diy solar

diy solar


My favorite trick with camera checkouts - i place my car keyfob over the camera every time :)

I am also lucky enough to have my own Exchange server, so i can create email addresses on the fly.
It helps when you can properly run an email system :) It also helps when you are a skilled network engineer to stick it to them and to bypass things most people are not even aware exist. But i try to educate those willing to listen.
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There are enough Amish and Mennonite stores around here that I could buy the majority of what I need with cash, hell even the Mennonite store was selling solar components (at a high price) the last time I was in. I'll barter for the rest.

Agreed fully. Even in communist NY/NJ this is easily possible, in fact you will even get a discount!
Now Why does my newly assembled 280AH battery bms software need gps coordinates. Why?
That's an Android thing. Hint hint you can download a GPS spoofing app. My solar tablet things I'm somewhere far south of the border.
Things should be very obvious When i was younger - ppl would not talk around land line - phones sitting on table because even when hung up ….. someone could still listen in.
My neighbor, when I was a kid, retired from Bell... Pretty simple to clamp onto the lines outside the house... Not certain on the listening after it was hung up but really simple when it was active.
use precharged visa gift cards
This works great too.
My favorite trick with camera checkouts - i place my car keyfob over the camera every time :)
See how long you can walk around with some IR emitters on your glasses ...
I am also lucky enough to have my own Exchange server, so i can create email addresses on the fly.
It helps when you can properly run an email system :) It also helps when you are a skilled network engineer to stick it to them and to bypass things most people are not even aware exist. But i try to educate those willing to listen.
Lmao, I miss the days when they didn't lock down all the computers at Sam's Club, best buy etc. I was the kid that would run an fdisk command, set a password on the bios, screenshot the desktop and set it as a wallpaper, etc. Ahh the good old days when you could easily reboot to a command prompt.
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See how long you can walk around with some IR emitters on your glasses ...

IR emitters are interesting idea to fight ALPR cameras (Look this up). this is a huge problem lately and some techniques i tried have variable results. Its a pretty hard problem to tackle, unfortunately
See how long you can walk around with some IR emitters on your glasses ...

Lmao, I miss the days when they didn't lock down all the computers at Sam's Club, best buy etc. I was the kid that would run an fdisk command, set a password on the bios, screenshot the desktop and set it as a wallpaper, etc. Ahh the good old days when you could easily reboot to a command prompt.
Back then could log onto store internet and post on news websites annon. 😀 Unless someone like you messed it up. Hahaha hahaha
Fuck Daly.

Also, even you're invisible, the guy with a phone next to you is not. The IP cameras that are everywhere now are not.

Even if you don't have a phone, everyone else around you does.

Also, even you're invisible, the guy with a phone next to you is not. The IP cameras that are everywhere now are not.

Even if you don't have a phone, everyone else around you does.

True only to a certain extent. Be wary of the "face id" like cameras (usually looks like an array of cameras including a LIDAR scanner) that are used to get your biometric profile. That (at least for now) requires a solid focus, small distance and attention span.
Remember they need biometrics to close the plausible deniability hole you have with all other techs (phone number, ip address, even normal photo)
During covid both my android and ios turned on contact tracing turned that shit off everytime they uploadedan update due to whatever bs they claimed it needed an update. Back on turn back off

I was satisfied with windows 3.11 version before windows 95 and the last update fubar’ed it.
During covid both my android and ios turned on contact tracing turned that shit off everytime they uploadedan update due to whatever bs they claimed it needed an update. Back on turn back off

I was satisfied with windows 3.11 version before windows 95 and the last update fubar’ed it.

I call BS on it automatically turning on, unless your phone is managed by your corporation (even then).
Once that feature was turned off on both Android and Apple phones, i have NEVER seen it revert back to on, even after OS update.
(I noticed BT reverts to ON on Apple devices after OS update).
And i have seen hundreds of phones.
I call BS on it automatically turning on, unless your phone is managed by your corporation (even then).
Once that feature was turned off on both Android and Apple phones, i have NEVER seen it revert back to on, even after OS update.
(I noticed BT reverts to ON on Apple devices after OS update).
And i have seen hundreds of phones.
I had a corporate discount I now use a military discount and the android phone is gone . Shsss some of us are smarter then you.
I had a corporate discount I now use a military discount and the android phone is gone . Shsss some of us are smarter then you.

Device management has nothing to do with corporate discount.
Educate yourself on MDM device management.
Apple version is here, but its the same idea
Device management has nothing to do with corporate discount.
Educate yourself on MDM device management.
Apple version is here, but its the same idea
I am well aware. …. don’t be upset. My ios phone was turned on like a lot of ppl unbeknown for initial time them more then once. The same for android The spell checker on mine is activated as well as predicted spelling almost every time still. Siri is ios AI and conversations are recorded for apple per apple notifications in the past . Just like they were threatened over not turning covid tracing on again by lawyers.

Don’t worry your secret is safe. Because you cut and paste vs communicate on here without quote marks - TommySr thinks you are a great writer. That is called plagiarism. Then you apologize and say in recent post that you cut paste to-ppl and all ideas are not really completely your own. The quotes “””””” allow difference of original copy and source and should be included so as to be known vs your own. It allows ppl to know it is sourced. Try it “‘’’’’’’’’ simple Right. Here once more for the slow learner. “‘’’’’ this is not your first rodeo over quotes . I’ve spoken to you before then a low number post fuck even made a snap post stating snipe quote. So how many handles are you here? I am just one. No multiple personalities at work for me. 1 is more then enough.
You are not the smartest guy in the room and they have yet to arrive.

TommySr will be here shortly. Smarter than you.

diy solar

diy solar