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diy solar

Valence XP Battery Software Issues


New Member
Jan 4, 2021
I have purchased the USB 485 from amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077ZM1PSG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) updated the firmware and was able to get it working properly (well at least on the software side). On the Valence battery side I purchased these 5 pin connectors (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085HNSVY4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and connected following this diagram (http://dicksbluebirdbus.x10host.com/USB to battery.jpg), but I always receive 2 errors when I open the Valence software (Incorrect com port selected) & (open communication port fail), I'm running the Valence Software as Administrator.

I'm attaching some pics they are for this:
1 - USB Com Port settings programmed on my laptop.
2 - The error code and how I have the Valence software programmed.
3 - The diagram I followed in order to wire USB 485 to AMP Super Seal.
Anyone else had this issue and what was your fix, if any?

Thanks for all your help.


  • USB Serial Port Properties.jpg
    USB Serial Port Properties.jpg
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  • Valece Software Connection - Error Win.jpg
    Valece Software Connection - Error Win.jpg
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  • Valence LifePO4 XP - USB to battery.jpg
    Valence LifePO4 XP - USB to battery.jpg
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I have purchased the USB 485 from amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077ZM1PSG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) updated the firmware and was able to get it working properly (well at least on the software side). On the Valence battery side I purchased these 5 pin connectors (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085HNSVY4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and connected following this diagram (http://dicksbluebirdbus.x10host.com/USB to battery.jpg), but I always receive 2 errors when I open the Valence software (Incorrect com port selected) & (open communication port fail), I'm running the Valence Software as Administrator.

I'm attaching some pics they are for this:
1 - USB Com Port settings programmed on my laptop.
2 - The error code and how I have the Valence software programmed.
3 - The diagram I followed in order to wire USB 485 to AMP Super Seal.
Anyone else had this issue and what was your fix, if any?

Thanks for all your help.
In the drop down where you have a number 4 try replacing that with COM4 You have to type it yourself All caps no spaces.
With the error that your getting I don't think it has anything to do with the wiring. For whatever reason it's not seeing the port.
One thing is you've got 4 tabs showing which Unless you have the altered version normally means It wasn't ran as administrator .
Just tested if I select it with Run as Administrator or just double click on it and on both the screen has the 4 tabs.
That wiring diagrams says... Valence with internal BMS. The XP is external? RT is internal?
I don't know exactly which part of which pdf you referring to but don't worry about it.
I get the same error that you get if I unplug my USB to 485 dongle. Are u sure its working?
Is this the same one you have installed?

Thanks, the fix was the software. Wohoooo
The version I had was 12.9 and the link you provided is for 12.12.
Also the link I had before was for a software not installed on the computer, yours actually installed in the computer. I'll post some pics in a few.


  • 1st time connecting to both Batteries.jpg
    1st time connecting to both Batteries.jpg
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I get the same error that you get if I unplug my USB to 485 dongle. Are u sure its working?
Usually to know if anything that is connected to your computer is working you go to Device Manager and there you can see if it shows it's working properly. With this screenshot you can see it was. That was when I thought I may have a bad USB 485 device.


  • Device Manager - USB Serial Port working properly.jpg
    Device Manager - USB Serial Port working properly.jpg
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Now you should change the numbers of the batteries to number 1 and number 2. Connect them in parallel and do a top balance while there connected to the laptop. Be careful when you go over 13.78v. If there not balanced it will be hard to go over that voltage without Driving a cell to high above 3.8 . Somewhere buried in the super thread there might be some instructions I left there. It might be better to have an external u-bms or thunderstruck during that stage so you don't have to babysit the voltage so closely.
Now you should change the numbers of the batteries to number 1 and number 2. Connect them in parallel and do a top balance while there connected to the laptop. Be careful when you go over 13.78v. If there not balanced it will be hard to go over that voltage without Driving a cell to high above 3.8 . Somewhere buried in the super thread there might be some instructions I left there. It might be better to have an external u-bms or thunderstruck during that stage so you don't have to babysit the voltage so closely.
Thanks for that tip. I'll look in there for those instructions.
I also left the batteries connected in parallel a few days just to balance voltage, they were only 0.4 volts in difference. After leaving them connected with out anything being connected to them they are both same voltage.
But I was going to charge them with laptop connected to both, while software is running nonstop.
In the drop down where you have a number 4 try replacing that with COM4 You have to type it yourself All caps no spaces.
I purchased the same kit from Amazon and followed the provided diagram to wire my device. However, when I scan, I don't detect anything. The software recognizes the correct port, but fails to load any data. I've attempted using an alternate super seal connector and even directly connected the pin to avoid any mismatches, yet I still receive no data. Changing the A/B connections doesn't seem to have any effect. The only response I get is a "Power Surge from USB" message when I swap the 5V and negative connections. I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance on this issue!

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diy solar