diy solar

diy solar

Unusual Generation in the Morning

A single string broken up across 3 different directions is never optimal.
It's just bad planning.
That's how I could place all my PV panels. No alternative !

Planning adds rails for install new four panels at E slope instead of old Dasol's (it was a test initially - how E slope would work?).
I will return to the theme if I'll fix one or two broken inverters what I'm keeping for tests. Then will split to strings and monitor each inverter.
It’s completely solved now!
Here is a recap:
1) Single string in series 6 East Panels 6 West Panels starting to yield power suddenly at around 09:30 rather than gradually from around 05:00. All panels optimised.
2) All say it’s daft to have a string like that. Tigo say similar…that it’ll lose power at either end of a day and they don’t recommend it.
3) The installer agreed to change it at his cost with an extra inverter
4) Before he did, I suggested swapping the strings over on their MPPTs to see if it was a string based issue or inverter based. The problem stayed with the MPPT! So the 12 West Panels were now the ones with daft yield figures.
5)The installer contacted LuxPower and they must have done some algorithm tweaking as two days later…and since it’s all worked brilliantly! Example of today early morning sun. The curves predicted by SolCast actually happen. Just a spot reading. At 06:30 today SolCast predicted 1.7KW, it was higher at 1.8KW
Conclusion: unexpectedly, a single string 6 East and 6 West, fully optimised - at least with Tigo gear - works brilliantly when MPPT algorithm is set up well.

I was not expecting that and can provide screenshots of yield for a sunny day if any want to see the detail!

diy solar

diy solar