diy solar

diy solar


Could you provide a reference to your “opening the taps to the SR” comment?
Not that i doubt it but all the oil any gas production newsletters say it’s being refilled refilled.

Now yes I grant you that there are stories abounding that he is planning on refilling, and we see stories this week of 6 million barrels going in.

I can't really see where this increase in production is coming from, red sea is a total mess right now. And that means a long trip around the horn to get from that side to this side.

Personally as we are talking oil, and it is a Trump thread this is my thoughts on this.

You will continue to see "low" gas prices till next Nov. After that the gas prices will start to rise. IF Trump is in office that will be all his fault. IF someone else wins, well we know this is all bad for the planet, go buy that planet saving Tesla and shut up.
What political candidate did Zuckerberg donate money to through his CCTL group?

You dont have a fucking clue what youre talking about.

I wont blame you because the media has worked overtime to cover this up.

These were not campaign contributions at all. They were grants to government election offices that came with conditions that hand picked democrat operatives be allowed to work with them to influence the election outcome. They corrupted and rigged the election.
You don't need to be rude, you could just say you heard it on Qanon.
Qanon is the place for all super geniuses like you.
"Somehow"? We know exactly how.
He campaigned on a promise to END THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS. Period.
The first week in office he signed several executive orders to implement that agenda.

View attachment 184074

The facts are quite clear. In december 2020, right after he was elected, the markets began a rise on the expectations of his policies. By february 2021 they took an even sharper rise due to his actions, which continued unabated through Putins invasion.

Dont pretend we live in the fantasyland of Biden supporters. We are quite aware of what he did.

Oil production in the US typically rises when the price of crude exceeds a point where our higher lift cost makes it profitable. Lift costs are typically lower in the middle east and third world countries, we let them pump theirs and buy it from them when crude is cheaper. Bidens actions made crude more expensive, so oil producers get to work.
Its also been argued that Biden making crude more valuable funded Putins war.
The chart you provided is a graph of price not production.
It ends at 2016. Biden didn't take office until January of 2021.
At least you are trying to justify your support for Trump, rather than just hiding behind the common idiom: "Everyone knows that!"
Only $18. No bias there. Just wants to jump on bandwagon and makes some money.

I am not a book seller, but like most TL's you ignore the facts and attacker the messenger.

I’ll make a prediction: In your next post you’ll just call me names.
Republicans are rarely in lock-step like Democrats, so unless virtually all of them supported the reconciliation it wouldn't pass, and the votes weren't there.

BTW, Obamacare was not passed via reconciliation.
At the end of 2009, each house of Congress passed its own health care reform bill, but neither house passed the other bill. The Senate bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, became the most viable avenue to reform following the death of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy and his replacement by Republican Scott Brown. Lacking a filibuster-proof super-majority in the Senate, the Obama administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi encouraged the House to pass the Senate bill and then pass a new bill to amend it using the reconciliation process.[1]

It reminds me of a republicen friend of mine who actually said he'd never sign up for Obama Care because he was happy with his insurance from the Affordable Care act.

For those of you who don't know, and I fear there are many on this site; The Affordable Act is Obama Care and I dare say many of you probably have it.
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I am not a book seller, but like most TL's you ignore the facts and attacker the messenger.

I’ll make a prediction: In your next post you’ll just call me names.
Nope that is the liberals job. Name calling instead of facts.
I can tell you one thing.
The pendulum is shifting.
And when it’s finished you won’t like it.
This is a solar forum. If you people don't remember shortly after being sworn in, President Trump imposed new “safeguard” tariffs and quotas on billions of dollars in imports of solar panels and washing machines.
At the end of 2009, each house of Congress passed its own health care reform bill, but neither house passed the other bill. The Senate bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, became the most viable avenue to reform following the death of Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy and his replacement by Republican Scott Brown. Lacking a filibuster-proof super-majority in the Senate, the Obama administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi encouraged the House to pass the Senate bill and then pass a new bill to amend it using the reconciliation process.[1]

The republicans could have got the funding through reconciliation< the same way the democrts pushed through Obama care.

From a left-leaning website:

It was passed in the Senate under regular order, by a vote of 60-39 on December 24, 2009. Later, after Democrats lost their supermajority in the Senate, the House passed the Senate bill and then passed a second bill that implemented a few modest increases to subsidy levels and taxes. None of them were critical to the overall bill, but the Senate agreed to support these changes. These small, nonessential adjustments are the only part of Obamacare that was passed via reconciliation.

Everything else—the individual mandate, the pre-existing conditions ban, the subsidies, the Medicaid expansion, the medical loss ratios, the donut hole, the cost improvements, the taxes to pay for it all—in other words, everything that mattered, was passed via regular order.
This is a solar forum. If you people don't remember shortly after being sworn in, President Trump imposed new “safeguard” tariffs and quotas on billions of dollars in imports of solar panels and washing machines.
So what if it is a solar forum.
Increasing tariffs on foreign goods to move production here is brilliant.

diy solar

diy solar