diy solar

diy solar

Winter Shading problem


New Member
Jun 25, 2023
I have 6-400w panels in series that get full sun in the summer, but almost all dappled shade during the winter now. It didn’t used to be so bad, but my neighbors tree has grown considerably.

I’m only getting about 200-300w out of them in total. Would an optimizer work for this situation, and if so how many do I need and how to wire them up?


I have an Eg4 3000 AIO inverter of that matters.
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They wouldn't help much if at all. Optimizers mostly help compensate when some panels are shaded and others aren't. If most or all of them are getting shade it's not going to make much of a difference.
OK thanks. It’s not really that big of a deal as far as power needed because these panels are dedicated to a solar mini split that I really only use during the summer. Plus, it’s also hooked to the grid.

Will all this wintertime shading eventually hurt the panels or cause hotspots or something? All of them are shaded pretty equally at this point.