diy solar

diy solar

Where to buy used solar panela


New Member
Sep 23, 2019
Other than eBay is there any online store selling quality used panels?

As others have said craigslist. I have a guy around Atlanta that buys used 240w panels by the truck load out of California. Only a few uears old. I get them for $100 each.
Crooked installers in Australia often convince owners that the only way to upgrade is to replace everything. It can also be that systems are changed out to keep feed in tarifs. I'm not sure if it still applies but at one stage several electricity retailers here tied the feed in tarif to the specific electricity account. If the premises changed hands the feed in went away.

My own 2nd hand panels came from an installation where one panel had failed so the whole lot was replaced. Terribly wasteful but that's how it goes.
Crooked installers in Australia often convince owners that the only way to upgrade is to replace everything. It can also be that systems are changed out to keep feed in tarifs. I'm not sure if it still applies but at one stage several electricity retailers here tied the feed in tarif to the specific electricity account. If the premises changed hands the feed in went away.

My own 2nd hand panels came from an installation where one panel had failed so the whole lot was replaced. Terribly wasteful but that's how it goes.
Yeah the guy I get them from says the company he got them from is tasked with taking out the "old" panels every 2 years in Califonia. Something about the State and Federal tax deductions can be reused so long as the panels are installed for at least 2 years. So that rip them out, sell them at a profit after the deductions and labor to reinstall. I'm paraphrasing but thats the just of it. It may be wastful on that end but provides the market with good used panels at a great price!
I wish solar panels would plummet in price like computer flash drive storage did...
... I’ve been in computers since the 80’s... I remember the old 30 pin Simms being 400.00 for a 256KB stick ya had to buy 4 to populate the motherboard...
Not to mention the old amiga sipp or dipp chips ya had to feed the motherboard directly... if I only got some of the money I spent on computer parts...
When Windows 98 came out, the industry KNEW everybody upgrading a 386 from 95 to 98 would need more RAM, and they invented a fake fire in a silicon factory in China to justify a price gouge. $325 for 8 megs. And since I had to support 98, I needed to learn it right away and had no choice. Mouse clicks were taking 3 minutes to respond. Those fargin' bastages!!! (If you don't know the movie Johnny Dangerously that will mean nothing to you.)
But ON topic, just as an example, a place near me in northeast Ohio has a skid of 250w Hyundai panels for $160. I don't know a good panel from a can of tuna so I don't know if that is a good deal or not, but the point is there are people who buy them used by the skid and sell them on Craigslist. Of course if you are not in northeast Ohio, that specific example means nothing to you. But I can't believe that kind of thing isn't everywhere.
But ON topic, just as an example, a place near me in northeast Ohio has a skid of 250w Hyundai panels for $160. I don't know a good panel from a can of tuna so I don't know if that is a good deal or not, but the point is there are people who buy them used by the skid and sell them on Craigslist. Of course if you are not in northeast Ohio, that specific example means nothing to you. But I can't believe that kind of thing isn't everywhere.
There are two guys near me in Charlotte, one is selling 275w panels for 150, one is selling 375w panels for 220...
Craigslist is great.
My 375watt panels need to go up soon!