diy solar

diy solar

B-Mod's latest activity

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    B-Mod reacted to Subdood's post in the thread DIY 3.6kW bifacial ground mount system with Like Like.
    And finally last weekend my wife and I installed the panels. They were hefty, about 63lb apiece, and were stored in our old house about...
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    B-Mod reacted to AntronX's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    Here is my daily grid energy usage averaged over 7 days comparing 2022 vs. 2023. Difference shows my hobby offgrid solar contribution...
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    B-Mod reacted to danmc's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    Here's my usage for the last 12 months. The grid consumption figure is a little misleading as I only really use the grid when my energy...
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    B-Mod reacted to Zwy's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    Since flipping the switch, we have increased usage by almost 2 Mwh. I keep adding more dump loads to use the excess. Today still...
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    B-Mod reacted to hugemoth's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    I looked but couldn't find my last power bill. It was about 35 years ago. I seem to remember a price of 4.3 cents per KWH.
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    B-Mod reacted to 42OhmsPA's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    Wow my provider is not mobile friendly, the best I could get viewing as a desktop site. Started in October 2022, expanded ~September...
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    B-Mod reacted to automatikdonn's post in the thread Share your success with Like Like.
    Here is a snapshot of my power bill over the last two years. Share your success with your off grid(ish) systems. System was...
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    B-Mod replied to the thread Share your success.
    I started the system up late in 22, spring of 23 I cut the cord and went full off grid. Last summer (didn't get it online till Jan 1 24)...
    • thumbnail-13.jpg
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    B-Mod replied to the thread N-G Bonding.
    You might want to check the code on these thoughts. Over 20 years ago they started making you feed separate building with hots, neutral...
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    Had a weird day. Was working on the panels of one MPPT channel until about 14:00 then turned it back on. We got over 150kWh today even...
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    B-Mod replied to the thread N-G Bonding.
    Wow, I was only half paying attention this morning. I did not realize this either.
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    B-Mod reacted to timselectric's post in the thread N-G Bonding with Like Like.
    I just realized that there are two people asking about two different systems, in this thread. This is getting confusing, trying to keep...
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    B-Mod reacted to timselectric's post in the thread N-G Bonding with Like Like.
    You need to start your own thread. This is too confusing.
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    B-Mod reacted to wattmatters's post in the thread Electric cars with Like Like.
    Since this is a thread meant to be about EVs, thought I'd post my EV charge stats up to end-February: My home charge set up uses...
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    I know how the timing and help issues go. I have to find the time when it is not snowing or raining or too hot. Then i have to fly my...
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    I have 6.6 kW of PV panels in the shed waiting to go up at some stage. It's not a simple job for me though, so timing and getting some...
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    B-Mod reacted to GXMnow's post in the thread Powering your house from a V2L-capable EV with Like Like.
    I am kind of dragging my feet a bit when it comes to getting an EV. One of the features I am waiting for is a decent bidirectional...
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    B-Mod replied to the thread N-G Bonding.
    Is the bar on the right directly bolted to the enclosure, or is it isolated? Can't tell by picture.
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    B-Mod reacted to 1201's post in the thread Electric company has it figured out with Like Like.
    Now we're only 10% is the population but when the prices and fees are right we will become 100% is the population and use the sun...
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    B-Mod reacted to Spunky's post in the thread How to pick solar panels? with Like Like.
    Here's your Panel Calculator . And some near by used panels listed here on the Forum's for sale page. I'm located 4-5hrs north of you...