about resolving the current issues. These suggestions turned out to be spot on!

I'm in a part of the world where you can't really rely on so-called local "professionals" so it's great to know that people on here have my back.

Thank you to all!