diy solar

diy solar

The Ukranian Sponsored Tank Turret Toss Won By The Russians?

Once again, I can't help you and don't care what label you use to make things simple enough for you to deal with it..

Oh, and as an aside and just to maybe demonstrate how your assumptions about people can be so very wrong... several years before retirement I designed and prototyped a system to make the manufacture of a critical part common to all current generation implantable electronic devices possible. I even machined the critical parts myself to be certain they were done properly. This system is currently in use by a US manufacturer of the component in question, so if you now or in the future have your life dependent on an implantable electronic device it is quite likely that it was made possible by my system.

So there's that... as you like to say.
I always knew you were smarter than the average bear.

'Smart' and high I.Q. have little to do with each other much of the time...

like the guy *claiming* (I have my doubts) to be an electrical engineer of some kind can't connect the dots in 6th grade chemestry, proven science, I wouldn't call him 'Smart', and he proves me correct with every post...

On the other hand, the guys that farm the same ground for generations without loosing the top soil, without depleting or toxifying the soil, manages to responsibility irrigate that soil/crops with the least energy/equipment possible I'd call 'Smart'.
I'm TRYING to do that, it's not easy, so there were some really smart people in previous generations.

The guy that makes the same basic tool everyone uses, built better every evolution of materials or machining is 'Smart'.
Hard to beat things like Channellock brand pliers for instance...

I'm NOT the smartest guy in the room most times, but I don't deny gravity, round planets, that fossil fuels pollute, etc.

If humans can build pyramids, all the stone arcatecture from the past, I can build a chicken house with a string, level, square, measuring device, a saw & hammer...

I honestly don't care HOW things get transported as long as I don't have to carry everything on my back.
Horses/oxen, boats, trains, trucks, EVs, just that *I* don't have to carry it...
The easier the better.

My vehicle isn't my personality, my ego, whatever. I don't need 'Ram' logos, cartoon characters, racing stripes, or whatever.
I need transportation that is reliable and not too costly...

My 'Freedom' is to make a profit from my labor, to freely travel to sell that product, not what I drive.

If that vehicle less polluting, that's higher efficiency, better bang for the energy dollar.
If that vehicle has 1/3 to 2/3 less parts, that stuff that can't fail.
If that vehicle does exactly the same job on batteries instead of gasoline, I can make my own electricity, I can't make my own gasoline.

It's common sense which is sadly lacking in today's society which is why propaganda works so well...
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Oh, and as an aside and just to maybe demonstrate how your assumptions about people can be so very wrong... several years before retirement I designed and prototyped a system to make the manufacture of a critical part common to all current generation implantable electronic devices possible. I even machined the critical parts myself to be certain they were done properly. This system is currently in use by a US manufacturer of the component in question, so if you now or in the future have your life dependent on an implantable electronic device it is quite likely that it was made possible by my system.

So there's that... as you like to say.

I don't believe you.
So... There's that...
Another refuge of the weak-minded, and certainly no surprise. Enjoy your echo chamber.
I consider it a good deed if he ignores ppl. ?????? Count your blessings. Hahaha i had him on ignore until yesterday. You could just tell lights on but no one home.
You said "crap", I expect another deranged scatalogical fantasm I've come to know him by.

Turd in a punch bowl?
Toilet bowl fish?
Flush escapee?
Brown finger pointer?
Overflowing diaper?

I consider it a good deed if he ignores ppl. ?????? Count your blessings. Hahaha i had him on ignore until yesterday. You could just tell lights on but no one home.

Here is another floater that won't flush...


I have time to waste and dealing with the bowl floaters/toilet fish isn't how I want to waste it...
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now for just a few more ….. Anyone that thinks Ukraine sponsors anything is blind to the over $200 billion dollars of USA tax payer monies that have been wasted - on corruption in Ukraine. They are an oxygen thief.

Wiseacre hit that button too. Hold your breath and Disappear. ?
How else would the military complex rake in the cash from the taxpayer? Then redistribute it to the government officials through " lobbies" influence. Do you really believe that the missiles actually cost ( in terms of profit )
How else would the military complex rake in the cash from the taxpayer? Then redistribute it to the government officials through " lobbies" influence. Do you really believe that the missiles actually cost ( in terms of profit )
In the US? Special interests groups lobby politicians, those politicians require money to fund their election campaigns. (Your elections are really expensive) Politicians who show their willingness to be friendly to those special interest group will receive more donations from them than those politicians who aren't.

So what is the solution?

The campaigns of the people you vote for, regardless of the party, are for a large part funded by big business and they are the ones that decide on how campaigns are funded. I wish you luck finding a solution....
In the US? Special interests groups lobby politicians, those politicians require money to fund their election campaigns. (Your elections are really expensive) Politicians who show their willingness to be friendly to those special interest group will receive more donations from them than those politicians who aren't.

So what is the solution?
Well if it were me term limits for "ALL" government management. ( Just like the president ) Then restore over-site powers to the house. Return Congressional law power and "REMOVE" executive order powers from the president (with the exception of protecting the country ) Then a "we the people" over-site committee. Then laws in-placed that provide "equal" law to all. ( As a example on Hunter Biden's laptop the 170 provable felonies that are on that laptop.)

The campaigns of the people you vote for, regardless of the party, are for a large part funded by big business and they are the ones that decide on how campaigns are funded. I wish you luck finding a solution....
With this I agree.
In the US? Special interests groups lobby politicians, those politicians require money to fund their election campaigns. (Your elections are really expensive) Politicians who show their willingness to be friendly to those special interest group will receive more donations from them than those politicians who aren't.

So what is the solution?

The campaigns of the people you vote for, regardless of the party, are for a large part funded by big business and they are the ones that decide on how campaigns are funded. I wish you luck finding a solution....
First accurate sensible post - ever seen you.… respond.

the USA politicians have a bad habit of promoting Countries - Corporations and such just as you describe. It cost billions of dollars to get elected as USA PRESIDENT. The President’s job only pays $450,000 a year.….when they leave office are either million or billions in bank.

example What happens with the over $200 billion sent to Ukraine has happened with foreign countries for way to long. Ukraine is known corupt as hell. The USA as another example gives Israel billions of dollars every year then the IPAC turns around and lobby Politicians to give more with that money. Israel is a wealthy country - they do not need our free money. Why the politicians support uniparty politics every time Exact same went on with Ukraine and so many other countries can’t count. Corruption. Worse Corporations like Pfizer do it too. The companies we are suppose to be able to trust are dishonest just like the politicians they buy off.

some of the $5 trillion dollar covid relief sent millions to a foreign country to study transgenderism ….. absolutely nothing to do with covid.

Our politicians hide easter eggs in every bill - law passed. It is how the crazy shit gets slipped in.
Turd in a punch bowl?
Toilet bowl fish?
Flush escapee?
Brown finger pointer?
Overflowing diaper?

Here is another floater that won't flush...


I have time to waste and dealing with the bowl floaters/toilet fish isn't how I want to waste it...

Says the guy that thinks wood smoke is better for human health than exhaust from a natural gas burning appliance.

Stop being silly.
You will not have to worry much longer if these things keep happening.
