diy solar

diy solar

What's the point of points?


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
Am I missing the point or can someone explain points to me? :unsure:

Will P has 131 of them. All of the rest of us (regular) posters seem to have 123...

@Hedges has made 18,000+ posts and has 123 points,
@timselectric has made over 15,000 post AND has about 15,000kW of panels and only has 123 points,
@Supervstech has made over 10,000 posts AND is a moderator and only has 123 points,
@MisterSandals has made nearly 10,000 posts AND knows the difference between kW and kWh's and only has 123 points.

How do we get more points? Or is there no point in trying to get more points?
The point system is just for newer members, I guess.
Once you max out at 123, they don't matter anymore.
And the scorecard page, moves you down the list.
It's like the kids table on Thanksgiving. ;)
I used to frequent a forum populated by young leftists. Rank was by "karma" you could lose by getting your posts removed when marked by others who simply disagreed with you politically, they didnt want their echo chamber challenged.
Needless to say high karma ratings indicated idiocy.

diy solar

diy solar