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  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Didn't even dawn on me until Zwy questioned it. 3 wire in and 3 wire out. If it will fix the flickering? We shall see
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Still, 0 response from this "engineer" or SunGold. DO NOT BUY THIS INVERTER!
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Interesting since they offered all those models for exchange. I would not be surpised to see they all come from the same factory.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    You want an inverter with clear issues? Insanity
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    AC input is wired in. On ac bypass the neutral and ground are unbonded. In battery mode they are bonded, so I lifted that bond per the instructions from Reliance and NEC. The inverter neutral goes to the reliance panel which is just a pass though to the main buss bar. I can put the screw back in...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Since it is grid connected is there another way this is handling the neutral ground bond that is not documented? They really need to send proper electrical schematics with these Taiwanese inverters. Guessing is dangerous.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    the cap is on the output and the inverter is setup solar charging only and on battery.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Yes they were on. I am beyond intrigued to see inside this box. How is DC charging voltage from the mppt input which has the battery disconnected when I was testing (so the output was 100% from solar) so much better!? Granted the lights still flickered but that is at least a halfway decent...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    and grid turned off to the inverter
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    100% reproducible and coincides with my fluke meter
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    That's correct. It is simply a pass though to the main panel. The neutral ground bond screw in the inverter was removed since I am using a generator transfer panel and not a true sub panel. The neutral and grnd are already bonded on the house side whether the inverter is in bypass or battery mode.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    It will be interesting. They do not give any specs on THD I read through the manual and online material several times now.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Supposedly I will be speaking to an engineer, I truly hope he is the famous one ?. Old inverter is going back to California for him to inspect it and hopefully come up with a solution. Someone correct me but I was under the impression that Voltronic made Growatt, MPP, the EG4 units and SunGold...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    81-104 watts is being drawn from the grid whether the unit has it's outputs on or off. The 9 watt background draw is the clock of the stove and the electronics on the heat pump hot water heater.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    There is no exterior dimmer in that instance. You can not use Hue bulbs with external dimmers. They can only be dimmed though though own app.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I tried using an Xstar V4 18650 charger off the inverter a few days back but the transformer was letting out a whine and the display was flickering. Switched it back to bypass, no issue. Just going to leave it there until we get an answer from Sunpower. Most other ac/dc chargers I tried worked...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Meh, they did just respond with, "You are the first to show an abnormal waveform. Keep waiting, the engineers need to verify the issue it's going to be a few more days". Which ok I get it but if the waveform I sent is not what they said the spec is just replace the unit or send me the inverter...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    OK, I promised some scope videos and yesterdays were lacking. I found an older scope in the garage and checked again. Grid input to the inverter:
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    What's odd is that we have this exact same configuration (grid connected reliance transfer switch with pass though neutral) running in our cabin and have 0 issues. That is a small 3kw Growatt though that only runs at about 5% capacity max. It was already installed when we purchased it, I never...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Have a feeling we are doing their R&D for them.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    So with the grid off the load shifts to the battery. Looks like all the standby power usage of the unit is drawn from the grid if it is available with no option to disable it. THAT IS DUMB!
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    @Will Prowse By any chance did you check the output waveform of the SP6548? I am already locked into this unit under my existing permits so before I go and pay for a replacement to avoid months of downtime I would like to know if this is an issue isolated to this unit. Figured it's a long shot...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Unfortunately I have it set to solar charging only. But, funny you brought that up. I did notice last night that even when set to solar only the BMS was reporting more amps than the panels were producing. I threw my amp clamp on the input and saw 2 amps coming in on the mains connection. Now is...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I have 45kw of battery... I am not worried about that. If it defaulted to grid for that load there should be an option to put that load on the solar/battery. If it is on SBU it should default to that automatically.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I sent them an email. They are still "working" on a resolution for the flickering lights so I have little faith this will go anywhere. The point of a hybrid unit is to use as little grid power as possible. Drawing the standby load from the grid when there is solar and battery available makes 0...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    good to know! I think it's just a dud. Hopefully we can resolve this amicably. So far it's like pulling teeth. Again, the language barrier is tough especially when you get into technical topics. Will update when I find out more.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Just gave it a try with a 1200w space heater, no change in the flickering. Adding an incan bulb to places like an office with just 1 fixture kinda stinks. Point is to save energy not use more to help the inverter figure things out. If my other cheap pure sine inverters run these loads directly...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    They sent the wrong range scope. But the drifting back and forth show the inverter clearly has a problem. I tried it with no load, 3kw resistive, 500w resistive, no pv or grid.. nothing changed. Every anomaly in the waveform coincided with the lights flickering in that room. The video I took on...
  • Post in thread: Sun Gold Power 6500 is a clone? Or MPP Solar just pissy at the competition?

    It is a clone. They have different components and use a daughter board that the original design does not need. After months of fighting with SunGold over flickering lights, seeing people here complain about similar issues with the EG46500EX I think we have all learned a lesson about clones. Not...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Unsure how those are wired. Just saying how I tested it to compare apples to apples. 99% certain the problem has been resolved. Tested everything that has been giving me problems and so far no issues. Need to bring a scope home from work.
  • Post in thread: Sun Gold Power 6500 is a clone? Or MPP Solar just pissy at the competition?

    They can not all be the same electronically. If they were we would not have these issues with some brands and not with others. My loaner MPP has no daughter board, different fans, different fan cutouts, 1.2 amps less draw at idle and best part... no flickering lights or error codes all on the...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Sample from the grid inlet to the inverter. Waveform is clipped due to the limitation of the scope but notice it does not waver like the inverter.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I don't believe a passive filtering device would be able to correct the problem. When we were on gen power I had to install that unit to get a clear image and eliminate hum. It wasn't cheap but it solved the problem 100%. Fluctuating dirty power in, crystal clear120v 60hz on the output. Well...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Since I am playing guinea pig I ordered a 10A and 30A filter. We shall see!
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    These short clips were created to send to the manufacturer as they are they are now non-responsive. I ordered directly from their site and paid with PayPal, am debating on opening a case. I will give them another day. Building inspector wants the entire system removed if we can not do a 1 for 1...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Here is the inverter with PV as the only connection. It's a much better waveform but still quite dirty.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Afraid I am going to be told it's a "characteristic" of the HF inverter since I see tons of posts about this on Growatts and no one seems to have figured out a fix.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Hard to see due to the phone camera shutter speed but it is there It's easier to see when I did not have the correct range scope. Dances around like a wet noodle.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I am STILL going back and forth with them! Basically it's a design defect that they claim goes all the way back to the base design. IE no way to fix it. But, they are continuing to use this design..... wth
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Some serious truth in that. Lost my last job to outsourcing and downsizing.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I saw Will's review of the new EG4. He noticed a circuit breaker on the input and some changes in the inverter caps and mosfets as well as a different firmware. This SunGold unit also has the breaker on the input and the firmware is different than the LV and the EG as it shows revision 69. It...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    It is easily visible on the scope but my camera just doesnt capture it well. I did see the exact waveform anomalies on a YT video about Growatt flickering. He said his stabilizes after some time but mine does not.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    That is exactly my issue. The majority of the first floor lighting is tied into the family room outlets. Kitchen cans are tied into the dining room lights and receptacles. It makes 0 sense but that's how the do it in the US. I really don't have that option unless I rewire the house and that...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    Something is up.. nothing would run off that waveform. Also the first waves looked like modified sinewave.. weird. Is the power supply isolated? I used an isolated power supply and connected my scope to hot and neutral not just 1 leg.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    OK, had me second guessing myself. This flickering is just so odd I'm grasping at straws.
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    The flat spot is clipping due to the lower range of that scope. That is why I found a scope with a larger range. You can see the shifting in the wave better on the scope with the blue backlight.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    That is not normal, I just double checked and mine immediately kicked over to bypass when I flipped the battery disconnect. I noticed this when I installed the shunt, it kicked back to bypass when I killed discharging through the BMS. It did have a bit of a longer delay than I would like though...
  • Post in thread: SunGold Power SP6548 Flickering lights after new install

    I would be OK with an inline isolation transformer but I can't find anything meant to be hardwired under 1k. Just doesn't make sense to put a 1k bandaid on a 1.3k inverter.

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diy solar