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diy solar

Victron SmartShunt- Bluetooth monitoring without a BMV712


Solar Power Padawan
May 25, 2020
Gulf Coast of Texas
I just caught this video today. Pretty cool for the right build. It is available in 500, 1000, and 2000 amp versions. Price $130-295. See video for detail:

Victron Disclaimer For Flamers:
1. No, I don’t work for Victron
2. No, I am not a fanboy, I have other non-blue gear in my setup.
3. Yes, I know there are cheap Chinese units “that will do this for half the price”
4. This is Victron, it is quality and is supported by dealers. That matters to some of us. If you can’t afford it, it can still be awesome for others. Live and let live.
I have one that will go into my build. I'm looking forward to putting it all together.
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As a data point the bluetooth range on the smart shunt has been report as much less than the bluetooth range on the BMV712.
As a data point the bluetooth range on the smart shunt has been report as much less than the bluetooth range on the BMV712.
Probably resulting from placement, as the shunt is often secluded in a more enclosed location than the monitor would be. Definitely something for the person choosing to consider.

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diy solar