diy solar

diy solar

The Ukranian Sponsored Tank Turret Toss Won By The Russians?

I'm SOLIDLY center.

Certainly not supported by your writings in this forum where the common thread is right = bad and left = good.

Don't get me wrong, it really doesn't matter. I just find it curious that the left-of-center here are always denying it and claiming "solidly center" for some reason.
Certainly not supported by your writings in this forum where the common thread is right = bad and left = good.
Right isn't bad, extreme right, just like extreme left is bad. Even more so when it is combined with conspiracy theories.

Don't get me wrong, it really doesn't matter. I just find it curious that the left-of-center here are always denying it and claiming "solidly center" for some reason.

You guys are so confused that even right of center is considered extreme left.


NATO Secretary General just announced Ukrane WILL be a member.

So... There's that...
Do you have bigger ones now?

China has been expanding since the '79 war with Vietnam no one seems to remember.

From expanding into the Philippines on.
They claim all of the Asian pacific.

By lending to other countries when they know they can't pay for it, they take over ports, oil fields, resources as mineral mines, etc.

They overfish waters all over the world, they use these vessels as spy ships to map communications cables, pipelines, everything that would cripple the west in the event of direct conflict.

The U.S. Navy spends approxamently half of it's considerable budget keeping North Korea & China waters free for navigation for every country in the world.

Without this world economy slows, or even stops without paying tribute to China.

Russia is doing this in the north/Atlantic, but not on the scale China is...
Russia has already sabotaged wind farms (energy production) that's not Russian fossil fuels feeding the oligarchs...

So far, its economic, not dominance/control...

Politicians will make deals and simply not tell the people. Still I prefer to live in a democracy than under a dictatorship, even if the dictator is benevolent.

16 years in the U.S. Marines, most of 14 years in and out of what you would call 'Special Operations'.

Right now, the immedate threat is Russia. While everyone watches Russia, China is doing what they can to expand CONTROL.

In case you haven't seen the news, the NATO Secretary General just announced Ukrane WILL be a member of NATO.
Says they have already switched to NATO standards in weapons systems and training standards...

So much for the armchair Monday morning quarterbacks and the BoobTube 'Experts'.

Maybe look into Norwegian oil/gas fields offshore where NATO has been chasing out Russian trawlers, submarines and aircraft mapping the communications and gas/oil pipelines, wind turbine field cables, etc.

Knowing what I know, even being 30 years old, both China & Russia REALLY doesn't want to know what's in store for them...

Also, I will defend the U.S. Constitution to the death. What I would like to see in the U.S. is QUALIFIED people running for office.
We have popularity contests, not properly qualified people running for office. Any idiot can get elected.

Barring that, a paramilitary governmental structure would work best. Hopefully people wouldn't fail upwards...
Certainly not supported by your writings in this forum where the common thread is right = bad and left = good.

Don't get me wrong, it really doesn't matter. I just find it curious that the left-of-center here are always denying it and claiming "solidly center" for some reason.

That would be YOUR OPINION.

Your *opinion* doesn't make it 'Fact' anywhere but in your head...

I work to the best of my abilities every day, I do my best not to crap on anyone, and I'm perfectly aware I have, and will, make mistakes. No ego involved...

If this makes me 'Left' in your head, there isn't anything I can do about that, I won't loose sleep over it.

I'm a hillbilly that lives in the woods with too many guns & solar panels, no more, no less.

I HOPE you loose sleep trying to find a pigeon-hole to fit a guy with guns, solar panels, doesn't care about religion or political propaganda, and still gets the job done into...

You guys like your labels, pigeon-holes, blanket definitions that are always wrong, so figure that one out...

It must really mess you up no 'Conservatives' signed the Declaration Of Independence, there are no 'Conservatives' on Mt. Rushmore...
It is expensive to provide safety and security for countries like yours who cannot defend themselves. It is also often a thankless and underappreciated service.


It's expensive to provide safety & security to the biggest economy in the world, the U.S. economy.

Where do you guys get this crap from?
If this makes me 'Left' in your head, there isn't anything I can do about that, I won't loose sleep over it.

All I said was that your posts lean left while you claim to be solidly center, like others here who do the same thing. There is nothing wrong with that and there is no need to deny or defend it. I just find it curious.

As to protecting the US economy by providing free military services to EU countries, I would submit that the trade balance is vastly in favor of the EU and that the EU placed trade roadblocks in the way of US companies [especially small to mid-sized companies] to protect their own economies, and we stand by and allow it to happen. I say this from personal experience attempting to navigate those roadblocks and jumping through hoops in the design and manufacture of electronic equipment for export to the EU since the 90s.

And now for some humor you may appreciate:

An old, blind Marine wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake.
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says,
'Before you tell that joke I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:

1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl.
3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.

Now, think about it seriously, do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'

The blind Marine thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No...not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.'
So... You are saying you are blonde?

If you can't figure out the difference between NATO and pacific rim mutual defense agreements, and right to navigate issues, then you must be blonde.

If you can't figure out NATO/Europe defense agreements and TRADE/commerce agreements, then you must be blonde.

Your petty experiences with trade have exactly ZERO to do with NAZI Germany marching across Europe, Middle East, Africa...
Or the potential for Russia/China to do the same, the reason for NATO/Pacific Rim agreements and your small scale consumer device sales... but being blonde you can't differentiate.
6th grade must have been a rough/rude awakening for you since you haven't expanded your education since then.

It's too bad with the potential of 12 or more free to you years of education you didn't, or couldn't, take advantage of it.

You also conveniently forgot to mention the U.S. has bans, tariffs, fees on imported equipment also.
Another glaring omission in education/practical experience.
So... You are saying you are blonde?

If you can't figure out the difference between NATO and pacific rim mutual defense agreements, and right to navigate issues, then you must be blonde.

If you can't figure out NATO/Europe defense agreements and TRADE/commerce agreements, then you must be blonde.

Your petty experiences with trade have exactly ZERO to do with NAZI Germany marching across Europe, Middle East, Africa...
Or the potential for Russia/China to do the same, the reason for NATO/Pacific Rim agreements and your small scale consumer device sales... but being blonde you can't differentiate.
6th grade must have been a rough/rude awakening for you since you haven't expanded your education since then.

It's too bad with the potential of 12 or more free to you years of education you didn't, or couldn't, take advantage of it.

You also conveniently forgot to mention the U.S. has bans, tariffs, fees on imported equipment also.
Another glaring omission in education/practical experience.
What NATO means is the USA will simply have another mouth to feed We have dumped over $200 billion dollars into ukraine. It is corrupt and we knew it but keep pumping money in.

the USA protested when China was operation the Military in Canada. Only reason they were readily identified. If they took off uniforms all good. Stupid game. Recent scandal of chinese operating police force in NYC means what?

yet we pull up on putin’s door and americans are like hell yes. Most of those americans won’t go fight. They will sit back and talk the shit but won’t make the long walks. You should know what I mean given what you have stated in post. I am to old and broke down to be on going combat effective …. Won’t be me there Will it be you.
So... You are saying you are blonde?

If you can't figure out the difference between NATO and pacific rim mutual defense agreements, and right to navigate issues, then you must be blonde.

If you can't figure out NATO/Europe defense agreements and TRADE/commerce agreements, then you must be blonde.

Your petty experiences with trade have exactly ZERO to do with NAZI Germany marching across Europe, Middle East, Africa...
Or the potential for Russia/China to do the same, the reason for NATO/Pacific Rim agreements and your small scale consumer device sales... but being blonde you can't differentiate.
6th grade must have been a rough/rude awakening for you since you haven't expanded your education since then.

It's too bad with the potential of 12 or more free to you years of education you didn't, or couldn't, take advantage of it.

You also conveniently forgot to mention the U.S. has bans, tariffs, fees on imported equipment also.
Another glaring omission in education/practical experience.

You take yourself too seriously, especially for a self-proclaimed hillbilly. And hey, I wouldn't have pointed out your left-leaning tendencies if I knew you were so sensitive about it.

As to the rest of your unqualified personal attacks, they are the refuge of the weak-minded when they have nowhere else to turn.

The electronic equipment I was referring to are/were large industrial systems selling for as much as 500K USD which incorporated switch-mode resonant high-frequency inverters with output ratings as high as 100 kW for which I designed the power and control circuits and built the proof-of-concept prototypes. You assume so much with nothing to back it up, including what you think you know about my background, experience, and education.

Lastly, look at the trend in balance of trade between the US and the EU for the past 20 years, and tell me again about bans, tariffs, and import fees that the US has implemented vs those in the EU.
You take yourself too seriously, especially for a self-proclaimed hillbilly. And hey, I wouldn't have pointed out your left-leaning tendencies if I knew you were so sensitive about it.

Once again, I can't help you and don't care what label you use to make things simple enough for you to deal with it...

I'm a hillbilly that carries a MENSA membership card.
I don't mistake high I.Q. with 'Smart' the same way I understand Ignorance isn't 'Stupid'.

There has been some real genius from no formal education people, no I.Q. test required to see what they accomplished.

Ignorance simply means no education or knowledge in a specific subject, and is easily changed by a little education.

'Stupid' is a willful act, you have to actively ignore science, understood and agreed upon facts, situations, etc.

The drivel 'Wingers' (either side) exchange and inflict upon the working/thinking folks annoy me, especially since they had the opportunity of 12 free to them years of education and didn't absorb any basics at all during those 12 years... which would have killed the ignorance, ability to be easily swayed.

I follow the Constitution and the rule of law. That protects the willfully stupid to continue to reproduce, multiply and continue to spread stupidity...

With current funeral practice, they aren't even going to finally be productive as compost... Just a total waste of time and energy.
Once again, I can't help you and don't care what label you use to make things simple enough for you to deal with it...

I'm a hillbilly that carries a MENSA membership card.
I don't mistake high I.Q. with 'Smart' the same way I understand Ignorance isn't 'Stupid'.

There has been some real genius from no formal education people, no I.Q. test required to see what they accomplished.

Ignorance simply means no education or knowledge in a specific subject, and is easily changed by a little education.

'Stupid' is a willful act, you have to actively ignore science, understood and agreed upon facts, situations, etc.

The drivel 'Wingers' (either side) exchange and inflict upon the working/thinking folks annoy me, especially since they had the opportunity of 12 free to them years of education and didn't absorb any basics at all during those 12 years... which would have killed the ignorance, ability to be easily swayed.

I follow the Constitution and the rule of law. That protects the willfully stupid to continue to reproduce, multiply and continue to spread stupidity...

With current funeral practice, they aren't even going to finally be productive as compost... Just a total waste of time and energy.
Do you consider biden a winger. He is living out the comedy movie the “Jerk” as a poor black child all grown up and getting honorary degrees. Instant creditials for education not earned or entitled. By all past evidence and verified history, Biden is exactly as he describes old white racist……sure ppl can change but a rattle snake will always be a rattle snake..

Education becomes toilet paper when ppl are truly not educated but merely awarded.… with no justifications other then speaking for a cause to which he created. Create a crisis to solve a crisis. Mantra

Were the black graduates never informed about Biden’s past or is it all about what can you give me now. These ppl obviously were short changed in their educational history classes. I reckon only older ppl such as myself remembers him because have been watching him politically since 1970’s. The way he acts now is disgusting and proves term limits should exist…. Biden has over 50 years in politics never earned a dollar out side of his criminal ties. Hunter biden admitted in news interview he got what he got because of who his daddy is. It id on video yet ppl won’t acknowledge it. Same for biden quid pro quo over corruption in Ukraine video bragged and preserved.

Don’t worry when they pressure pot us at life’s end it will have no effect. We have been in a pressure pot since birth. The bones still have to be destroyed or put in the closet .
What NATO means is the USA will simply have another mouth to feed We have dumped over $200 billion dollars into ukraine. It is corrupt and we knew it but keep pumping money in.

What Ukrane in NATO means is a front line country directly facing Russia.
NOT another Russian proxy/collaborator.

You swallowed the propaganda, and by proxy are a Communist collaborator.

Secondarily it means another market open to the U.S. and other western countries.

That means nothing to you since you can't/won't differentiate between the military, an outward facing defense force, and trade markets/agreements.

the USA protested when China was operation the Military in Canada. Only reason they were readily identified. If they took off uniforms all good. Stupid game. Recent scandal of chinese operating police force in NYC means what?

"... China was operation the military in canada..."
Makes no sense.
Is English your first language or did the education stop before the 6th grade?

China operating a "police force" in NYC?

Well, yes.
It's not a 'police force', it's a spy network to extract both intellectual & currency resources from the U.S.

The same way Russian and every other adversary, and sometimes allied countries continue spy networks in other countries like the U.S. does in their countries.
It's called espionage. Nothing new just because you FINALLY heard about it on BoobTube or conspiracy sites.

yet we pull up on putin’s door and americans are like hell yes.

Box in, contain the threat.

Since we are talking g about human lives here we don't kick the door in and drop a big bomb in the living room, but we defiantly contain the threat, limit the capabilities, etc.

Most of those americans won’t go fight.

You are SADILY mistaken.

What the U.S. won't do is eliminate civilians over bad decisions of leaders.

While roughly 3% of Americans are currently active military or veterans of the military, you should never believe Americans will think twice about supporting war when directly attacked.

Maybe you should research 9/11/01 and the two ground wars, plus a war on ISIS it provoked before you make another stupid statement like Americans won't fight...

YOU don't start any shit, there won't be a 2,000 pound bomb dropped on you, active duty military kicking your door in, etc.

Now, with Russia, China, etc. the same can't be said, they might eliminate you because your great-grandmother's grandfather was a different religion, race, ethnic group, or because they didn't like something you said...

They will sit back and talk the shit but won’t make the long walks.

I spent 16 years in the U.S. Marines, 14 of that in what you would call 'Special Forces', although all Marines are technically special forces.

If you think I "Talk Shit", then bring your 'A' game...
I'm in my 60s, have two artifical knees, one artifical hip, enough screws, brackets, bolts and wires to make a small satellite out of, back broke in 5 places, neck in 2, shoulder & ankle held together with hardware store parts, missing 3/4 of a lung from a bullet and 2 feet of guts from shrapnel...

THEN... I built a farm/homestead off grid, started half a dozen businesses, raised 29 foster/at risk/host kids, and on my worst day I can deal with a crap talking internet troll before morning coffee, so gear up and bring it on...

There is an 800 yard gun range in the back yard we use FREQUANTLY, my home is sustainable, power, water, food and built like a bunker, I can manufacture ammunition at 3,000 rounds an hour (one of my side businesses),

There is a reason the U.S. has only traditionally needed just 3% of it's population for defense... It takes around 7,000 people behind the lines to support every combat deployed Troop/Seaman/Airman/Marine...

Ever see the U.S. run out of anything in a war zone/combat deployment?

Ever see the U.S. military resort to the cowards approach, mass genocide?

You REALLY need to get off that communist propaganda diet and pull your head out of your backside...

You should know what I mean given what you have stated in post. I am to old and broke down to be on going combat effective …. Won’t be me there Will it be you.

I'm NEVER combat INEFFECTIVE until they bury me.

I can, AND WILL manufacture, grow crops, support the wounded, whatever is required...

I still remember exactly how to headspace/time a M2 .50 BMG and with a little retooling can manufactre most of the parts.

There will be lots of labor around, remember, if SHTF happens, there will be a lot of people looking to trade work for food, safety, security, AND A CRAP TON OF PAYBACK!
Again, see 9/11/01 for a recent example.

As for a full on war with Russia in Ukrane, slightly over 5% of the U.S. military budget and a lot of older, 80s technology weapons which are still WAY AHEAD of Russian/communists best offerings.

So far, it's mostly a clearing house of aging hardware/ammunition.

Attack the U.S. directly and you get "THE GOOD STUFF!"
Power grids that shut down and you can't figure out why, airplanes that crash and you can't figure out why, bombs that come from aircraft you can't detect, stuff you don't read about on your propaganda web sites...

The B2 stealth bomber went operational in 1978 and russia/China still can't reproduce it. The stealth fighter went operational in 1982 and Russia/China still can't reproduce it.

While Russia/China struggles to land anything on a city block area, the U.S. decides which window or elevator shaft they want to fly it into and what floor they want it to go off on, no matter if it's a 100 meter deep bunker or cave in the tribals/bad lands... they were doing it in the 80s.

All the while keeping civilian collateral damage to a minimum, unlike Russia shelling/bombing civilians in retaliation for loosing military targets.

Those are obsolete dinosaurs compared to what you don't know about... Yet...
But if you are arrogant enough, or stupid enough, mess around and find out!

So keep underestimating the U.S., it's just another advantage the U.S. has in the event of a direct attack...
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What Ukrane in NATO means is a front line country directly facing Russia.
NOT another Russian proxy/collaborator.

You swallowed the propaganda, and by proxy are a Communist collaborator.

Secondarily it means another market open to the U.S. and other western countries.

That means nothing to you since you can't/won't differentiate between the military, an outward facing defense force, and trade markets/agreements.

"... China was operation the military in canada..."
Makes no sense.
Is English your first language or did the education stop before the 6th grade?

China operating a "police force" in NYC?

Well, yes.
It's not a 'police force', it's a spy network to extract both intellectual & currency resources from the U.S.

The same way Russian and every other adversary, and sometimes allied countries continue spy networks in other countries like the U.S. does in their countries.
It's called espionage. Nothing new just because you FINALLY heard about it on BoobTube or conspiracy sites.

Box in, contain the threat.

Since we are talking g about human lives here we don't kick the door in and drop a big bomb in the living room, but we defiantly contain the threat, limit the capabilities, etc.

You are SADILY mistaken.

What the U.S. won't do is eliminate civilians over bad decisions of leaders.

While roughly 3% of Americans are currently active military or veterans of the military, you should never believe Americans will think twice about supporting war when directly attacked.

Maybe you should research 9/11/01 and the two ground wars, plus a war on ISIS it provoked before you make another stupid statement like Americans won't fight...

YOU don't start any shit, there won't be a 2,000 pound bomb dropped on you, active duty military kicking your door in, etc.

Now, with Russia, China, etc. the same can't be said, they might eliminate you because your great-grandmother's grandfather was a different religion, race, ethnic group, or because they didn't like something you said...

I spent 16 years in the U.S. Marines, 14 of that in what you would call 'Special Forces', although all Marines are technically special forces.

If you think I "Talk Shit", then bring your 'A' game...
I'm in my 60s, have two artifical knees, one artifical hip, enough screws, brackets, bolts and wires to make a small satellite out of, back broke in 5 places, neck in 2, shoulder & ankle held together with hardware store parts, missing 3/4 of a lung from a bullet and 2 feet of guts from shrapnel...

THEN... I built a farm/homestead off grid, started half a dozen businesses, raised 29 foster/at risk/host kids, and on my worst day I can deal with a crap talking internet troll before morning coffee, so gear up and bring it on...

There is an 800 yard gun range in the back yard we use FREQUANTLY, my home is sustainable, power, water, food and built like a bunker, I can manufacture ammunition at 3,000 rounds an hour (one of my side businesses),

There is a reason the U.S. has only traditionally needed just 3% of it's population for defense... It takes around 7,000 people behind the lines to support every combat deployed Troop/Seaman/Airman/Marine...

Ever see the U.S. run out of anything in a war zone/combat deployment?

Ever see the U.S. military resort to the cowards approach, mass genocide?

You REALLY need to get off that communist propaganda diet and pull your head out of your backside...

I'm NEVER combat INEFFECTIVE until they bury me.

I can, AND WILL manufacture, grow crops, support the wounded, whatever is required...

I still remember exactly how to headspace/time a M2 .50 BMG and with a little retooling can manufactre most of the parts.

There will be lots of labor around, remember, if SHTF happens, there will be a lot of people looking to trade work for food, safety, security, AND A CRAP TON OF PAYBACK!
Again, see 9/11/01 for a recent example.

As for a full on war with Russia in Ukrane, slightly over 5% of the U.S. military budget and a lot of older, 80s technology weapons which are still WAY AHEAD of Russian/communists best offerings.

So far, it's mostly a clearing house of aging hardware/ammunition.

Attack the U.S. directly and you get "THE GOOD STUFF!"
Power grids that shut down and you can't figure out why, airplanes that crash and you can't figure out why, bombs that come from aircraft you can't detect, stuff you don't read about on your propaganda web sites...

The B2 stealth bomber went operational in 1978 and russia/China still can't reproduce it. The stealth fighter went operational in 1982 and Russia/China still can't reproduce it.

While Russia/China struggles to land anything on a city block area, the U.S. decides which window or elevator shaft they want to fly it into and what floor they want it to go off on, no matter if it's a 100 meter deep bunker or cave in the tribals/bad lands... they were doing it in the 80s.

All the while keeping civilian collateral damage to a minimum, unlike Russia shelling/bombing civilians in retaliation for loosing military targets.

Those are obsolete dinosaurs compared to what you don't know about... Yet...
But if you are arrogant enough, or stupid enough, mess around and find out!

So keep underestimating the U.S., it's just another advantage the U.S. has in the event of a direct attack...
You speak and respond just like Leo and Murphyguy. Maybe you should unblock Murphyguy. They are your broken mirror image.

You wouldn’t know a communist from some other country = extreme far leftist if Leo bit you on the arse. Your situational awareness is broken.

I am not a communist …. not by a long shot and that is why lean right. Our country is broken. Like an arrow. They are all in the wire.

again say what you want as I am considering - putting you back on my ignore list. Hahaha blah blah blah suck suck Tough you got that wake up call that are not armor plated and bullet proof. If you think the Biden or Trump appreciate you then you are wrong. If you think congress loves you - will soon find their love…. Too.
You speak and respond just like Leo and Murphyguy. Maybe you should unblock Murphyguy. They are your broken mirror image.

You wouldn’t know a communist from some other country = extreme far leftist if Leo bit you on the arse. Your situational awareness is broken.

I am not a communist …. not by a long shot and that is why lean right. Our country is broken. Like an arrow. They are all in the wire.

again say what you want as I am considering - putting you back on my ignore list. Hahaha blah blah blah suck suck Tough you got that wake up call that are not armor plated and bullet proof. If you think the Biden or Trump appreciate you then you are wrong. If you think congress loves you - will soon find their love…. Too.

That is potentially the most unhinged, deranged crap you posted so far.

You spew, word for word, Russian propaganda, specifically from Russia's Fancy Bear meme/slogan mill.

That makes you a communist shill by proxy repeating that crap no matter what facts people present you.

Since you ignore any science/facts, that means you disregard anything past 6th grade...

Seems their 300k memes/slogans/propaganda posts a MONTH are reaching someone ignorant enough not to question it...

I'm a full grown adult, I can take care of myself. Since it was my choice to be a Marine, I accepted the risks, and accept the consequences.
I'm not prone to tantrums in public like childern in the toy or cereal isle...