diy solar

diy solar

The Real Reason LA port is backed up

Not a good job. On call 24 7 365. No set schedule, rain , snow, 130 heat. And that can be all in one 12 hr trip.

Yes. It can take 12hrs to go 173 miles.

17.90 an hour.
I lasted 20 months on the BNSF as a conductor then engineer for the above reasons. Retired from the Air Force and went to work for the RR, quickly learned the military was a lot better job than working on the RR. :rolleyes:
something really lovely about this place is that pretty much everyone here can agree that using some of that sweet 1000 watts per square meter from the nearby fusion reactor in the sky is an worthy option to work into designs.

go get those photons people! :)

as soon as these frigging containers arrive :sleep:

i profess ignorance on the finer details of global logistics… whatever combination of factors is causing the delays, i hope that the people working can be safe.

maybe someone could make a VR shipping container training video game and the drivers could train on a realistic simulation in Unreal or Unity 3D Game Engine with Stereoscopic Virtual Reality Headset such as vive or others. less lost revenue from training complete noobs on site? again i profess ignorance :)
I feel the same about you… and those like you.
Unable to see past what the seemingly endless stream liars and conspiracy theorists promote.
And I’ve been relatively conservative all my life… but I do use my brain and know liars like the orange man/ cheeto messiah and his posse/hangers on/self promoters when I see them They’re all following the same toxic playbook.

But anyway…. I do find it interesting that solar panels and battery costs seem to be coming down. Awesome!
Some folks are told what to think.. its a simple as that.. Many are conditioned from birth, not to use logic or rational thought, but to think certain ways about certain things even though there is no proof or evidence.. This pre-conditioning is now being taken advantage of by certain groups.

If they can get you to faithfully believe in one silly fraudulent concept, they can get you to believe in almost anything, just have to package it correctly.
Some folks are told what to think.. its a simple as that.. Many are conditioned from birth, not to use logic or rational thought, but to think certain ways about certain things even though there is no proof or evidence.. This pre-conditioning is now being taken advantage of by certain groups.

If they can get you to faithfully believe in one silly fraudulent concept, they can get you to believe in almost anything, just have to package it correctly.
..... and you guys are perfect examples of that.

I have had to use critical thinking and troubleshooting my entire life. I have learned to know the truth when I see it .... and spin when I see it .... unlike so many who just soak up what they hear and regurgitate it.
I don't subscribe to .... It must be true because they say it over and over again as if it were.

Like curious carbon ... I don't know all the things that make the supply chain work .... but I also realize that those who's job it is to know ... don't.
..... and you guys are perfect examples of that.

I have had to use critical thinking and troubleshooting my entire life. I have learned to know the truth when I see it .... and spin when I see it .... unlike so many who just soak up what they hear and regurgitate it.
I don't subscribe to .... It must be true because they say it over and over again as if it were.

Like curious carbon ... I don't know all the things that make the supply chain work .... but I also realize that those who's job it is to know ... don't.

Our supply chain has always been delicate and on the verge of a breakdown. American's don't want to shoulder the higher prices associated with capacity surpluses or redundancy.

Our society, and the gears that keep it working, are massively complex.. so complex, that no single person is even capable of understanding it all even if you gave them all the information.

50,000 things have to work perfectly to make 1000 things happen the way we expect most of the time.. and if one of those 50,000 things has a glitch, then at least one (or more) of the 1000 things are affected.

There are many things in our society that are always on the edge of a breakdown.. our electrical grid is every bit as delicate as the consumer supply chain.. our food supply is delicate as well.

In fact, off the top of my head, I can only think of three things that are robust, healthy, and would be difficult to upset in the USA.
1) Telecommunications (Internet and phone) 2) Law Enforcement and 3) Our nuclear weapons.
Those three things are reliable because of inherent necessity.. Not because we want them to be reliable for some purpose of convenience or profit, but because to get them to work on a daily basis they must be redundant by nature.

The internet is always breaking down.. every day, thousands of problems happen, and those problems are temporarily routed around, repaired, then put back into service.

That's it.. everything else, from our economy to our supply chain, to the water and power we use, all ride on the very edge of failure... and it will always remain this way because our population will not tolerate higher prices or more restrictions.. we're spoiled brats.

Blaming it on one political party or another is just ridiculous on a level I can't even relate to. Its like blaming an earthquake on someone... which the idiot government in Italy actually did once and put the scientists in jail.

So when someone claims "its this president's fault", it shows ignorance and a lack of understanding.. and it shows that the person making the statement is just parroting what they've been told.

If you want to blame someone for the position we're in right now, just remember, "the virus is a democratic hoax", "we have it under control", "its going to magically go away".. it'll be great, it will be terrific, it will be fantastic. and if that doesn't work, try injecting yourself with disinfectant.. And millions of ignorant American's actually believed that load of garbage. Something is seriously wrong with people.

You won't see me complaining about the supply problem, or a grid problem if it happens, or a food problem. I knew something like this was going to happen in November of 2016, and I took steps to mitigate the risk.. And now, in 2021, I'm taking even more steps because the root of the problem hasn't been addressed, and it never will be until we have no choice.
Our supply chain has always been delicate and on the verge of a breakdown. American's don't want to shoulder the higher prices associated with capacity surpluses or redundancy.

Our society, and the gears that keep it working, are massively complex.. so complex, that no single person is even capable of understanding it all even if you gave them all the information.

50,000 things have to work perfectly to make 1000 things happen the way we expect most of the time.. and if one of those 50,000 things has a glitch, then at least one (or more) of the 1000 things are affected.

There are many things in our society that are always on the edge of a breakdown.. our electrical grid is every bit as delicate as the consumer supply chain.. our food supply is delicate as well.

In fact, off the top of my head, I can only think of three things that are robust, healthy, and would be difficult to upset in the USA.
1) Telecommunications (Internet and phone) 2) Law Enforcement and 3) Our nuclear weapons.
Those three things are reliable because of inherent necessity.. Not because we want them to be reliable for some purpose of convenience or profit, but because to get them to work on a daily basis they must be redundant by nature.

The internet is always breaking down.. every day, thousands of problems happen, and those problems are temporarily routed around, repaired, then put back into service.

That's it.. everything else, from our economy to our supply chain, to the water and power we use, all ride on the very edge of failure... and it will always remain this way because our population will not tolerate higher prices or more restrictions.. we're spoiled brats.

Blaming it on one political party or another is just ridiculous on a level I can't even relate to. Its like blaming an earthquake on someone... which the idiot government in Italy actually did once and put the scientists in jail.

So when someone claims "its this president's fault", it shows ignorance and a lack of understanding.. and it shows that the person making the statement is just parroting what they've been told.

If you want to blame someone for the position we're in right now, just remember, "the virus is a democratic hoax", "we have it under control", "its going to magically go away".. it'll be great, it will be terrific, it will be fantastic. and if that doesn't work, try injecting yourself with disinfectant.. And millions of ignorant American's actually believed that load of garbage. Something is seriously wrong with people.

You won't see me complaining about the supply problem, or a grid problem if it happens, or a food problem. I knew something like this was going to happen in November of 2016, and I took steps to mitigate the risk.. And now, in 2021, I'm taking even more steps because the root of the problem hasn't been addressed, and it never will be until we have no choice.
I actually agree with most of that.
One thing I disagree with is that law enforcement is solid .... and that worries me more than most anything else. Our whole system depends upon the the rule of law, and that is broken. I hope we can turn it around before it gets totally broken.
When 1 person lies to the FBI and gets years in jail .... take Martha Stewart as an example .... and then another person lies to the FBI .... I won't mention names here or you will just think it is political bias. ..... and nothing happens ... When even the IRS is turned into a political hit squad .... Things are getting VERY dangerous.
When 1 group of people wearing black outfits and masks try to burn down a federal court house while people are in it .... and are just turned loose with no consequences .... and another group of people break into the capitol and stroll around ... those people are persecuted. One of those people is shot and killed and an investigation into how that happened is squashed.
Both of those groups were wrong .... both of them should be punished .... the punishment should fit the crime, not depend on who the perp was.

I'm NOT one of those people who thinks the president is responsible for everything that happens .... but, I do know that it makes a huge difference when incompetent people are put in charge of all facets of government. People that we don't elect, but are appointed.
I actually agree with most of that.
One thing I disagree with is that law enforcement is solid .... and that worries me more than most anything else. Our whole system depends upon the the rule of law, and that is broken. I hope we can turn it around before it gets totally broken.
When 1 person lies to the FBI and gets years in jail .... take Martha Stewart as an example .... and then another person lies to the FBI .... I won't mention names here or you will just think it is political bias. ..... and nothing happens ... When even the IRS is turned into a political hit squad .... Things are getting VERY dangerous.
When 1 group of people wearing black outfits and masks try to burn down a federal court house while people are in it .... and are just turned loose with no consequences .... and another group of people break into the capitol and stroll around ... those people are persecuted. One of those people is shot and killed and an investigation into how that happened is squashed.
Both of those groups were wrong .... both of them should be punished .... the punishment should fit the crime, not depend on who the perp was.

I'm NOT one of those people who thinks the president is responsible for everything that happens .... but, I do know that it makes a huge difference when incompetent people are put in charge of all facets of government. People that we don't elect, but are appointed.
Criminal prosecutions have always been subjective in nature, and prone to influences of money, politics, and public opinion.. this goes back to the days of the Roman empire, so its nothing new. That's not to say its fair, or justified, or that I endorse any aspect of it, but only to point out that its a part of every society.. Heck, it doesn't even matter what kind of society.. from the communists and socialist, to us capitalists.. From democracies, dictatorships, and everything in between.. Prosecutions have always been subject to external influences.

The difference between the BLM riots and the Capitol riots is that one is based on systemic racial persecution, the other is based on a political lie. It really is that simple. Our nation is responsible for the systemic enslavement and persecution of an entire race of people over the course of hundreds of years.. The capitol riots were based on one man's BS.. and his attempt to subvert democracy.

And let me tell you, if White American's were persecuted and oppressed by police like the blacks are, there wouldn't be any police left.

All of your dissatisfaction, (as well as mine) can be traced back to just a few things.. 1) Term Limits: No more good-ol-boy network giving handouts to each other and scratching each other's backs 2) Lobbying: Criminalize all of it.. 3) No more Qualified Immunity for government agents 4) Long minimum prison sentences for any public official who violates the public trust via criminal action or false statements. 5) The government shall not incur debt without a public vote.

Everything that makes you mad and angry can probably be traced back to one (or more) of those five things, and they will never be fixed because people in power will never vote to curtail their own power.

Regardless, you still live in one of the best places in the world.. not the only one, but one of the top 10 for sure.. I would suggest everyone try not to forget that or take it for granted.
And so it goes, on and on since 2016. Double down and make counter accusations. The cheetos faced messiah playbook.

Thankfully solar prices have been dropping while prices for just about everything are rising.

Anyone know why battery prices have been dropping?

Solar might be dropping, but the stuff that holds it pointed at the sun has gone through the roof.

When I put my ground mount in back in 2017, I paid $5.25/ft for 3 inch sch40 galvanized steel pipe.. I just priced it out today for friend's system and was quoted $15.85 per foot. That's 300%.
Criminal prosecutions have always been subjective in nature, and prone to influences of money, politics, and public opinion.. this goes back to the days of the Roman empire, so its nothing new. That's not to say its fair, or justified, or that I endorse any aspect of it, but only to point out that its a part of every society.. Heck, it doesn't even matter what kind of society.. from the communists and socialist, to us capitalists.. From democracies, dictatorships, and everything in between.. Prosecutions have always been subject to external influences.

The difference between the BLM riots and the Capitol riots is that one is based on systemic racial persecution, the other is based on a political lie. It really is that simple. Our nation is responsible for the systemic enslavement and persecution of an entire race of people over the course of hundreds of years.. The capitol riots were based on one man's BS.. and his attempt to subvert democracy.

And let me tell you, if White American's were persecuted and oppressed by police like the blacks are, there wouldn't be any police left.

All of your dissatisfaction, (as well as mine) can be traced back to just a few things.. 1) Term Limits: No more good-ol-boy network giving handouts to each other and scratching each other's backs 2) Lobbying: Criminalize all of it.. 3) No more Qualified Immunity for government agents 4) Long minimum prison sentences for any public official who violates the public trust via criminal action or false statements. 5) The government shall not incur debt without a public vote.

Everything that makes you mad and angry can probably be traced back to one (or more) of those five things, and they will never be fixed because people in power will never vote to curtail their own power.

Regardless, you still live in one of the best places in the world.. not the only one, but one of the top 10 for sure.. I would suggest everyone try not to forget that or take it for granted.
We actually agree more than we disagree.

The one thing I disagree with in this statement is that I think it is the crime that matters .... not the reason for the crime. The reason for the crime might determine which end of the sentencing window a perp is given. For instance, the lesser sentence for someone who killed the guy who raped his daughter.
In my mind, it is much more serious to intend to burn down a court house and kill the people who are in there. I don't care how misguided your motives are ... it is the intent of the crime that matters most to me.
Solar might be dropping, but the stuff that holds it pointed at the sun has gone through the roof.

When I put my ground mount in back in 2017, I paid $5.25/ft for 3 inch sch40 galvanized steel pipe.. I just priced it out today for friend's system and was quoted $15.85 per foot. That's 300%.
1/2“ Plywood for my roof went from 22 a sheet early 2020 to 79 a sheet in july 2021 (which is unfortunately when I ended up doing it), and back down some now.
2x4 studs 1.25 to over 7.22 each in that same time. Shingles same deal.
Steel, aluminum, copper, wiring, pvc and abs, concrete, paint, all way up.
Building boom continues…

which is another reason I’m surprised and grateful Solar prices are dropping.
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Drayage trucks older than 2010 models are only required to meet 2010 CARB emissions standards. This can be accomplished with filters (ARB verified level 3 diesel particulate filter) or engines can be replaced with newer to meet the standard. I have no idea how that regulation translates to only 3 year old vehicles can enter the port?
I believe the exemptions for trucks older then 2012 retro fitting ended in 2020. all that is allowed now is a full retro fit engine of newer then 2012 or 1000 miles a year low use exception.( except for emergency use those mile do not count, fire contractor water trucks ect) at least thats my understanding, I currently own a "low use " water truck in Ca.
1/2“ Plywood for my roof went from 22 a sheet early 2020 to 79 a sheet in july 2021 (which is unfortunately when I ended up doing it), and back down some now.
2x4 studs 1.25 to over 7.22 each in that same time. Shingles same deal.
Steel, aluminum, copper, wiring, pvc and abs, concrete, paint, all way up.
Building boom continues…

which is another reason I’m surprised and grateful Solar prices are dropping.
You know that part of the reason for the big increase in prices is because of all the free stimulus money Uncle Sugar gave everyone.. that was a huge mistake..
I disagree. I hear/see people point at stimulus money as if it was some big life changing amount.
A few thousand dollars doesnt buy much, many (or maybe most) just pissed it away, some really needed it to tread water and eat, buy medication, clothe themselves and their kids, pay utilities, car insurance etc. Aka Live.
Stimulous money isn’t buying houses.
We actually agree more than we disagree.

The one thing I disagree with in this statement is that I think it is the crime that matters .... not the reason for the crime. The reason for the crime might determine which end of the sentencing window a perp is given. For instance, the lesser sentence for someone who killed the guy who raped his daughter.
In my mind, it is much more serious to intend to burn down a court house and kill the people who are in there. I don't care how misguided your motives are ... it is the intent of the crime that matters most to me.
Yes, I understand your point about that although I don't agree at all.. If I'm on a jury and someone is being tried for murdering the guy who raped his daughter, I'm not going to convict.. I don't care what the court rules are.. This is called "Jury Nullification"..

I respect your view on that point, I just don't agree with it, and I would never follow it because my own standard of morality wouldn't allow it. If someone raped my daughter, I'd probably go all "Law Abiding Citizen" on that SOB and drag him into my basement.. (You'd have to watch the movie to understand) Well.. actually I don't think that's in me, but I'm certainly not going to convict another father of getting his justice.

But as far as the capitol riots and BLM riots are concerned, there are some observations that should be considered...

One group was so utterly stupid as to film and photograph themselves committing their crimes and then boast about them in interviews with bravado.. (The FBI must still be passing around jokes about that one)

And one group generally wore masks to conceal their identities, they didn't film themselves, and didn't post about their crimes on facebook or other social media or give interviews.

One of the most important parts of any criminal prosecution is that the accused must be identified.. that's hard to do "beyond a reasonable doubt" if someone's wearing a mask, keeps their mouth shut, and doesn't brag about the crimes they committed.

Some of the BLM rioters have been arrested and charged... at least those who could be identified and proven guilty anyhow. That chick who burned down the fast food place is in prison I think.. and the guy who ambushed the right wing dude and shot him.. well.. he wasn't convicted, the cops just shot him dead.

Personally, I think both groups are idiots and are acting out of gross ignorance... its the pot calling the kettle black kind of thing.. and to watch them point fingers at each other as some kind of excuse and justification is just disturbing.. Makes me wonder what percentage of these folks grew up without fathers in their home. I can't speak about others, but my father taught me early on that two wrongs don't make a right, and never point to someone else's behavior to justify my own.
The trucking issue with California LA ports, ie the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB), is that all semi tractors have to be current with new California emissions standards. As a consequence, that mean trucks cannot be older than 3 years if they are to pick up or deliver containers at those ports. This issue wipes out approximately half of the fleet trucks used to move containers in/out of the port. Operating the port 24/7 will not cure the issue, because all it does is pile up more containers that sit idle as they await a limited number of trucks to pick them up. THIS is the central issue.

I just went over to California a couple months ago and bought an Isuzu FRR 20' box truck with fairly low miles and got it pretty cheap. The lady I bought it from had sold it privately, but her normal job was to sell these kinds of commercial trucks at a dealership before the COVID drama caused her to get laid off.

But she had told me that this truck did not pass California CARB emissions standards so it could only be licensed in CA to operate non-commercially and only allowed to put no more than 1000 miles/year on it. So she said she was having trouble finding locals to buy it. So I flew over there, bought it and drove it back to Utah and retitled it.

So I'm saying if you don't live in CA and want a cheap commercial truck, try checking listings over there in CA, you might get a great deal on one of these. I love my box truck so far, it is so handy for running supplies out to my off-grid lot. Mine is a '98, so it is a mechanical diesel, which was just what I wanted (EMP hardened), and perfectly legal in Utah County, no requirement for emissions test here on '98 diesels.
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I disagree. I hear/see people point at stimulus money as if it was some big life changing amount.
A few thousand dollars doesnt buy much, many (or maybe most) just pissed it away, some really needed it to tread water and eat, buy medication, clothe themselves and their kids, pay utilities, car insurance etc. Aka Live.
Stimulous money isn’t buying houses.
But see, that's the problem.... People aren't learning to save their money.. they're living at the limits of their income, and when a rainy day comes, they depend on government to bail them out.. and its not just people, its corporations too.

When I was at Yellowstone, I pointed out a curious behavior to my wife.. Go to a scenic lookout cliff with a railing and people will walk right up to the railing and look down over the side of the 300ft cliff.. But go to a cliff without a railing, and people tend to stay back from the edge..

Give people a safety net and they will behave as though there is a safety net.... That's not the right way to do things. The fact that the net is there changes their behavior.

Meanwhile, my wife watches others at the grocery store using government food cards to purchase groceries, then they pull out their $800 iPhone while paying for the alcohol and tobacco with cash.

People are driving cars they really can't afford.. Heck, I have enough money to buy a house and pay cash, and I use a $50 flip phone and wear my shoes until they have holes in them, while driving a 21 year old truck.

I don't agree.. society needs to stop catching people who waste their money on stupid stuff.
But see, that's the problem.... People aren't learning to save their money.. they're living at the limits of their income, and when a rainy day comes, they depend on government to bail them out.. and its not just people, its corporations too.

When I was at Yellowstone, I pointed out a curious behavior to my wife.. Go to a scenic lookout cliff with a railing and people will walk right up to the railing and look down over the side of the 300ft cliff.. But go to a cliff without a railing, and people tend to stay back from the edge..

Give people a safety net and they will behave as though there is a safety net.... That's not the right way to do things. The fact that the net is there changes their behavior.

Meanwhile, my wife watches others at the grocery store using government food cards to purchase groceries, then they pull out their $800 iPhone while paying for the alcohol and tobacco with cash.

People are driving cars they really can't afford.. Heck, I have enough money to buy a house and pay cash, and I use a $50 flip phone and wear my shoes until they have holes in them, while driving a 21 year old truck.

I don't agree.. society needs to stop catching people who waste their money on stupid stuff.
I agree with what you said, I see it myself everyday.
The only problem is that there is still a fairly high percentage of people who really do not have anything at all.
Lots of people who were once hard working employees in the Auto industry or working steel mills and coal mines have now found themselves surviving on scraps.