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All the news networks have learned that hate sells. Murdock was the first to bring hate to mainstream media, but all the other networks (MSN, CNN etc.) followed suite. It's all about money to them, but what is it is doing to this country?
I was hoping that trying to have an honest discussion and taking a hard look at their ideas, might liberate us from the cult like control it is so easy to fall into.
I've tried and will continue, but it's not looking good.
Trump had a republican majority in the house and senate for two years. I don't believe anyone could have stopped him if he pushed hard enough.

That's because you have a basic lack of understanding of how our government works, like everyone else who parrots that same statement.

Trump had a simple majority [52] in the Senate during his first two years. That means nothing gets passed without cooperation from Democrats due to the filibuster, except for judicial appointments. That rule was changed by Democrats during the Obama administration - so you can thank Democrats for Trump's ability to make judicial appointments without any concern about what Democrats thought.

Obama had a super-majority for a little over 2 months during his administration. He could have passed any legislation he wanted, but you know what happened [or if you don't maybe you can look it up]. He did nothing about the very issues he campaigned on.
That's because you have a basic lack of understanding of how our government works, like everyone else who parrots that same statement.

Trump had a simple majority [52] in the Senate during his first two years. That means nothing gets passed without cooperation from Democrats due to the filibuster, except for judicial appointments. That rule was changed by Democrats during the Obama administration - so you can thank Democrats for Trump's ability to make judicial appointments without any concern about what Democrats thought.

Obama had a super-majority for a little over 2 months during his administration. He could have passed any legislation he wanted, but you know what happened [or if you don't maybe you can look it up]. He did nothing about the very issues he campaigned on.
As both parties remain polarized over President Trump's border wall, it can be hard to imagine a time when they might have agreed on it. But since 2006 the federal government has built nearly 700 miles of wall and fencing with bipartisan support.

On September 16, it was announced that multiple border wall projects had been halted because of depleted funds. Over 450 miles (720 km) were planned to be built by the end of 2020, which would cost an estimated total of $18.4 billion (~$20.6 billion in 2022).

It wasn't completed because Trump didn't fulfill his campaign promise and get mexico to pay for it.
Bet you can’t guess just how the funding got cut.
That's because you have a basic lack of understanding of how our government works, like everyone else who parrots that same statement.

Trump had a simple majority [52] in the Senate during his first two years. That means nothing gets passed without cooperation from Democrats due to the filibuster, except for judicial appointments. That rule was changed by Democrats during the Obama administration - so you can thank Democrats for Trump's ability to make judicial appointments without any concern about what Democrats thought.

Obama had a super-majority for a little over 2 months during his administration. He could have passed any legislation he wanted, but you know what happened [or if you don't maybe you can look it up]. He did nothing about the very issues he campaigned on.
The republicans could have got the funding through reconciliation< the same way the democrts pushed through Obama care.
Instead of needing 60 votes, a reconciliation bill only needs a simple majority in the Senate.

Reconciliation starts with the congressional budget resolution. The budget cannot be stalled in the Senate by filibuster, and it does not need the President’s signature.

If the budget calls for reconciliation, it tells certain committees to change spending, revenues, deficits, or the debt limit by specific amounts. Each committee writes a bill to achieve its target, and if more than one committee is told to act, the Budget Committee puts the bills together into one big bill.

That bill has special status in the Senate. Like the budget, it cannot be filibustered, and only needs a simple majority to pass.
So I ask again: Why didn't the republicans use reconciliation.

Marco Rubio​

Once the promising new gentler voice on immigration for the Republican Party, Senator Rubio has fallen in lock step with the rightward swing it has taken in the Trump era. A look back at his positions shows that he could have led on key areas in immigration reform, particularly around Dreamers and guest workers.

  • 2004: Rubio co-sponsored in-state tuition for undocumented residents while in the Florida legislature. He also blocked anti-immigrant bills as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.
  • 2012: Rubio proposed a compromise version of the DREAM Act that would have provided deportation relief, though not a pathway to citizenship.
  • 2013: Rubio joined 8 Senators in crafting a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill which passed in the Senate 68-32.
  • 2016: Rubio defended immigration reform in the 2016 election primaries while then-candidate Trump campaigned on a wall and mass deportation.
  • 2018: Rubio voted in favor of the Rounds-King deal on Dreamers which would have granted them legal status in exchange for funding for Trump’s border wall.
“We need a functional guest worker program so that, in times of low unemployment and rapid
The answer is simple; republicans didn't want it. They wanted the bordr open so they coud use it as a campaign tool.

TRUMP wants it controlled and anyone else with a brain.

Liberals want it open for the reason Alex Jones said.

You're a libtard so you want it open.
Is this for real?
Yes .... Soros funded groups have tried to get it done in other states, but it has been shot down by the courts .... This is the first lunatic court that is actually trying to keep Trump off the ballot.
With Trump polling so high there is going to be MANY more acts of desperation.
I predict a US Supreme Court appeal.
Yes .... Soros funded groups have tried to get it done in other states, but it has been shot down by the courts .... This is the first lunatic court that is actually trying to keep Trump off the ballot.
With Trump polling so high there is going to be MANY more acts of desperation.
I predict a US Supreme Court appeal.
They already set aside the verdict pending supreme court appeal.
He'll win in a republicen stacked court.

As for us; We have not yet to begun to fight.
Please provide references to the data of these mathematicians.
I did some graduate srtudies in math and statistics .

Internet search for 15 minutes. Avoid MSM and all the paid for "fact checkers" (in other words, skip the first few pages and dont use google).

It is pretty obvious to me that no one can control bidens mouth. He does spew a lot of BS that doesn't seem to appeal to anybody.
Every time he tries to give away money to dead beats, he may get a few dead beats votes but he pisses off 10 times as many people.

They may not control his mouth (as he does speak the quiet part out loud at times such as "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the history of American politics")
But they most definitely control every single action that "joe biden" takes.
Ofcourse "joe biden" the man is very much like every single politician out there, with the only exception of complete and total shamelessness of his life of grift and corruption. Other than that all the same.
Internet search for 15 minutes. Avoid MSM and all the paid for "fact checkers" (in other words, skip the first few pages and dont use google).

complete and total shamelessness of his life of grift and corruption.
A good definition of all politician's
A good definition of all politician's

Yes, but Joe Poopy pants really puts it over the top in sheer openness.
You know there was a question that was often asked: What is the difference between US and Russia?

Well, in Russia, the elite shit on your head!
In America, the elite wrap the shit in a nice candy paper and then give it to you.

That was before 2020.

Since 2020, the elites in both countries shit on your head!!!
Yes .... Soros funded groups have tried to get it done in other states, but it has been shot down by the courts .... This is the first lunatic court that is actually trying to keep Trump off the ballot.
With Trump polling so high there is going to be MANY more acts of desperation.
I predict a US Supreme Court appeal.
Here is how Ramaswamy responded to this news.
the illegal maneuver of keeping someone off the ballot that has attempted insurrection

blah blah bob

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diy solar