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diy solar

Climate change, COVID, and other things...


Since they both used Trust the Science.

The mask makers wrote warnings and put them on side of mask box will not prevent or stop covid then ppl simply tied a rag around their face used it over and over Petra dish effect.

Ppl were being tested to how much they would comply. The govt was pleased with the willingness of ppl to comply. We have the best govt money can buy.

We as a free society failed and gave up freedoms for false security and in process lost as well 2 years off our lives by complying. $5 trillion dollars for American cost of “covid - money spent on transgender studies in foreign countries.” Among other things. Children least group likelt more or less forced to vax. Our govt leaned on business to force employees to vax.

I’d say we failed the Freedom Test. Sweden said No to mask. So….

Strange how the USA lost more ppl to covid than any other country. Just strange. Open the flood gates and let the illegal immigrants in. Remember those 5 democrat governors that flooded old folks homes with ppl infected with covid. Remember those old folk were most at risk.

Most ppl missed those things but are waking up. There is no statute of limitations for murder.

Some ppl in the public trust have lost it.
Initially my knee jerk also included the climate aspect. Unfortunately, I’m over my skis in this realm as that’s not what I studied. But objectivity is just as straight forward in any case.
I followed the Michael Mann defamation trial closely
For those not familiar with Michael Mann is an atmospheric science professor, made the “hockey stick” graph of 1999 regarding climate temps and really kick started the Al Gore speak of society.
The problem? He would not share the math on how to replicate that. Saying it’s proprietary.
So how can his work then be peer reviewed? In short it can’t, except by those in the same payroll.
What happened to the dissenters?
See link below

Here’s an example of how Michael Mann and the like operate

Additionally he launched sexual attacks at other women scientists such as Judith Curry saying she was “sleeping her way to the top”
He falsely told a nasa scientist that she had an affair with a married professor
He acknowledged these facts were incorrect in court, and refused to apologize
He criticized fellow climate scientist Steven mcyntire as “human filth” for stevens critique of the hockey stick data
Penn State wanted to censure Mann for scientific malfeasance but the president of PSU Graham Spanier blocked it (he later served time for blocking the the Jerry Sandusky investigation)

It came out in the trial that his data was in fact, erroneous

This sounds nearly identical to how the fauci, ralph baric, Peter daszaks operate when questioned on gain of function research.
Really.. so I guess the 250.000 deaths were a joke..
Gimme a freak break
Nobody said that people didn't die - but the average age of those dying 'from' or 'with' Covid was the same as the average life expectancy... i.e. in the U.K., people dying 'from' or 'with' Covid had an average age of 83 - and the average life expectancy was 82...
How is that a 'pandemic' when the people dying are dying at the same age they would die anyway?
Secondly, all 'Covid' deaths were diagnosed as such only because of a fake 'PCR test' (the inventor of which, Kary Mullis, said couldn't be used for quantitative measurements, i.e. you cannot use PCR to find out how much of a virus a person has in their bloodstream, only that it exists - but Kary Mullis says that with PCR you can find literally ANYTHING you want to, in somebody's blood, because it is such an effective amplifier of DNA.
Do you know what a PCR Cycle Threshold is? It's the number of times you amplify the chosen DNA that you are searching for - during the Scamdemic, they were using higher and higher Cycle Thresholds, in order to get a 'positive' result.
Even though a 'positive' PCR test didn't mean you actually had any SYMPTOMS - you know - actually being ILL. Yet millions of people were sent home for work for two weeks, all over the West, because they had a 'positive test', but nothing wrong with them.
Have you not watched 'Event 201', from November 2019?
The so-called 'vaccines' (which are MRNA gene therapies, not 'vaccines') don't stop you from getting 'Covid 19' (i.e. a positive result on a fake test), don't stop you from transmitting it, and therefore don't WORK, but we haven't got our money back from the pharmaceutical companies yet...

Again, I ask - why aren't thousands of 'unvaccinated' people (like me) dying from 'Covid' every month in the U.K., if Covid was a 'deadly virus'?
To put it more simply - just as they did with 'AIDS', Big Pharma redefined deaths FROM OTHER CAUSES as 'Covid' deaths, by using a fraudulent 'test'.
If you tested positive, your death from cancer, dementia, pneumonia, heart attack, etc. was redefined and added to the 'Covid death' numbers, even though you didn't have respiratory symptoms... and therefore didn't die from 'Covid', which is a respiratory illness.
It isn't hard to understand.

If Covid was a real, deadly virus, with a high infection fatality rate (note how they never talk about the IFR now), then the UK government wouldn't have held staff parties (Boris Johnson, anyone?) because they would have been terrified of dying from 'Covid', and they would STILL be harrassing and threatening the 'unvaccinated' (like me), because of the alleged 'threat' we represent.

All those unvaccinated people went on marches in their tens of thousands, all ignoring the ridiculous 'two metre rule', yet they weren't dropping dead.

All those police officers who were happy to PHYSICALLY ARREST protesters who were obviously unvaccinated... why weren't the police terrified of catching the 'deadly virus' from people they were manhandling, gripping, holding, touching, and breathing the breath of? Isn't that strange...

As I have noted in the past, the western world came within a knife’s edge of being completely subjugated and placed under perpetual medical tyranny by a coalition of government officials, globalist interests and corporate partners. Liberty movement analysts have talked often of “open conspiracy,” but it was not until the pandemic response that we truly witnessed the mask come off and the greater agenda revealed.

Not more than five years ago the most common retort from skeptics was that such a conspiracy was “impossible” because it was “too elaborate to organize.” Today these people look rather foolish. It is undeniable – There is a cabal of power elites, they are highly organized around the globalist ideology and they want total centralized control of society. It is an immutable fact supported by endless proof. The debate is over. The covid response ended it.

The list of crimes against civil liberties is long. The establishment and the political left (with the help of a handful of Neocons) tried to implement unprecedented authoritarian measures from business and church shutdowns to forced masking (studies show the masks are useless) to forced vaccination using experimental mRNA products with no long term safety testing. In some countries (including New Zealand and Australia) covid camps were actually built to imprison not just citizens traveling overseas, but non-traveling citizens as well. Legislation to build such camps was pushed in the US.

A large percentage of Democrats in polls supported even more extreme policies, including:

55% of Democrats wanted fines for unvaxxed Americans.
59% of Democrats wanted the unvaccinated forcefully confined to their homes.
48% of Democrats wanted prison time for anyone that questioned the vaccines.
47% of Democrats were in favor of government tracking of the unvaxxed.
29% of Democrats were in favor or taking children away from the unvaxxed.

So, if someone tells you there “are no sides” and that the conflict is an illusion created by the “false left/right paradigm,” you know they are full of manure. There are definitely sides and the globalists are not our only concern. And though there are always nuances to take into consideration, exceptions to the rule do not change the rule.

As many leftists openly admitted during the mandates, the goal was to make life so miserable for the unvaccinated that they would eventually comply in order to survive. In this way, establishment elites and leftists could claim that people “volunteered” for the vaccines and no one was forced. What they really meant was, no one was forced at gunpoint, but we all knew that threat was coming next.

Keep in mind that all of these measures were rationalized in the name of “saving lives.” No lives were saved by the mandates. The official median infection fatality rate of covid is a mere 0.23%. In other words, all of these constitutional violations were attempted over a virus that 99.8% of people would inevitably catch and easily survive. I continue to suspect that the establishment expected covid to kill far more people than it did – When lab created diseases get out into the wild they change rapidly, usually evolving to be more infectious but less deadly.

The cabal is not all powerful and certainly not infallible. They make mistakes often. The covid agenda relied on multiple disjointed factors that were difficult to predict and most of them had to work in tandem. One of those factors was the dependency on the political left (a group of weaklings) to act as useful idiots and mob enforcers. Frankly, leftists just aren’t frightening enough to inspire compliance.

Another factor was the assumption that the response of conservative and independent free thinkers would be limited and easy to control. Finally, most if not all state governments in the US had to enforce the mandates for the duration.

Globalists seem to have greatly underestimated the potential resistance to their agenda, specifically in the US where 50 million+ armed citizens were ready to go to war over the draconian restrictions. I think the vaccine passports were the KEY to the scheme; vax passports would have given the establishment full spectrum dominance of the economy with people unable to get jobs or purchase necessities without submitting to the mandates.

It was here that many conservatives, independents and dozens of red states (to my surprise) made their stand, and suddenly, like magic, the covid hysteria vanished. The media propaganda campaign went quiet (compared to the previous two years), and the mandates were abandoned in most places around the world. The globalists were not ready to risk a fight against a massive insurgency.

It has been suggested that the covid agenda is about to make a comeback with a new hyped up strain of the virus. If this is the case, then the attempt will hit a wall. With even more Americans aware of the pointlessness of the mandates and the masks it is unlikely to gain much traction. Of course, as long as the people behind these schemes remain unpunished, they will be free to try again and again until something sticks.

Government agencies and officials like Anthony Fauci remain unpunished for their numerous covid lies. Joe Biden remains unpunished for his attempts to supplant the Bill of Rights. The mainstream media and Big Tech companies remain unpunished for their collusion in propaganda and censorship efforts.

And, let’s not gloss over the fact that Donald Trump promoted the fast-tracked mRNA vaccine programs (I will admit that as far as I know he never called for people to be forced to comply).

He also placed many technocrats and globalists within his own cabinet who would later go on to help institute authoritarian policies. How much these people influenced him or lied to him is up for debate, but his current prosecution does not negate his role leading up to the lockdowns. If there is an election in 2024 and Trump re-enters the White House, remember that no president is going to save us from this fight, we must save ourselves.

The goal of the globalists will be to move swiftly into other crisis events, whether real or fabricated, to bring the population to heel. Enter today’s climate change hysteria…
The covid agenda and the climate change agenda are very similar in that they rely on a core fallacy. The lie is that these events are actually dictated by human behavior, and thus human behavior must be controlled in the name of the “greater good.” The idea goes beyond this, though, into the realm of collectivism; for the globalists and leftists assert that each individual action affects the lives of the rest of the population in a great and unedning hive. Therefore, every single person must have their lives micromanaged by the state to prevent some kind of chain reaction that leads to catastrophe for the precious bug colony.

This was the claim during the covid farce, and it’s also the claim for climate change and carbon restrictions. They have fabricated yet another excuse for eliminating personal freedoms. For covid it was the air we each breath out that would supposedly destroy public health, and for climate change it is once again the air we breath out that will supposedly destroy the world. Coincidence? I think not.

During the lockdowns, numerous globalists and globalist connected climate researchers publicly expressed joy at the suggestion that covid lockdowns could be useful for reducing carbon emissions. The phrase “climate lockdowns” started circulating around major conferences and in various globalist funded studies.

These studies obviously show a precipitous drop in human based carbon emissions during the lockdowns, but still do not provide any evidence that man-made emissions actually cause climate changes. This remains the underlying con game of the climate narrative – Climate researchers with access to billions in government funds and think-tank funds happily operate on the ASSUMPTION that emissions cause warming, when in fact they have zero evidence to support this position. Correlation is not causation.

This summer, the media has been relentlessly pounding the climate propaganda drum to a degree that mimics the covid propaganda of a couple years ago. The nihilistic reports of impending “global boiling” are built upon a house of cards. Almost all climate crisis claims are based on records of a little over 100 years old. The Earth’s climate history is vast and there have been numerous warming periods much hotter than today. All of these warming events occurred during periods of ample animal and plant life and without human industry to blame.


The climate bogeyman is nothing more than another covid-like fraud, a vehicle for grabbing power and erasing our freedoms. There is no threat, and even if there was there is nothing that human beings could do about it since we have no bearing whatsoever on the course of the Earth’s temperatures. The world’s climate has been changing for millions of years, and there is no difference between the changes of today vs the changes of the past.

The globalists know that to achieve the “new world order” or the “great reset” they desire, a large percentage of the population has to be onboard. And since most people have a measure of conscience as well as self interest, their enslavement has to be presented as a positive. Tthey must be made to believe that by embracing slavery they are saving the planet and the lives of others.

None of this is true of course, but as long as the populace thinks they are doing good they can often be manipulated into supporting immense evil.

I'm inclined to agree with everything you say except,
you appear to indicate n95 doesn't work against Covid.
N95 is quite effective against respiratory viruses including Covid, based on studies of field use. And anecdotes of a doctor who spent much of 2020 intubating Covid patients with no protection other than N95.

Sure, the virus will continue to circulate until it finally gets to you. But you survive until it's harmfulness is watered down.
N95 Only works in so far that it is properly fitted, and removed. A respirator is the only sure thing. N95 was something like 95% effective at trapping, and to be truly effective would require cleansing and immediate disposal at regular intervals, just like you would if you put on a respirator, then hosed it down before removal, and sanitized it after every exposure. This is what made the whole mask response such a farce.

It's about achieving a sufficient viral load to get infected. Replace 'Covid-19' with Sarin gas or some other toxic respiratory compound. "Yea, I'm just gonna throw on this N95, that will work". Darwin award coming up. Thus a properly administered and fitted N95 may help keep you from getting a sufficient viral load, but it needs to be worn sparingly, only during contact and disposed of immediately after, and a new N95 fitted at the next exposure, with limited exposure time.

Which is of course totally feasible for the general population.
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You need to stop looking at "Covid deaths" and start looking at plain old deaths. How many people died in the US in 2018,19,20,21,22,23,... period, for any reason.

So the last time I checked some of the latter year data was not available in simple terms, I was on the CDC site, but there was a significant increase in overall deaths during the 'Pandemic'. Significant does not "staggeringly large" make. Statistically as a percentage of the population it was not that large. If you add age to the break down it is dramatically higher in the higher age groups. I've been meaning to follow-up and check for declines, ie a dip in the curve, but some of data has been obfuscated, making weeding thru it more difficult. My guess is you will see a significant dip in the percentage of old people dying, and a mild decrease in other age groups. In other word the weakest medically are generally the most affected by any health related issues, and are more likely to have something catch up with them.
The climate agenda will likely not last thru another "Sri Lanka" type disaster. Unfortunately I feel we are on the verge of a global civil war of some sort. The majority of people listen to, and absorb the pap they are being fed, without any clue "How the sausage is made". I watched "Soylent Green" the other evening. seems prescient. I can tell you that if you remove sufficient CO2 from the atmosphere you will kill plants. If it's somewhat warmer on the globe you can grow more food. The earth is not a static system. Whatever happened to the hole in the ozone that could never be repaired again?

Scenario 1:
"The earth might warm 1-2 degrees over the next 50 years, and the amount of CO2 may increase fairly dramatically. This likely will mean more access to food for the planet in general but may result in minor population shifts here in there in areas that have adverse affects. The earth has gone through cycles like this for many millennia, there is nothing that will happen that we will not be able to adjust to, and really not much we could do to even mitigate it."

Secenario 2:
"The earth is definitely going to warm 1-2 degrees within the next 5-10 years. This is going to melt all the polar ice caps causing mass flooding along the coasts. It is likely that many low lying islands and coastal areas will no longer exist. Additionally this will burn all the crops, and create a magnification affect causing the oceans to become hot enough to kill all sea life as we know it. Expect mass panic and people dying en-mass as the effects compound. The only way to stop this is by killing off all food animals (flatulence/protein efficiency) and moving to a purely vegetable based carbon neutral food supply. All industries based on any kind of fossil fuel usage or production are to cease immediately. You can trust we know what we are talking about we have mountains of research dating back to at least 1950 showing the radical trends we need to stop. Just give us ultimate authority to control every aspect of your lives, and we will make sure you are protected from the evils of this coming catastrophe. Trust us!"

Unfortunately, scenario 1 does not have the shock factor we are looking for, nor will it get us massive amounts of research dollars. Konstantin Kisin sums the attitude of the majority of the underdeveloped countries, better than I can, and there are plenty of climate folks finally speaking out about the ludicrous claims of the climate alarmists. I think the biggest fallacy is "It's hotter than ever, we are breaking records all the time, blah, blah". So what was the temperature here in Phoenix Arizona 500 million years ago again? Be thankful its not cold. Cold bad, plants die. Old people move from the cold down to Florida and Texas and here because they don't like cold.
This is why you absolutely can not trust any of these 2,3 and 4 letter agencies starting from UN, IPCC, CDC, and pretty much all others.
They are bought and paid for to serve the oligarchy agenda - one that makes oligarchy even more powerful at your expense

So these temperatures are manually increased every year?

Nope, it's sourced inconsistently though. The problem with the temperature "at the airport" in phoenix in 1940 and at the airport in phoenix in 2023: I would actually be surprised if it was not significantly higher, and I doubt the thermometer is in the same place, but there is defintely more concrete and asphalt next to it... Nearby, increasingly numerous larger modern structures with heavy duty cooling systems dumping latent heat into the air. Static modeling with dynamic shifting datapoints is interesting but limited in usefulness.

Now, can you paint similar graphs of solar activity and volcanic activity. Can you give me just stations located in relatively stagnant areas, the top of Mt Rushmore, 4-corners, the tops of some mountains in the Appalachia's, ...

"Figures don't lie, but liars sure can figure". It's always a win for your side when you toss out data that is inconsistent with the sales pitch and add in data that sells your point. The system is multi-variant. "There are more fires!" Really? based on what? Definitely we have put a damper on a lot of forrest management. Back in the 40's we were clear cutting forrests. Hard to burn dirt. Trust me, we are not going to melt, and the planet will be just fine for my grandchildren to live on. We should concentrate on real environmental issues, not pie in the sky ones. Clean air and fresh water to start with.
the planet will be just fine for my grandchildren to live on. We should concentrate on real environmental issues, not pie in the sky ones. Clean air and fresh water to start with.
ksmithaz1, sweet line! , Spot-On., that covers our great grandkids also.
Just like loser Eric Swawell and his Chinese spy, Canadian libtards are just as frightfully stupid.

Chinese spys associated with the CCP, army and the Wuhan lab stole samples and data from labs in canada.
Just like loser Eric Swawell and his Chinese spy, Canadian libtards are just as frightfully stupid.

Chinese spys associated with the CCP, army and the Wuhan lab stole samples and data from labs in canada.


Communist govt in play taking over Canada under that Canadian - Chinese cock swallower. His papa and Mama loved Fidel Castro. His mom didn’t wear panties around Fidel. I’d say Trudeau looks like Castro but the birth - screw times are off.
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View attachment 199822

Communist govt in play taking over Canada under that Canadian - Chinese cock swallower. His papa and Mama loved Fidel Castro. His mom didn’t wear panties around Fidel. I’d say Trudeau looks like Castro but the birth - screw times are off.

Ha ha.

You can tell he's not Castros kid if you look at him side by side with his dad.

They have that unmistakable "daft" derp look.
Ha ha.

You can tell he's not Castros kid if you look at him side by side with his dad.

They have that unmistakable "daft" derp look.
Newsom is the California version of him. He was waving the chinese flag and made the street sidewalk shitters move for Beijing a linga dink dong’s vist.
Newsom is the California version of him. He was waving the chinese flag and made the street sidewalk shitters move for Beijing a linga dink dong’s vist.

Newsom is more sociopathic and clever than Trudeau, I think.

Or maybe Trudeaus idiocy is a clever acting trait.

This what sucks about being an adult. I cannot believe men like those two actually exist and that people want to be governed by them.
